Character Study – Hershel Levine

Published July 20, 2015 by rochellewisoff

“A thin stream of smoke issued through Hershel’s pursed lips. ‘Practical wisdom is one thing, Rebbe, but study of the Holy Writings is quite another. Some things are not meant to be. I ask you, if we start sending our daughters to Heder, who will cook and take care of the home?’ He wagged his finger under Arel’s nose. ‘Would you want your wife studying at your side instead of raising your children?’”

~~taken from Please Say Kaddish for Me by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Framed hershel

In the beginning of the story, Cantor Hershel Levine’s ideas about women seem rigid and traditional. While his arranged marriage to Fruma Ya’el is a union of mutual tolerance, the demons from his past keep it from being a happy one. He finds his greatest joy and treasure in their daughter, Gittel whom he refers to as the sweetest of flittering birds.           

            As a firm believer in tzedakah, religious and moral obligation, he readily takes on the role of Havah’s legal guardian. Nothing like Gittel, Havah challenges his convictions and eventually wins his heart.  

Published by Argus Publishing

Represented by Loiacono Literary Agency



Check out my author page on the Loiacono Website. For all of the character studies thus far, click on the link Rochelle Wisoff-Fields Art and Blogs.

PSK Cover

Available Internationally on Kindle and in Print


14 comments on “Character Study – Hershel Levine

  • At least he wasn’t so stuck in his ways that he couldn’t be won over!
    Thanks for the video. Cantor Davidoff is so lyrical! Lovely to listen to (wish I understood!)


  • Men are like him…pretty rigid in defining the roles of men and women…all around the world throughout the ages. But only some are sensible enough to change and when that happens either due to love or devotion to any female (i.e. wife, mother, sister or girlfriend) he sees what women really are. Some of them can also feel their pain or frustration of any kind. A transformation in a character always shows possibilities of all kinds.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Norma,

      Hershel was really a sweet character to write. He grew in my heart and mind as i wrote his story. What’s funny is that he started out in the earliest drafts as a rigid, angry man but wrote himself into something else entirely.
      Thank you for commenting on my character study. I hope you’ll read my book to get the whole story. 😉




      • So, he whispered in your ears to transform him. 😉 Transformation in a character is always interesting to see and read as a writer and a reader both.
        It’s there on my list. I’ll go with the kindle version though (I think I’ll miss on those beautiful sketches). Will surely let you know when I’ve read it or started reading it. 🙂
        Take care, Rochelle.


        • The sketches in the book do appear in the Kindle version, although not the character studies. These are only online presently. My agent has suggested I have prints made and sell them at book signings. Another artist friend thinks I need to publish them in a separate book.



          Liked by 1 person

          • I’m so happy that they’ll appear in the kindle version too. I think they are lovely and since the book belongs to a specific time period they make an interesting combo. Plus I think your agent’s suggestion seems right.
            I hope you are in good health after your surgery (you had mentioned it last week). Take care! 🙂


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