7 December 2012

Published December 5, 2012 by rochellewisoff

Welcome to FRIDAY FICTIONEERS, a growing global family of blogging writers founded by Madison Woods.

We have some December Fictioneer birthdays. I apologize if I’ve missed any. My sources are limited.

Ted Fashion statement

Ted Strutz-Dec. 4

Sandra Crook-Dec. 15

Kent Bonham-Dec. 21 

Mary Shipman (Oldentimes)-Dec. 22

Jennifer Pendergast (elmowrites)-Dec. 31


The rules that follow are simple:

  • Please copy your URL to the Linkz collection. You’ll find the tab following the photo prompt. It’s the little white box to the left with the blue froggy guy. Click on it and follow directions.
  • Please make sure your link works. If you find that you’ve made an error you can delete by clicking the little red ‘x’ that should appear under your icon. Then re-enter your URL. (If there’s no red x email me at Runtshell@aol.com. I can delete the wrong link for you).
  • If your blog requires multiple steps for visitors to leave comments, see if you can simplify it.  Please, for the sake or our writerly nerves, disable CAPTCHA –that wavy line of unreadable letters and numbers.  It’s frustrating to have to leave a DNA sample, your blood type and your shoe size  just to make a comment. (So I exaggerate. But hopefully you get the picture).
  • Challenge yourself to keep stories to 100 words. (There’s no penalty for going over or under).
  • Make note in your blog if you’d prefer not to have constructive criticism.
  • Be kind in your comments to others. Please, exercise discretion.
  • My story follows the photo prompt for those who would rather write before reading other stories. I appreciate your comments and critiques. 😉
  • *NOTE-If you’re not posting a flash fiction, please DO NOT use this site or anyone else’s page for political platforms or advertisements. 

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from Rich Voza

Copyright-Rich Vosa

Copyright-Rich Voza

get the InLinkz code

Here’s my own story for this week. 



            The sterile walls echoed the word as he shuffled down the long corridor and ruminated over the loss of his day job. It was the first morning in five he’d showered or dressed.

            “Why me?”  

            He wanted to turn back but he couldn’t renege on a promise.

            Stopping at room 223, he pushed open the door and then tiptoed to the bed.  Feeding tubes and IV’s snaked around the tiny girl.

            His heart raged with more why’s.

            “Marissa?” He caressed her chemo-bald head.

            Her chocolate-brown eyes fluttered open and shone with innocent faith.

            “Santa, I knew you’d come!” 


Final Note: This story is dedicated to a couple of genuine Santas, John Schuech and Allan Buford. (Yes, the beards are real). 

John Schuech

John Schuech


Allan Buford

Allan Buford

*Epilogue: Months after the posting of this blog, the much commented on word, “glabrous” meaning bald still bugged me. So I’ve returned and changed the word to “chemo-bald”. I think it works better and is more understandable. So for those who might happen by and wonder at the comments, there’s the explanation.





90 comments on “7 December 2012

  • Dear Rochelle,

    What is important to one is a trifle to another. What is a trial to some is a walk in the park to others. For every person out there with a challenge or a problem, there is someone else who would gladly trade with them.

    I will be Santa for the Keck Observatory children in ten days. Talk about responsibility. You should see the look in the eyes of a child who believes.

    Thank you for a great reminder that life is the most precious gift of all and that love is the answer.




  • for anyone interested, this picture was taken at a very new – opened in august – all-inclusive hotel in cancun, mexico. my daughter is a travel agent and recommended i go there, and she also wanted some info so she could know how and to whom she could recommend the place. although the rooms were amazingly beautiful, the hallway seemed rather oddly geometric and sterile. i’m trying to write a post about my week there, but i haven’t gotten around to it yet. perhaps i’ll just post the pictures and let them speak for themselves.


  • That is a beautiful story, Rochelle. Here’s to Santas everywhere. Hip. Hip. Hooray! 🙂 It is they’re way to give back in ways and bring joy to those little, big and in-between some joy and fun at Christmas. I remember a very special and wonderful Santa too growing up in Colorado Springs (Co.) of a Santa with a natural white beard that worked at the North Pole in Manitou Springs. I loved him. And even saw him downtown one day walking around in his ‘street’ clothes. He was a special Santa to me and all the other boys and girls. That was a very long time ago, but the memory is there.


