Bright future

All posts tagged Bright future

6 June 2014

Published June 4, 2014 by rochellewisoff


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Genre: Poetic Musing

Word Count: 95


He left delicate strokes of life

On rice paper.

Katsushika Hokusai embraced age,

Unshaken by his advancing years.

Seas swirled beneath his skillful fingers

As the eternal mountain loomed ahead.

Infinite wisdom rippled from the artist’s hand.


Here is her life.

Once young and wasteful,

Kishiko lights a candle.

Undimmed eyes stare into velvet darkness.

Sixty years flow behind her

As brilliant pathways loom ahead.

I am the artist.


Here is my life.

On the path,

Kindled by passion

Unafraid of the future.

Strength in my arms

And excitement in my steps,

I am Kishiko. 


Hokusai had a long career, but he produced most of his important work after age 60. I find great comfort in this. To learn more about the prolific artist, click here.

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