
All posts tagged Friendship

1 October 2021

Published September 29, 2021 by rochellewisoff

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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit.

PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson

Genre: Non-Fiction
Word Count: 100

Seven years ago, after a long silence, Linda called me. “I need to hear your voice, Rocky. Are you okay?”

            I laughed, happy to hear her voice. “Those eating disorder days are way behind me.”

We called her Mother Tucker. She was a platinum blonde firebrand who never suffered fools gladly. No one saw through my lies faster, loved me as fiercely or hurt me as deeply.

            “I’m your bad habit.” She’d say, her eyes flashing ice-blue flames.

            Recently I learned the damned virus took her. I whisper through tears, “I need to hear your voice, Linda. Are you okay?”


I worked with Linda Tucker in the late 90’s. She saw me through the worst of my eating disorder. She’s also the one who nicknamed me “Rocky.” No matter how I fought it, the name stuck. My former coworkers still call me Rocky. For a time Linda and I parted ways (a story for another time…or not 😉 ) We hadn’t spoken for years when she turned up on Facebook and then called. R.I.P. Mother Tucker.

Linda was just a bit on the ornery side.


Published December 19, 2016 by rochellewisoff


“Instigated by Dawn Landau”  at Tales from the Motherland

To join us for this project: 1) Write your post and publish it (please copy and paste the instructions from this post, into yours) 2) Click on the blue frog. 3) That will take you to another window, where you can past the URL to your post. (folks have trouble with this, but it’s not that hard. 4)Follow the prompts, and your post will be added to the Blog Party List. The inLinkz will be open until January 3, 2017

Please note that only blog posts that include a list of 50 (or an attempt to write 50) things that made you feel Happy or 50 things that you are Grateful for, will be included. Please don’t add a link to a post that isn’t part of this exercise; I will remove it. Aside from that one caveat, there is no such thing as too much positivity. Share your happy thoughts, your gratitude; be creative; be happy and grateful, and help us flood the blogosphere with both!

50 Things I’m Thankful For

  1. Good health
  2. My husband Jan airport selfie
  3. Our 45th wedding anniversary in November-celebrating it with good friends
  4. My trip to California in November to do a radio interview
  5. Time spent painting and bonding with Olive while in Californiaart-time-with-olive
  6. Time spent with Olive’s other grandma while in California
  7. Enjoying the visit with my son Travis and daughter in love, Jaimi (Olive’s wonderful parents)

    L-R Grandma Dru, Jaimi, Travis with Olive and Bubbie Rochelle

    L-R Grandma Dru, Jaimi, Travis with Olive and Bubbie Rochelle

  8. Decorating cupcakes with my new daughter in love, Sarah for her wedding receptioncupcake-bonding
  9. Time spent in Chicago celebrating my youngest son, Christian’s marriage to Sarah
  10. Chatting with my eldest son, Shannon at the receptionfamily-fields-at-reception
  11. Friday Fictioneers and the friends I’ve made as a result
  12. My daughter in love, Sayda, a gifted horse breeder who did NOT perish in the World Trade Center on 911
  13. My third novel, As One Must, One Can debuted this monthaomoc-titled-cover-art
  14. Coffee Table Book of Illustrations – Companion my trilogy of novels to be published soon
  15. My first Barnes and Noble Book Signing in AprilBN with Kimmee
  16. A nearby indoor lap pool
  17. Good watercolors
  18. Pencils
  19. Laughter and things to laugh about
  20. Freedom to pursue my dreams
  21. My home
  22. Colors, particularly purple.
  23. Dry white wine
  24. My computer
  25. Music
  26. Dance
  27. My faith
  28. Freedom to practice my faith
  29. Good books, many of them written by friendsphoto 4
  30. Other writers
  31. Warmth in the winter
  32. Hot and cold running water – not everyone’s so fortunate
  33. My doctor who is a strong, beautiful woman
  34. My dentist who is also a strong beautiful woman
  35. My one and only brother, Jeff WisoffPSK and my brother
  36. The Miracle of the internet and Skype (living the science fiction of my youth)
  37. The ability to draw and express myself.
  38. Air conditioning in the summer
  39. FlowersBubblle Blowing
  40. Dogs and cats even though I don’t currently own a pet. They love unconditionally.
  41. Soft sheets to sleep on
  42. My car
  43. Ears that hear
  44. My mind
  45. Eyes that work…perhaps not as well as they used to.
  46. Eyeglasses and contact lenses.rochelle-with-glasses
  47. Money in the bank. Enough to be comfortable.
  48. Fingers that work. I’m blessed, after 40 years of cake decorating not to have carpal tunnel or crippling arthritis.
  49. Plenty of water to drink.
  50. Hot black coffee in the morning.rochelle-with-mug-and-books


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