Why me?

All posts tagged Why me?


Published June 29, 2014 by rochellewisoff


I’ve often claimed to be my own anecdote.  But if I can’t laugh at myself…and so on and so on and Scooby dooby dooby do.  

            Although I don’t like to share my physical trials and tribulations, sometimes a situation presents itself that’s too ridiculous not to share. For example, some may recall post about my minute clinic excursion for a mouth ulcer last year that led to a trip to the ER for an abnormally low heart rate.  

            My story begins during the last week of April when I slipped and stubbed my left big toe before going of to work. I thought nothing much of it as I donned my shoe. No bruise, no swelling.  It was uncomfortable but not unbearable the rest of the day. Imagine my shock and amazement when I removed my shoe that afternoon. 

X-rays showed that I’d fractured it at the top joint. 

Left Toe

            A month later, another x-ray showed that my poor broken digit hadn’t healed. My sentence was another four weeks in the stylish, open toed “oxford.” Ironically I haven’t had much pain with this one. For this I’ve been thankful.

            This brings me to this past Friday morning. As I blissfully stepped out of the tub after a refreshing shower I banged my right toe against the sliding-door track. Sharp pain. But I’ve done that before many times over. Nothing to worry about, right?

Broken toe two

            Instead of subsiding, the pain grew steadily worse as did the swelling and discoloration. By yesterday morning (Saturday) it had swollen more. My husband insisted on taking me to the local ER.

            Before all was said and done I warned the ER nurses about my heart rate which for me is normal. (49 for those curious readers.)

            A tech came in and snapped four different x-ray views. I prayed for a diagnosis of simple bruising. Go home put ice on it.

            No such luck.

In the ER

            The PA came back and showed me one of the x-rays on her iPhone. A lovely little fracture in the middle of the joint where foot meets toe.

            So I look forward to returning to work Tuesday wearing not one, but two, ortho boots.

photo 2 (5)

            Sigh. Off to take my pain meds.







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