15 November 2013

Published November 13, 2013 by rochellewisoff


As always, writers are encouraged to be as innovative as possible with the prompt and 100 word constraints.

Henry David Thoreau said it best.

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.”


Write a one hundred word story that has a beginning, middle and end. (No one will be ostracized for going a few words over the count.)


Make every word count.


  • Copy your URL to the Linkz collection. You’ll find the tab following the photo prompt. It’s the little white box to the left with the blue froggy guy. Click on it and follow directions. This is the best way to get the most reads and comments.
  • While our name implies “fiction only” it’s perfectly Kosher to write a non-fiction piece as long as it meets the challenge of being a complete story in 100 words.
    • REMINDER: This page is “FRIDAY FICTIONEERS CENTRAL” and is NOT the place to promote political or religious views. Also, you are responsible for the content of your story and policing comments on your blog. You have the right to delete any you consider offensive.

    **Please exercise DISCRETION when commenting on a story! Be RESPECTFUL.**

    Should someone have severe or hostile differences of opinion with another person it’s my hope that the involved parties would settle their disputes in private.

  • Like us on Facebook
  • ;) My story follows the photo and link tool. I enjoy honest comments and welcome constructive criticism. :D
  • Shalom,


get the InLinkz code

**Note: My response time after Thursday might be a little slow. I’ll be hosting fellow FF’r Janet Webb (meeting her in person for the first time! :D) and she’ll be accompanying me to the Ozarks Writers League-OWL-conference Friday. I’m looking forward to seeing a few more of us there. Wish we could all meet face to face. ;)**

Genre: Literary Fiction

Word Count: 100


For two years I saved to travel to the Holy Land where I dreamt of walking in the footsteps of the great Bible prophets.

After five days of touring ancient ruins and being dragged into schlock shops, I’d had no transcendent revelations and didn’t feel any closer to heaven.

On the sixth day I saw the violinist. No crowds gathered around her, yet she performed with captivating passion that would’ve humbled Paganini. I dropped several coins into her open case. And there…

                  …in Jerusalem’s Cardo, amid patrons and peddlers, I came face to face with the unpretentious face of God.



The Cardo

The Cardo

98 comments on “15 November 2013

    • Dear Charles,

      I believe that when we look for God in the lofty places we have a tendency to walk right by Him. I the MC came away with few insights that will stick with her for a lifetime.

      Thank you for commenting.




  • The desperate search to find revelation in places like Temples and historical sites, and the feelings of inadequacy when you fail to do so, is something I don’t particularly miss about religion. A person does not need to be a religious leader to inspire you.


  • Reads like a true story, Rochelle, although I note you’ve said it’s fiction. Either way, an important message, well portrayed. If God is with us, it’s in the people alive today, not just the history of the ancients.


  • I know this song well. I’ve had some transcendent moments with it. I love this story because it points out that it’s not only the big things (holy sites) that matter. Spiritual clarity can arise from anywhere, anytime, from anyone. We have to keep our eyes open or we’ll miss a very small, very important moment. Wonderful writing Rochelle!


    • Dear E. A.

      I guess it goes back to the overused, but true, expression, “you can’t see the forest for the trees”. Men build monuments and cathedrals while missing the “still small voice.”

      Thank you for your lovely comments. I’m warmed and smiling.




    • Dear Kent,

      You were somewhere in the Cardo that day. I’ll never forget this lady. While some of this is fiction, the memory of her violin solo will stay with me. Thank you for your compliments.




    • Dear Björn,

      One of my dreams is to meet each FF’r in person. I suppose that’s time and cost prohibitive for the majority of us. 😉 I wonder if Skype could handle a 100 person conference?

      Thank you for your comments and compliments.




  • There is no more wondrous feeling than stumbling upon an artist performing for herself, for god, for whomever comes along. I haven’t had that in a bit but your story reminded me. Thank you. I’m headed to work with a smile on my face.
    P.S. That is so cool about meeting Janet. It surely would be grand if we all were in a room together one day.
    One day…


    • Dear Dawn,

      I would love to meet each and every FF’r in person. Alas, I don’t know how possible that will ever be. I did have a great time meeting Janet and seeing others from this group at the conference. (Yes, Russell is just as funny in person as he is in print. ;))
      Glad you liked my story. If it sent you to work with a smile I’ve accomplished my mission. Thank you.




  • Sometimes the most memorable experiences are the unexpected ones. Lovely memory, Rochelle. I’m sure you, Janet and the other Fictioneers will enjoy getting to know each other at the conference.


  • Dear Rochelle,

    Ninety percent of life is learning to see (hear) the miracles around us. You have mastered this well. (Expressing it may be the other ten percent and you’ve got a lock on that, too.)

    Say hello to Lady Kady and Janet for me. Wish I could be there.



    P.s. Joni rocks


    • Dear Doug,

      We are blinded by negativity around us, aren’t we? Children see the miracles and adults have to relearn to see them.

      Thank you for your sweet comments. I greeted all the Friday Fictioneers who were there and said, “Doug sez hey.”




  • The hubbub of a market was the perfect place to set the violinist; music organises thought and creates stillness in the surrounding chaos. I, too, have several experiences of this phenomenon. Nicely told.


  • Dear Aunt Matilda,
    It seems God likes to stay low key, and come to us in unexpected times and places. Another well written gem that touched my heart and conscious.

    Looking forward to seeing you Friday evening
    Count Monte Crisco de Pillsbury


    • Dear Count,

      The only thing that would’ve made seeing you better would’ve been more Friday Fictioneers shmooz time.
      Nothing’s more gratifying than knowing that a pieced touched another, especially when the other is a gifted writer.

      Thank you and Shalom,



  • Rochelle,
    What a captivating story, packed full of mystery and discovery. Sometimes you find light in the places you’d least expect. How wonderful you’re meeting Janet and other FF’rs. Have a blast! Don’t worry about us. We’ll be fine. Of course, I’ll miss you, but often do you get to see your fellow writers in person. Enjoy!!


  • Beautifully written and I think looking for God in temples or churches is foolish-God will always be within us and in our fellow human beings!Am so glad you saw God in that unpretentious musician’s face:-)


  • Beautiful little vignette, and speaking truth. I have had such moments … almost choked on a cup of coffee once. I often wish I could travel the world – or at least the US – visiting blogateers and fictioneers. I know a girl who did that. Have a nice time. I’ve been a bit sick last few weeks and also my computer decided to turn into a bucking bronco.


    • Dear Tay,

      Caught me. There are elements of fiction, but for the most part a memoir. No need to pardon, non-fiction is allowed, as long as it stays within the 100 word parameter. 😉

      Thanks for commenting.




        • A few times I’ve thought of changing the name to something like Weekly Writers since about half the group posts on Wednesday.

          However, our founder, Madison Woods named it. The original concept was that the prompt went up on Wednesday and you had two days to conceptualize, write, polish and post.

          So while Fictioneers isn’t always true, neither is the Friday part. Most weeks I have entries trickle in through Tuesday. No matter, as long as it all relates to the prompt in some way.


          • Thank you for the explanation, Rochelle and in return receive this funny piece of info :
            I was so certain it was a timed assignment that I wrote all 3 entries of mine so far within 2 hours of reading the prompt and hoping not to get scolded by the headmaster?

            I guess I’ll relax a bit hence, Tay. 😎


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