3 January 2014

Published January 1, 2014 by rochellewisoff


May it be a good year, filled with prosperity, happiness and publication dreams fulfilled. 


Henry David Thoreau said it best.

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.”

In 2014, as in 2013, writers are encouraged to be as innovative as possible with the prompt and 100 word constraints.


Write a one hundred word story that has a beginning, middle and end. (No one will be ostracized for going a few words over the count.)


Make every word count.


  • Copy your URL to the Linkz collection. You’ll find the tab following the photo prompt. It’s the little white box to the left with the blue froggy guy. Click on it and follow directions. This is the best way to get the most reads and comments.
  • While our name implies “fiction only” it’s perfectly Kosher to write a non-fiction piece as long as it meets the challenge of being a complete story in 100 words.
    • REMINDER: This page is “FRIDAY FICTIONEERS CENTRAL” and is NOT the place to promote political or religious views. Also, you are responsible for the content of your story and policing comments on your blog. You have the right to delete any you consider offensive.

    **Please exercise DISCRETION when commenting on a story! Be RESPECTFUL.**

    Should someone have severe or hostile differences of opinion with another person it’s my hope that the involved parties would settle their disputes in private.

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  • ;) My story follows the photo and link tool. I enjoy honest comments and welcome constructive criticism. :D
  • Shalom,


Tree Climbing Poppy

To start off the year with a bit of whimsy, I’m posting my daughter-in-law’s picture of their tree-climbing dog. She assures me that this is untouched and not photo-shopped. Yep, that’s my granddaughter watching. 


get the InLinkz code

Genre: Historical Fiction

Word Count: 100

This week, just for Elmo, I’m writing a somewhat happy ending. 😉  At any rate, no one dies.


(With Apologies to Mark Helprin)

               In 1918 Dad deployed to France singing “Over There” and returned, months later, a sullen shell.

            Then, for Christmas 1919, Grandma gave me a stub-tailed, bull-terrier puppy. 

            Instead of the “you-can’t-keep-it” snarl I expected, Dad grinned.

            “He’s the spittin’ image of the bravest soldier in the 102nd. Bullets and mustard gas couldn’t defeat him.”  

            “He looked like a dog?”

            “Not ‘looked like,’ son. I’d a never made it outta the trenches if that pooch hadn’t…”  

            Dad coughed and blinked, tucked my pup under one arm, straightened to attention and raised his hand-hook to his brow.

            “Sergeant Stubby, I salute you!”        


Sgt Stubby



114 comments on “3 January 2014

    • Dear Elephant,

      Very strange. I tried clicking it (and unclicked it) and it worked fine but this seems to be the morning for technical difficulties.

      As for Sgt. Stubby…amazing story. He really was man’s best friend…several men in fact. 😉 His stone is at the WW1 memorial in my own home town.

      Thanks for commenting and “liking”.




  • Yup, I had trouble loading my story, but I think it’s OK now. Like still won’t work. Lovely story Rochelle, brings a tear to the eye and I’m trying not to go there. Good work as always and Happy New Year.


    • Dear Sandra,

      Sorry about the tears…well, not really. Thank you for your lovely comments, they mean a lot coming from a writer of your caliber.

      Don’t know what’s going on with the like icon. Someone doesn’t like me I guess. 😉

      Happy New Year.




    • Dear Jan,

      I noticed that. Not sure what was causing the problem. Too much New Year’s blog traffic, perhaps? Glad you liked the story. I just couldn’t start oft 2014 with a totally dark one, could I? I raise my coffee cup to an uplifting and happy new year.




  • I am celebrating my publication dream fulfilled as I am part of a short story anthology published in November. Hooray. But the big hurdle is the first fiction work and I am fully confident 2014 will be the copyright inside.


  • I love this story. Too many “entities” in this world love you for what is in it for them. Dogs don’t care. They love you for you. Great job my love……as always.


  • Thanks for the ‘dedication’, Rochelle, and for the story of Sgt Stubby. Sounds like he was a fantastic soldier in his own right, and perhaps his reincarnation can help to heal the man in your story too.
    Happy New Year – I hope it’s a good one for you and the Fictioneers!


    • Dear Jen,

      You’re quite welcome. After you pointed out my tendency toward sad stories a couple of weeks back, I decided it was time to swing the other way. (At least this week.)

      I was captivated by Sgt. Stubby’s story. He was an endearing stray with a heart as big as he was.

      Glad you caught the layers in my story. Thanks to your for your story this week. That was sweet of you.

      Happy New Year…hope it’s getting warmer for you.




  • Dear Rochelle
    Another great story that pulls at our heartstrings, well done.
    Thank you for all your support over the past year; hope 2014 brings you everything you hope for.


    • Dear Dee,

      Nice to know my story hit its target. The true story behind it is a compelling one.

      Thank you for participating and making Friday Fictioneers what it is. I believe you were one of the ones who warmly welcomed me when I was the new kid on the block. 😉

      Shalom and Happy New Year,



      • Dear Rochelle

        Thank you and Happy New Year. Hope 2014 brings health and happiness to you and yours.

        Although I don’t always manage to make the FF deadline, I do look forward to reading the stories and admire you so much for the commitment and enthusiasm you have always shown to all the writers. Long may it continue.



  • Hurrah for pit bulls!!!! A heart-warming story for a cold day and a good start to 2014, Rochelle. Sometimes the little unexpected things can be such a big help in getting back to normality.

    Hope you’re staying warm. I made it back this week, but what happened to the link-y guy on your page so we can get to the other stories? I feel like Rip van Winkle waking up and not knowing what’s going on. 🙂



      • Dear Janet,

        So far this morning WordPress seems to be behaving. No problems with like buttons or links. I’m not sure what the problem was with Linkz unless WP was having a failure to communicate.

