7 November 2014

Published November 5, 2014 by rochellewisoff




The disc and the dragonfly

*IMPORTANT NOTE -Please use the photo prompt in some way shape or form. Printing “Friday Fictioneers” in your tags doesn’t necessarily make it so. 

FF copyright banner final

The next photo is the PHOTO PROMPT. Study it and let it speak to you. My story follows the blue inLinkz frog .



PHOTO PROMPT - Copyright - Jean L. Hays

PHOTO PROMPT – Copyright – Jean L. Hays


get the InLinkz code

Genre: Historical Fiction

Word Count: 100


            “Too much studying will ruin you. Carpe Diem. Let’s play catch.” Ted grabbed Douglas’ notebook and pressed a pie tin into his hand.

            “Catch? With this?”

            “From the Frisbie Pie Company. It’s all the rage on campus.”

            For the next hour Douglas forgot about Yale, final examinations and commencement. Tension from late nights hunched over text books lifted off his shoulders and a sense of euphoria filled him as he and Ted flung the whirling dish back and forth.

            “This is bound to become a national sport,” cried Douglas.

            “Tin Tossing Tournaments?”

            “Why not?”

            “School’s finally driven you mad, MacIlroy.”

Frisbie Pie Tin


Have I gone too far off the beaten path with this one? 

Scout’s Honor, I started with the pictured Ford Edsels. In fact,  I spent a whole day researching Edsel Bryant Ford, the only son of Henry Ford. While I learned a lot, I just couldn’t eke out a story.

However, the Edsel made its debut on my fourth birthday, 4 September 1957. What else happened in 1957? An online timeline showed that before Buddy Holly and the Crickets went to the top of the charts with “That’ll be the Day” in February, Wham-O introduced the first Frisbee 13 January. For some reason, this piqued my interest.

If you’d like to know more now, click here for the History of the Frisbee.  

Doug and plastic



91 comments on “7 November 2014

    • Dear LIz,

      I can edit my explanation, if you’d like. 😉 I guess my reason for that is to show what I mean by stepping outside the box. I’m not suggesting that everyone should write random stories that have nothing whatsoever to do with a prompt. But if the photo took you somewhere else…it’s not what you look at that matters…

      Thank you.




        • Dear Liz,

          Your comment came out fine. I took it in the spirit in which it was given. I knew that my story wouldn’t be perceived as linking to the photo without some explanation. It’s kind of how my mind works. I start at point A and let it meander until gets to point Z, hitting all points in between. 😉

          I appreciate your taking the time to comment. Thanks again.




  • You’ve got to admire his foresight and his perseverance, haven’t you? Great take on the prompt, Rochelle. Tenuous maybe, but I think you’ll be in good company on that score today I hope so.


  • Rochelle, Well written and interesting story. The Edsel and Frisbee–one a success and the other a failure. Odd how things work out. You always find interesting facts for your stories. Well done yet again. 🙂 — Susan


  • I think you have set the bar very high on how to connect the picture to story.. the history of the Frsibee indeed.. Funnily the Frisbee came to Sweden almost 20 years later and I got it from my father who bought in Canada.. I still recall the fun we had. I also recall the story about the pie.. You truly challenge us to work outside the box.


  • Is it possible to stretch too far on this sort of activity? Everyone takes something different from the prompt, and I am frequently impressed by the creative angles taken by various bloggers in the #FF challenge!

    Before I read your official connection, I thought you were going with a ‘creativity’ angle – the creative take on the car vs the creative use of the pie tin… ah well, I can’t guess them all. 🙂

    Nice story.


    • Dear Randy,

      This might be my best review this week. 😉 It is after all, historical FICTION, right? Of course right. For what it’s worth, Doug was four that year. We graduated from different schools together.




  • Dear Rochelle,

    You’ve channeled my ancestor well. There’s just something about flying plastic that soothes my soul. Your story has me smiling and shaking my head with delight. I hear the sound of chains because you hit your target dead on.




