24 October 2014

Published October 22, 2014 by rochellewisoff

Flowers from the Hill Thoreau

Erie Canal

FF copyright banner final

The next photo is this week’s PROMPT. What kind of a story does it tell you? Tell the rest of us in a hundred words or less. 

My story follows the prompt and the blue  inLinkz frog. I appreciate  honest comments.

😀 This week marks my second anniversary as your fearful leader. My first story as facilitator can be found here. Thanks to all who write, submit photos and support me week after week. I’m looking forward to a third great year.  😀



 *Note: There is only ONE PHOTO PROMPT.  Any photos or artwork following my story are meant to go with my story. Period!

get the InLinkz code

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Word Count: 100


            A winter wind blew across the pond. Trina huddled close to Brian on the bridge as a flock of ducks fought for the breadcrumbs he threw.

            “Remember our wedding?” he asked. “Flowers in your hair. This same park.”

            “Forty-five years ago.” She shivered. “In June.”

            “I read where a pair of swans in England divorced.”

            “I thought they mated for life. What happened?”

            “Failure to breed.”

            “Are you saying you want a divorce because we couldn’t…?” She held her breath.

            He smiled and took her hand. “Let’s go home, my beautiful swan…”

            With love and affection, Trina whispered, “…and practice.”


Framed Swans

ORIGINAL ARTWORK. Copyright- Rochelle Wisoff-Fileds. Use by express permission only. Thank you.

139 comments on “24 October 2014

  • Dear Rochelle,

    You are a multi-talented artist. Whether in pen and ink or print your work illuminates our day to day lives with love and history and sweetness. A wonderful story, happy ending and all.




  • I have started to read yours before writing my own.. Usually it’s to see what not to write. Now my thinking cap goes on. And I guess that I’m also having a 2 year celebration writing to Friday Fictioneers… I wrote my first just when Madison announced she would stop… 🙂


    • Dear Karin,

      My husband and I will celebrate our forty-third anniversary next month. We’re two aging hippies who haven’t let the fire go out. 😉 Unlike Brian and Trina, we have three grown sons who fill us with pride. But I must say I love my empty nest.

      Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Rochelle, Happy Second Anniversary! You’ve written another lovey story, this of love and wedded dedication. This one had a great happy ending. We can always depend your stories wil set an example for all of us. 🙂 — Susan


  • Great story. After 43 years with Rochelle, I am looking forward to many more. And, yes, the last line has been used by me many times. I love how her imaginative mind can go from “oh noooooo” to “Awe…” In 30 seconds flat. 😘


  • Always good to practice, Rochelle. 🙂 I’m glad he didn’t mean what she thought he meant. Lovely story per usual. Congrats on two years. That means I’ve been writing for over two. Wow! I guess practice really does work!



    • Dear Janet,

      Well you know what they say about practice. 😉 Hard to believe it’s been two years. Back then you were “Miss Tea.” I’ve made some lasting friendships through FF. And onto the third year! Kowabunga!




  • Dear Fearless (hardly fearful) Leader,

    Congratulations on a 2nd Anniversary of creating a wonderfully creative and encouraging community of writers! As a newbie, I’m glad to have already shared in the benefits of participating at least once. This story, btw, is so sweetly uplifting and, at the same time, tender and humorous – Loved it! 🙂


    • Dear JD,

      Thank you for your encouraging words. I can’t take credit for creating Friday Fictioneers. I merely adopted the baby from creator Madison Woods. And how that baby’s grown! Happy to have you aboard.

      Thank you for your sweet comments on my story, too. 😉




    • Dear Amy,

      I’m also intrigued by animals that mate for life. The fact that a pair of swans actually “divorced” and found new mates intrigued me all the more.

      Practice makes perfect, eh?

      Thank you.




  • Happy anniversary, Rochelle. I remember speaking to Madison about her search for a successor and saying “I’d love to but I’m about to have a baby”, so I knew it must be coming up. You are a worthy and well-respected leader; thank you for all your work keeping the FF not just alive but thriving.
    Turning to your story, I like the love and playfulness you sew into the conversation, and especially the last few lines. In UK English that last word should be practise, but I suspect in the US it’s right as you have it, so I mention this out of interest only. Did you draw the swans? It’s a lovely picture; I particularly like how the heart shape is off-centre, making it more realistic and still (or therefore) beautiful.


