Bloggers Unite

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2019 Attitude of Gratitude Challenge!

Published January 6, 2020 by rochellewisoff

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Spreading positive vibes throughout the internet.

Four years ago Dawn Q. Laundau of Tales from the Motherland (Click for more details) presented other bloggers with the challenge to spread gratitude throughout the internet. It’s very simple. Take 10 minutes to list 50 or more things you are thankful for. I managed to type 52 before the chicken went off on my iPhone timer. 

  1. My husband of 48 years
  2. My children – 3 grown sons
  3. My granddaughters- 2 adorable little girls.
  4. A contract with Diane Nine, for my latest manuscript What the Heart Wants (She said she loves it! Who can ask for better than that?)
  5. I can still do a cartwheel
  6. My regular mile swim and a pool less than a mile from home
  7. Being able to work out regularly
  8. Good health
  9. Painting-love me some watercolors 
  10. Good friends
  11. Art shows
  12. Finding my books on display in a local library
  13. Goat cheese omelets
  14. Reconnecting with my brother Jeff and making the 2nd annual trip to see him in NC
  15. Getting my furry fix with his dogs there
  16. Strong black coffee every morning
  17. A trip to Israel in May
  18. The gift of the trip financed by my cousin Kent
  19. Reconnecting with my first cousin Wendy who moved to Tel Aviv years ago
  20. My brand new, wonderful HP Pavillion desktop.
  21. My HP laptop so I can travel and still write. 
  22. My latest WIP a novel based on my experience with anorexia
  23. My continued recovery from the same
  24. A cozy office
  25. Book club-the opportunity to discuss a book with others
  26. The dance team at my synagogue
  27. KC BBQ none like it on the planet
  28. Blogging friends
  29. Friday Fictioneers – Try it, you’ll like it!
  30. Other blog challenges
  31. Facetime with friends around the world
  32. My printer, Alexis (a person and an artist in her own right) \ who makes my artwork look even better
  33. Good art and book sales in 2019 (not as good as 2018 – but good)
  34. Folk music
  35. Classical music
  36. My little Chevy Cruz, a standard transmission (dying breed that one)
  37. Nieces and Nephews
  38. Typing skills my mother taught me when I refused to take it in school (why did I need to know how to type?-what foresight she had!)
  39. A slightly warped sense of humor or humour, depending on which side of the pond you’re on 😉 
  40. Being able to flip turn in the pool (ecstasy)
  41. Spring and Autumn
  42. Lilacs and daffodils
  43. Eyes to see
  44. A tongue to taste a good Sauvignon Blanc or Cabernet Sauvignon
  45. Indian food
  46. Israeli food
  47. Fresh vegetables and fruits
  48. A woman doctor who understands and supports me
  49. A mother of blessed memory who was a grammar patrolwoman
  50. A muse who shares stories with me.
  51. Being young enough to enjoy life and old enough to remember the 50’s and 60’s…black & white TV’s, rotary phones…good times those.
  52. A blog friend like Dawn who facilitates a Gratitude Challenge.



Published January 1, 2019 by rochellewisoff

How did 2018 go by so quickly? As has become a tradition, I’m joining Dawn Landau’s positive affirmation challenge (my words 😉 ) You can find the directions here on her post. Do set your timer. I did and was surprised that in 15 minutes I exceeded 50 things I was thankful for and when the timer went off I really wasn’t finished. I named a few names but could name so many more. The number order has nothing to do with importance. This is totally stream of consciousness. 

I dare you to join the fun. I double dare you!!! 


Thank you, Dawn for doing this again. 😀 

And for another perspective here’s my friend Susan’s list. 

