suicidal ideation

All posts tagged suicidal ideation

9 November 2012

Published November 7, 2012 by rochellewisoff

A Friday Fictioneers’ Welcome to 


Born 4 November 2012

to our own Elmowrites -Jen 



Now to the business at hand. If this is your first go at Friday Fictioneers, here’s how it works:

Every Friday authors from around the world gather here to share their 100-words and offer constructive crit and encouragement to each other. This creates a wonderful opportunity for free reading of very fresh fiction! Readers are encouraged to comment as well.


  • Depending on your preference, leave your blog link  in the comment section or use the linkz tool (or both ;)). My story follows for those who’d rather not read it before writing their own.
  • Please make sure your link works. There were a couple last week that didn’t. If you find that you’ve made an error you can delete by clicking the little red ‘x’ that should appear under your icon. Then re-enter your URL. 
  • If your blog requires multiple steps for visitors to leave comments, see if you can simplify it. If you can disable CAPTCHA –that wavy line of unreadable letters and numbers– please for the sake of our writerly nerves, disable it. It’s frustrating to have to leave a DNA sample, your blood type and your shoe size  just to make a comment. (So I exaggerate. But hopefully you get the picture).
  • Challenge yourself to keep stories to 100 words. (There’s no penalty for going over or under).

    Copyright – Rochelle Wisoff-Fields


get the InLinkz code


          In Rowena’s thirty-eighth year the flashbacks started.  One by one, memories from her childhood surfaced like debris in a whirlpool. Among them were the uncle who molested her and the neighbor who raped her then threatened her with worse if she told. Both happened before her twelfth birthday. 

            To punish her body for its betrayal, she starved it. Reduced to bone and thinning skin, her defense against pain became her prison.

            “What are you feeling?” asked her therapist.


            “Does it help?” He pointed to her scarred arms.


            “Do you really want to die, Rowena?”

            “I’m already there.”


Click the following link for song.

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields-Addicted to Purple

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