    • Dear Jennifer,

      I could see where you would’ve been a worthy successor. She told me when I first asked that there were some others interested. Then I made such an impassioned plea that she said if I was serious Friday Fictioneers was mine. Little did I know…;) BTW you can also put some of that blame on my husband, Doug and Kent who all told me I should take it on. I can’t go into great detail, but Friday Fictioneers has gotten me through some very trying times.
      As the story, I did mean for this to be an American couple. I’m truly fascinated by the differences in speaking and spelling. http://www.mnn.com/earth-matters/animals/stories/british-swans-get-divorced That’s the link from which I jumped for my story. I picture this couple to be in Loose Park in Kansas City. http://kcparks.org/park/loose-park/ When we were dating, Jan and I used to go for Sunday walks there. (Sorry in inundate you with links.)
      Yes, I drew the swans. Glad you liked my sketch.

      Thank you.




    • Dear Alicia,

      I still remember an anniversary card we got years ago saying that true love isn’t when you’re on a date and the car motor dies and he says he loves you. It’s years later when you’re sitting on the couch and his motor dies and she says I love you. I know I misquoted but I’m sure you get the idea. 65 years is a long time!

      Thank you.




  • Rochelle,
    what a sweet story. Do you know if that’s a true story, about the swans divorcing (or at least, leaving each other)? I was just wondering who kept track of that sort of thing. 🙂

    Congratulations on two years at the helm. You must have taken over just before I came, since this is my 99th story. Keep up the good work. 🙂


  • Dear Rochelle,
    I’ll add my congratulations on your 2 year anniversary with FF. As a newbie, may I say how much I’m loving it, and how inspiring and helpful I’m finding all the stories and the generous feedback the fictioneers give.

    Your story this week is also inspiring and uplifting. Beautiful.


    • Dear Marg,

      Sometimes (most of the time) I think taking on Friday Fictioneers is one of the best things I’ve ever done and then there those times I question my sanity. 😉 Glad you enjoying it and finding it helpful. I’ve found that it’s really helped my longer pieces. You learn how to say the most important things and cut the excess.

      Glad you liked my story.

      Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle, Congratulations on your 2 year anniversary, well done bringing so many fantastic writers together. Your story is fabulous! I too was holding my breath at one point … followed by a lovely sigh. Loved the ending.


  • Hi Rochelle…. New to your prompts, but with the couple that have joined in, feel part of the family. In fact, starting to look forward to the Friday to find out what your next challenge is.. And you have summed it up perfectly.. Lets practice.. Surely, 2 years would not have come without practice… Wishing you another continious ongoing set of years..


    • Dear Rajesh,

      That’s exactly how I started with Friday Fictioneers. I was hooked from my first flash fiction. And when it comes to writing, practice is important. This is one of the high points in my week for sure.

      Thank you.




  • Happy 2nd anniversary! This FF-child is fully yours now, Rochelle, but I’m proud to have known her when she was but a babe. It warms my heart to see so many names I remember and so many new 🙂

    Loved your story. Reminds me of King Henry VIII, but your twist to the modern ends on such a happier note.


    • Dear Madison,

      As always, your words mean a great deal to me. I know there were others you were considering as your predecessor, ones who’d been a part of the group much longer. Doug, my husband Jan and Kent were all instrumental in my decision to even to ask for it. Jan maintains that having this to concentrate on has gotten me through some life challenges with my sanity somewhat intact. At any rate, I’m not ready to let go of our child anytime soon.

      Thank you.




  • My dear Rochelle, I read that this is your second year anniversary. Congratulations. From what I’ve read, this blog could have come to an end if you’d not taken it over. Like all the others, I’m glad you did.

    The proof to my novel has come. After a thorough check, it goes into printing next week. Very soon – probably tomorrow night – I’ll have a photo of the proof on line.

    About your story, love it!! Love conquers all, even the disappointment of no children.



    • Dear Phyllis,

      That’s great news about your novel! I wish you much success.

      It’s my understanding that there were other who had voiced an interest in succeeding Madison in Friday Fictioneers. At any rate, I’m pleased she chose me to adopt her baby who’s become something of an unruly adolescent. 😉

      Glad you liked my story. Obviously Brian and Trina’s love was based on more than children. 😉

      Thank you,




  • Hi Rochelle! I’m a little worried that I used the beautiful Swan picture that you drew….I had no idea it was yours until Marie and you pointed it out. I don’t want to cause any upset that I used the picture and have put the details of your work on the sketch now with a link to this page: Would you prefer it if I took it down?