        The more I read about pit bulls the more I think if I ever get another dog, if it’s up to me, it will be a pit.

        At any rate, it’s good to have you back in the fold this week. Thanks for coming by with your comments.




    • Dear JWD,

      Apparently other WordPress bloggers have had similar issues with the like button It seems to be behaving today though.

      I’m not really sure where I started the research thread for this one. But when I read the story of this valiant pooch I had to work him into my story. I’m pleased that you liked it. 😉




  • I have to admit I teared up some with this story, especially the happy ending. I’m a sucker for animal stories, but they MUST have a happy ending or it ruins my whole day!. Thanks Rochelle for the wonderful story.


    • Dear Jackie,

      I’m happy to know I didn’t ruin your day. I, too, am a sucker for animal stories. When I came across Sgt Stubby I just had to write a about him. He was an amazing little soldier. Thank you for dropping by.




  • Oh so cool! I’ve heard many stories of the exploits of brave animals during the war. Did you ever see the movie, “Warhorse?” I couldn’t keep a dry eye. This is yet another wonderful tale. Awesome job, Rochelle!


  • Dear Rochelle, Business first … all the blogs including mine seem to have been having trouble with the like button…
    now for the fun – I simply adored the pic of the dog and the tree and your grand-child… it was so gentle and dreamy like an illustration from an Edwardian children’s book… just enchanting.
    As for your story.. well any dog story is going to reduce me to a soft blob. What a gorgeous pic of the darling, and how cleverly you told the story – beautifully done….


    • Dear Valerie,

      I had trouble with the like button last week as well. I hope WordPress can get things straightened out.
      My daughter in law is quite generous with pictures of Olive since we’re too many miles apart.

      About a year or so ago I watched a movie I thought was going to be a lighthearted comedy about a dog and his owner. It turned out to be based on a factual story that took us to the end of the dog’s life. I dissolved into a puddle and in the midst of the tragic ending I received a phone call from a friend. (It was a DVD so I didn’t miss anything). Anyway I was so overcome I had to tell my friend I’d have to return his call later. I said all that to say that I relate to being reduced to a blob over dog stories.

      I appreciate your dropping by and am happy that you liked my story as well as the photo. As always, your comments mean a lot to me.

      Kia Ora,



  • Yep, I’ve had trouble with the like button. I click like and it changes to liked, but my gravatar doesn’t appear. I refresh the page and it’s back to the like button. The only way I can fix it is to log out and log back in again. Oh, by the by, I didn’t get a notification of the prompt either. I found it through EagleAye’s page.


    • Dear Lyn,

      It does seem that WordPress has been a little off kilter this week and quite a few of us have had issue with the like button. I’m glad you were able to find your way, in any case.




  • A wonderfully fun photo to start off the new year, Rochelle! And your story is also wonderful — again, you’ve chosen a piece of history and celebrated it with your sparkling prose. Fantastic that you celebrate this dog hero!


  • I saw the photo and immediately thought: superhero puppy 🙂 Your grand daughter is adorable! And your story is beautiful. I hope you have a wonderful 2014 with lots of love and laughter and more lovely stories.


    • Dear KZ,

      Naturally I’m biased where my grandbaby’s concerned. Thank you so much for your compliments and your regular participation. I hope your 2014 is also filled with a plethora of blessings.




    • Dear Patrick,

      A stage version of War Horse? Wow, that must’ve been some production. It was quite a movie. Thank you for coming by with such nice comments on my story. It is 100 years isn’t it? 😉

      Shalom and Happy New Year,



  • Dear Gertrude,
    I had read a lengthy piece about Sgt. Stubby a few months back. He was quite an amazing animal and a real inspiration to many. I was going to add more to my story about Gertie treeing a man (i.e. – how to capture a husband), but had already exceeded the word limit.
    signed – Scruffy


  • Loved the photo prompt for this week. I hope that little one doesn’t live too far away from you. Enjoyed your story–can’t go wrong with a dog!


  • Oh, Rochelle, you really got me with this one! My grandfather used to tell the story of how, when in the French trenches in WWI, this man came round with labrador puppies for the soldiers. Well, apparently he took one and he used to say that when they had to leave France, he had to leave the dog behind and reckoned it would had ‘died of a broken heart’. And I came to reckon that it had been my grandfather whose heart had been broken at having had to leave the dog behind. And it breaks my heart every time I remember this story. Aside from that, great story Rochelle. Happy New Year. Ann


      • Haha 😀

        Near where I grew up, there is a plaque to a dog who saved several people before the time of electricity and things like that. Someone attacked a group of people and the dog attacked them, being wounded itself, it dragged it’s owner to safety before laying down beside him and dying. The gravestone has been there for over 200 years. When they built on the site, they had to keep the stone there as it is part of the deeds of Folkestone.

        I am sure I am missing some bits as I can’t remember the name of the dog or the exact year, but that is roughly what happened


  • tail wags and paw waves both to the tree climbing dog and Sgt. Stubby. delightful way to start the new year. i fell off this bandwagon in 2013 but getting back up to start again. blessings in 2014, Rochelle.


  • Oh, I sense he teared up a bit at that. What a wonderful sentiment to celebrate life with a puppy. Happy New Year, Rochelle! I finally wrote my story, although a little later than normal. I love the light hearted photo. This is crazy stuff!


  • Thanks Rochelle for the great photo and your historical post about Stubby. The photo has helped launch the career of a new character on my blog (Super-Max, The Wonder Dog). Hope you don’t mind if I use the inspiration from this photo for my future posts. Thanks again, JED


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