Published June 26, 2024 by rochellewisoff


Genre: Anecdote
Word Count: 100


A roomful of friends came to share my day. Some of them supported me through my darkest days. They congratulate me through their tears.  

This is surreal. What will others think of me when they read my–albeit highly fictionalized—life story?  

My artwork graces the books stacked on the table, both hardback and paperback. Friendly chatter fills the winery. Everything is beyond perfect.  

Penultimate singer-songwriter and dear friend Bradley sings my song among other crowd favorites.  

Before the afterglow of this special time has a chance to fade, the sudden realization strikes me. “Where do I go from here?”

21 comments on “ONE FOR THE BOOKS

  • The book launch was fantastic and exceeded expectations. It was a fun event and well attended. Rock on Writer Rocky. I’m sure the next one will magically appear in your consciousness when it’s time. For now, enjoy the success.


  • Speak to me so I know someone's reading me. (Your comments brighten my day.)

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