  • Another well thought out story. While dwelling on the “out of the box” thought process used here, I wondered about other people’s perception of “what does this have to do with the photo prompt”. It is quite relevant in that if this prompts you to begin researching, and it leads you to different thoughts, it’s all good. You learned something that was still initiated by the prompt, and you expanded your mind and creativity. This is what sparks all these phenomenal stories from all you participants. Good? Yep, I think so. Some see a sunrise, while others see a sunset. Same picture, different perception. Isn’t this good stuff?


  • hahaha! Well I’m glad you included an explanation of your thought process on this one, because I must say it had me stumped! But I enjoyed it anyway, and I could totally see those boys playing with their pie tin (is it weird that I read that as “tie pin” first time around and wondered where on earth we were going?! Rev Spooner strikes again!)


  • Gawd, I always loved playing frisbee. I like doing all those crazy catches and throws. It’s never ending fun. Perhaps MacIlroy went mad, but the whole country went with him. Another fun story, Rochelle!


  • Rochelle,
    Thanks for explaining the link between the story and picture, although if you hadn’t, I might have had to go find it on my own. So I guess you saved me a few hours. 🙂 Given the option of owning a Ford Edsel or a Frisbee, I think I would go with the latter. 🙂 It made more money, in any case.


    • Dear David,

      I thought i owed you guys an explanation and a glimpse of how my process works. On occasion, the research path has led me far afield, although this one might be the farthest. 😉

      Although the Edsel is synonymous with failure, I understand that they’re quite valuable now.

      Thank you for dropping by.




    • Dear Larry,

      The photo is actually on the old Route 66. And of course my story doesn’t take place anywhere near there. This was merely my starting point on the road to Yale and the first Frisbee. 😉

      Thank you,



    • Dear Perry,

      Sounds like Brandon and Doug would hit it off. No charge for this history lesson. 😉

      Thank you.



      PS I was never much of an athlete either. Remember the hula-hoop? I could never keep it going…heck I could never get it going. Alas, my children inherited my athletic lack of prowess.


  • Cool bit of history. I like the explanation of your thought process, which somehow managed to link Frisbees to the photo 🙂
    I didn’t realise those were Ford Edsels (I’ve heard of them but never seen a picture of one). It must be awful to make something which actually spawns a brand new slang word for “complete flop”.


    • Dear Ali,

      Happy to take you along for a ride down the road to my story. How unfortunate indeed that Edsel became synonymous with flop as it was also the name of Henry Ford’s only son.

      Thank you.




    • Dearest supportive friend and reader,

      Some days are just like that. Once I read that the Frisbee made its appearance the same year as the Edsel I had to go there. You understand. Now get back to those books.




  • These characters you made up must come from a demented department in your brain. No one’s THAT crazy in real life!

    The weather’s getting colder and I need to go milk the elk. Radar, would you open one of the stained-glass windows, please?


  • It doesn’t matter how you got there, Rochelle, you always bring it– it being fun, intrigue, interesting information, humor, emotions… all wrapped in wonderful writing! Nice job, as always. And I love the ode to both the disc and your buddy. 😉


    • Dear Dawn,

      This just might be the best comment I’ve had this week. 😀 Except for, maybe, Doug’s. 😉 It lifted me out of a down moment.

      I will admit that I had as much fun writing this one as I’ve ever had. The research took longer than the actual write. I did kind of figure I went farther afield than I have with most and I had fun sharing the process in hopes that people will come to comprehend our mantra, “It’s not what you look at…”

      Todah rabbah v’shalom,


      Liked by 1 person

  • Well, I think you went around your elbow to get to your nose in coming up with a story for this week’s prompt, Rochelle, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.Thanks for letting us know about your process too. One of the most interesting things about Friday Fictioneers for me is seeing what different people come up with for the prompts. I especially love the weeks when we see a wide variety in the tales that are spun.

    All my best,
    Marie Gail


    • Dear Marie Gail,

      It was a rather convoluted journey wasn’t it? On the other hand, not so much as one might think. It all made perfect sense to me and I had a blast writing it. 😉 Glad you enjoyed reading it.