  1. My re connection with my brother in 2018
  2. Healthy food
  3. Water in which to swim
  4. I’m 65 and can still do a cartwheel
  5. Dancing
  6. Good friends
  7. Blogging friends
  8. Going on 7 years of Friday Fictioneers
  9. A car to drive
  10. A comfortable bed to sleep in
  11. My sons
  12. My daughters in law
  13. My granddaughters
  14. A computer on which to write
  15. Jigsaw puzzles online
  16. My elliptical machine
  17. My God who loves me, and understands me when I’m at my worst
  18. A cell phone that keeps me connected
  19. Languages – I wish I were more fluent in Spanish and Hebrew than I am
  20. My new book of illustrations and short stories –My dream book
  21. Watercolors
  22. My rapidograph pen that has never failed me.
  23. The friends I’ve made through blogging
  24. The ability to write
  25. The ability to paint
  26. Art fairs
  27. Being alive and still pursuing dreams
  28. Breathing
  29. Eating
  30. My imagination
  31. Great hats
  32. The color purple, of course
  33. Books to read
  34. Chaim Potok
  35. Did I mention my brother with whom I made a major reconnection this past year?
  36. Spending the holiday with my youngest son in Chicago
  37. The ability and opportunity to read Torah from the scroll
  38. Teaching Hebrew
  39. My Hispanic Hebrew students who help me with my Spanish
  40. Gluten free options for pizza
  41. Coffee, strong and black
  42. Cheese which goes great with wine
  43. Soft sheets on my bed
  44. Scented candles – patchouli is my favorite
  45. My desktop easel that serves me well
  46. My husband Jan of 47 years
  47. Ozarks Writers League where I’ve met agents and found wonderful mentors
  48. My sister in law who has put up with my brother for over 35 years.
  49. The opportunity to visit them in North Carolina this past year
  50. Drawing and painting with granddaughter Olive
  51. My 5 speed 2011 Chevy Cruz that’s paid for and still running
  52. Being retired from cake decorating and sign making
  53. The friends I’ve made and kept from those years of working at Hy-Vee grocery
  54. Days I don’t put on makeup and stay in my PJ’s all day
  55. Skype that allows me to chat with friends overseas
  56. The internet that has made the world a little smaller and given me the opportunity to connect with people of other races and belief systems
  57. Potatoes
  58. Chocolate
  59. My wonderful female doctor who I’ve been seeing for 20 years
  60. Continued recovery from major depression and anorexia (a little too recovered)
  61. Paper to paint on
  62. Good neighbors to share wine and laughter with, Bud and Cindi you know you are
  63. My beautiful home
  64. Fresh herbs that add so much to food
  65. My hunky dory best friend, Regina

50 Happy Things for 2015: Bloggers Unite in Flood of Gratitude

Published December 21, 2015 by rochellewisoff


If you’d like to join in, here’s how it works: set a timer for 10 minutes; timing this is critical. Once you start the timer, start your list. The goal is to write 50 things that made you happy in 2015, or 50 thing that you feel grateful for. The idea is to not think too hard; write what comes to mind in the time allotted. When the timer’s done, stop writing. If you haven’t written 50 things, that’s ok. If you have more than 50 things and still have time, keep writing; you can’t feel too happy or too grateful!

To join the bloggers who have come together for this project: 1) Write your post and publish it (please copy and paste the instructions from this post, into yours) 2) Click on the blue frog at the bottom of this post. 3) That will take you to another window, where you can past the URL to your post. 4) Follow the prompts, and your post will be added to the Blog Party List.

Please note that only blog posts that include a list of 50 (or an attempt to write 50) things that made you feel Happy or 50 things that you are Grateful for, will be included. Please don’t add a link to a post that isn’t part of this exercise.

Thanks to Dawn Landau for the invitation to participate in this happy exercise! For more information on how to participate click on her name. 


Here’s mine. I didn’t think I could type that fast. But I did all 50 in 10 minutes and then thought of other things I could’ve said.

  1. Jan, my husband of 44 yearsat the banquet
  2. Jeanie Loiacono, my agent.
  3. Good health

    Jeanie's trying to make me look tall. How's it working?

    Jeanie’s trying to make me look tall. How’s it working?

  4. An indoor pool close within walking distance
  5. My three sons, Shannon, Travis and Christian
  6. Granddaughter – Oliveswimmer
  7. A nice house
  8. 2 published novels
  9. A car that’s paid off
  10. More clothes than I really need.

    Unnecessary Bakery Uniform

    Unnecessary Bakery Uniform

  11. Good friends
  12. Friday Fictioneers
  13. Worldwide friends I’ve met through Friday Fictioneers
  14. Artistic talent and ways to use it.

    © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

    © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

  15. Enough food to eat
  16. My God and Faith
  17. Dance
  18. Plenty of paper
  19. A working computer
  20. W&B publisherstwins
  21. A sense of humor
  22. Laughter
  23. A telephone and friends to call
  24. Blooming houseplants in my kitchen
  25. The prospect of two more books to be published in 2016
  26. A good insurance plan
  27. Hot and cold running water
  28. Legs that work
  29. Ears that hear
  30. Music
  31. Sweet scents to smellRetirement Flowers
  32. A nose that works
  33. A healthy imagination
  34. Mentors who have encouraged me along the writing path
  35. Warmth in winter
  36. Air conditioning in summer.

    Ted Strutz and my Book

    Ted Strutz

  37. Books to read
  38. A doctor who understands my needs to not take pills for every ailment
  39. A healthy mouth after a summer of oral surgery and bone infection.
  40. Cool clean drinking water.
  41. A soft bed to sleep on
  42. Scented candles
  43. Happy memories


    Friday Fictioneers past and present: L to R: Beth Carter, Moi, Madison Woods (who started it), Janet Webb, Karen Nelson, Russell Gayer, Jan Marler Morrill, Kent Bonham

  44. Eyes that see
  45. Colors…particularly purple.
  46. Waking every morning
  47. A tongue to taste with
  48. Good dry white wine
  49. Sashimi and fresh lox
  50. Skype which made the world a little smaller and more accessible

    FF Lunch with MG and David S.

    Marie Gail Stratford, Me, David Stewart


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