    • Dear Victoria,

      At this point, you’ve gotten comments on your story and the photo so I wouldn’t have you take it down. If you can just put “Used by Permission -Copyright Rochelle Wisoff-Fields” in the caption of the picture or under it that will suffice. Because after this exchange you are using it with permission. 😉
      As I said, I’m flattered that you liked it that much, but in the future, note that if it appears after my story it’s not the prompt. It’s meant to illustrate my story. I’ve also gone back and put the copyright info under the sketch to defray any more confusion.
      Thank you for your understanding.




  • I think your story very much portrays something I’ve often observed in couples who have accepted or opted for a childless marriage. Many of them have a particularly close bond; although like swans, if one of them dies, the other often follows close behind. And sometimes men find it quite hard to share a woman with children!

    Thank you for your very sweet story, Rochelle. Also, thank you for Friday Fictioneers, which I’ve only discovered recently but to which I’m already addicted.


    • Dear Sarah,

      When we had our first child my husband was decidedly jealous of the time I spent with the baby. I’ve also known childless couples who have no desire to procreate. My eldest son and his wife are prime examples. I’m a firm believer that couples who don’t want children shouldn’t have them.

      I was addicted to Friday Fictioneers by my second week. It came just at the right time for me. I’ve been able to get through some rough times by detaching and spending time with my FF family.

      Glad you liked my story.

      Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Alexis Trebeka,
    Congratulations on having been able to tolerate me for two whole years. I’m sure it’s taken some toll on your sanity. As for the old swans practicing, it’s not bed springs you hear squeaking, but their creaky old bones.
    Best regards, Arvel


    • Dear Arvel,

      I often wonder what happens if you get stuck in some bizarre position and have to call 911, Surely there must be stories like that in someone’s memoirs. 😉

      As for ‘putting up’ with you, that’s been the easy part. Did I ever give you back your joy buzzer? I appreciate the way the “pre-existing” Friday Fictioneers accepted me as Madison’s ‘replacement.’ It’s been a great ride.

      You can ask Jan. He’ll tell you I didn’t have a lot of sanity to begin with.


      Alexis T.


    • Dear Stephanie,

      Two years have sped by. I never dreamed when I asked Madison in a facebook post how to join that I’d be sitting here two and half years later as facilitator. You can blame Doug, Kent B. and my husband for nudging me. 😉 I’ve had some great support, met some fantastic writers (yourself, for example) and made some lasting friendships.

      Glad you liked my artwork…hope you liked me story, too. 😉




    • Dear Emilie,

      Swans are fascinating aren’t they? I was intrigued by the fact that they mate for life and even more intrigued when I read an article about a “swan divorce.”

      Thank you for you encouragement.




  • I just found your site. I hope you don’t mind but I wrote a story from your prompt and posted it on my blog.

    You’re story was lovely by the way. I could see them and smiled.


    • Dear Anna,

      Mind? Of course I don’t mind. That’s how one participates in Friday Fictioneers. It’s my hope that you’ll link your story so that other writers can read and comment on it.

      Thank you for the compliments and smiles.




  • Charming, lovely story, Rochelle! I could feel the love in it.

    Missed these last 2- my first time in more than a year. Really regretted missing Doug’s photo; it was a gorgeous promo! Too hard to access the wifi or find time, while away in Fiji… Now there is a first world problem! Final leg of the long journey home, today; I’ll be back for the next prompt!

    Shalom, Dawn


  • Dear Rochelle

    Another brilliant story from your very talented pen. I am always drawn to stories and tales about swans, they fact they mate for life adds a lot to the attraction. I liked the little personal note you added here, just a lovely touch.

    Congratulations on your 2 year FF anniversary. I seem to remember that I had only had the invitation to join FF a couple of weeks before Madison handed over the baton to you and what a great job you have made of organising the prompt every week.

    Take care



    • Dear Dee,

      I never actually received an invitation. I happened upon Madison’s post on the Ozarks Writers League’s Facebook page. I was still trying to find my way in the blogosphere and asked her how I could join. I was hooked from the first story. Part of that was the social aspect. I actually had comments on my blog. 😉 This was great! By the time Madison announced that she was laying down FF in October I couldn’t bear the thought of losing it. I’d made some good friendships by then.

      Remember pen pals? I had a couple as a kid, one in South America and another in Cardiff. Friday Fictioneers is like having 100 pen pals. I’m having too much fun to give it up anytime soon.

      Thank you for your lovely compliments on my story. My mouth hurts from smiling.




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