Friday Fictionneers

All posts tagged Friday Fictionneers

11 September 2015

Published September 9, 2015 by rochellewisoff

South KC Sky Banner

Friday Fictioneers Farm Path

FF copyright banner finalThe next photo is the PHOTO PROMPT. Where does it take you? Tell us a story in a hundred words or less. 

Note: It’s friendly gesture, if not common courtesy, to acknowledge the photographer. 

PHOTO PROMPT - © Jennifer Pendergast

PHOTO PROMPT – © Jennifer Pendergast

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Genre: Historical Fiction

Word Count: 100


            Eighty winters have passed on Colville Reservation since Chief Joseph told us stories of our people, but his face is ever before me.

            “My heart is sick when I remember their good words and broken promises,” he said. “They confiscated our land and pursued us for three moons until we were only forty miles from Canada and freedom.”

            My twelve-year-old heart thumped wildly. “Why did you surrender?”

            “Our children were freezing and their mothers had no food.”  Chief Joseph’s weary eyes became distant clouds without lightning or thunder, heavy with rain. “I will fight no more against the white man.”




Chief Joseph and Family c. 1880

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