  • that was a very unexpected ending. well done. i guess the loss of day job refers to christmas being over, but the 5 days without a shower surprised me. of course, one could always interpret the story in that the girl was having trouble focusing or even possibly mentally altered from medication – but i have a feeling that it was something more “unreal” instead of “real.” oh – glabrous?


    • I don’t know if my Santa friends pictured are paid for what they do. I do know that they put their hearts into the role. (They do both have “regular day jobs” and, as far as I know, are still employed.) I’ve posted a link under John’s picture. The article appeared in the KC Star.


  • I bet it would make all the bald people in the world feel better if we called them glabrous. You know, I never really considered Santa’s hygiene habits. Now, when I get up Christmas morning I’ll sniff around the fireplace instead of checking under the tree.

    Great story, Rochelle. Thanks for sharing some Christmas magic.


  • A lovely story Rochelle and a new word for me too. I’m never too sure about using a broad vocabulary in writing. Great online where you can look the word up, but as a reader I’m not keen on coming across words I don’t know. Still, looking back, it’s how I learned a lot of new words as a kid, coming across them in books and gradually figuring out what they meant (too bone idel to go find a dictionary).


    • Thanks, Anne, I’m glad you liked it. Loved your story, too.
      As for the new word. I’m a raving logophile, I love words and learning new ones is a passion. Admittedly I don’t care to read something that’s so littered with $100 (£100) words I have to run to the dictionary every other one, but a new one here and there inspires me.
      In this story, bald just didn’t do it for me so I ran for the thesaurus (I have one on each computer, in hardback and on my iPhone…I’m not just addicted to purple)


  • I loved this story, Rochelle. A man lost in deep depression, but fulfilling his promise to play Santa, because he had a big white beard (and maybe a Santa heart). It might not even be December, but he goes. I think he finds promise in the form of a little girl.


  • A touching story, Rochelle. I have a feeling that little girl’s smile and happy reaction is going to lift his depression and…who knows…may even be a turning point in his sad life. Loved the charming Santa photos at the end. Not written mine yet.


  • Hi! I just found You!! So happy to be part of the 100 word Flash Fictioneers! 🙂

    Really excited and really enjoying writing – well it’s my 1st one 😉

    I am touched by your story. The last line just took it for me. Sensitive.

    Great to be part of this….. Off to grab the badge for my Blog with a link back to here – hoping that’s Ok? Plus I’ll let you know if I had any trouble linking my story – I am pretty sure that it worked, but I’ll check.

    Great fun!! 😀


  • Nice little story, Rochelle. Although having to break off and look up ‘glabrous’ slowed me down a bit. I’m just a simple country boy! I admire your vocabulary, maybe I need to work on mine.
    Whilst it’s good to stretch ourselves in that way, I personally prefer to keep it real. If I’m telling a story, then I would naturally tell it in my own voice. If ‘glabrous’ was a word I used everyday, then I’d use it in a story. In other words, it works for you, but I couldn’t pull it off.
    Well done.


  • Ooh, Rochelle, I loved your story! Took me a while to work it out, but from the comments I see that I was right to assume the day job wasn’t the Santa job. You remind us to focus on the important things, however hard that can be. Big up all the Santas out there!
    By the way, I’m another December birthday – 31st!


  • Sweet, sad story. (I had to google ‘glabrous’ – I’ve learned a new word!). I’ve been following a few Friday Fictioneers for a while and have just plucked up the courage to join in. Thanks for hosting – I hope to become a regular!


  • Ted, happy birthday. Doug, good luck with the Santa gig. Must be old hat by now! Rochelle, beautiful story. My hat’s off to you for an inspiring 100 words. True story: 2007, spent Christmas Eve at a bed and breakfast. The next morning I went downstairs and unexpectedly met Santa and his wife. They were heading back home to Colorado and told me he is always recognized wherever he goes. Even one summer in Japan while wearing a Hawaiian shirt and shorts. Every year he plays Santa, often at a different venue. I have the hair, I can grow the beard, but the extra pounds I’m just not sure!


    • Dear Paul,
      There are men out there who take on the Santa mantle. The two pictures after my story are two such men. John, in particular, lives the part all year long. If I were to believe in Santa Claus it would be him.
      Glad you liked my story.


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