      I love it when others really catch onto the concept of using the prompt as a jumping off point and not an illustration. Thank you for being one of those people.

      Thank you for your encouraging comment as well.



      Liked by 1 person

  • My goodness! A history of the frisbee and Edsel. And now I can’t get the tune “That’ll Be The Day” out of my head 😛 Whew!

    I saw the words hula hoop in the frisbee history article. I wasn’t bad with a hula hoop. I could even hold mine in my hand and, with a certain wrist movement, get my hula hoop to move away from me and come back again. I won no athletic ribbons for that accomplishment, however.

    Much enjoyed this, Rochelle.


    • Dear Ellespeth,

      This was a fun piece to write. And I loved learning some history myself.

      As for the hula hoop I couldn’t even get it to stay up. It go one round and then fall to the ground. Ah well. We can’t have it all. 😉

      Thank you for stopping by.




  • Dear Harriett,
    Did you know MacIlroy was also responsible for the invention of child-proof caps on medicine bottles? It’s true. As a toddler, he would remove the caps from all the medicine bottles in the house so he and his little friends could play miniature disc golf. His parents got so frustrated they had to invent a bottle cap he could not remove. From what I heard, he still hasn’t figured out how to get one off without help. Just thought I’d throw that in.
    – Chip


    • Dear Chip,

      Funny. He’s never told me that story. Guess it just never came up in conversation. I’ll be sure to ask him about that. The trouble with those childproof caps is that it takes a child to open them. Ever watch a toddler figure out childproof locks on cabinets?

      Glad you happened by. I’d challenge you to a game of catch with pie tin but I can’t hit the broad side of Frisbee with a barn.

      Thank you.




  • Dear Rochelle,

    You haven’t gone off track. That wasteland looks just the sort of place for a good game of Frisbee! It’s just fine to do a lateral take on the prompt (which is all the picture is at the end of the day), and what you’ve written works extremely well.

    All the best


    • Dear Sarah,

      You’re very kind. Actually, I wasn’t really worried about going off the track. I did, however, feel the need to post the path that took me to this story. I figured there would be a whole lotta head scratchin’ goin’ on if I didn’t. I kind of nag and challenge our writers to think outside the box. Hence the Thoreau quote that’s always at the top of the page. 🙂

      Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • With frisbees sometimes it can be love at first flight. I liked how your mind took a different flight path here. Was it like that old frisbee joke – The other day I was standing in the park wondering why Frisbees get bigger and bigger the closer they get. Then it hit me.


    • Dear Subroto,

      When I was twelve, a teacher challenged me to avoid the beaten path of the masses. Somewhere along the line I took it to hear. 😉 Thanks for the laugh…old joke, but still brings a giggle.

      Thank you.




  • If the prompt took you to a frisbee, that’s where it took you. It’s a good story! I had a 1954 automatic Ford when I was in high school. One of my teachers always wants to move his car first before I back out if I’m parked next to him. He was serious. 🙂



    • Dear Lily,

      Those 1954 cars were ‘tail fin road locomotive,” weren’t they?

      To tell the truth, my explanation is merely that, not really an apology. I love when a research trail takes me in an unexpected direction. And I had a blast writing this one because I was able to include a special person in it. 😀




  • Now I have to admit that if I had researched that same timeline, I would have done something ordinary with it — like a story about Buddy Holly. But you — fearless leader that you are — dauntless pioneer of historical flash fiction — went for the real gold hidden in that year of our history. Choosing two of our own for your main characters added that extra bit of charm, and you have a winner. Nicely done, fearless leader.


  • Dear Sandra,

    Well I certainly wasn’t getting anywhere with the Ford family LOL. Although, you know, a story about Buddy Holly might have been a fun way to go. 😉 On the other hand, how could I write a story about the Frisbee and not include my favorite Frisbee flinger? Doug and Ted just seemed right. I don’t always have this much fun with a prompt but when I do it’s encouraging to read that others did, too.

    Thank you for the drive-by “tooting.” He he. Seriously, your words make me smile,




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