A Book Signing to Bank On

Published July 5, 2016 by rochellewisoff

Belton Arvest

The way we bank today is considerably different than when Jan and I opened our first checking account in the early 1970’s when you had a checkbook and, if you were lucky an adding machine. We’ve had the same account for over forty years, but not with the same bank. To save any undue head scratching I’ll clarify the previous remark. While we’ve had the same account, the bank has changed hands three times. Same account number, different bank–from Bannister, to Union and finally, to Arvest where I’ve recently opened a business account. Everyone at the Lee’s Summit Branch has been very helpful, particularly Christina Gardener. 

What does this have to do with a book signing? 

One morning a few months ago as I balanced my checkbooks online, I found that a withdrawal had been mistakenly taken from our account. The customer making the withdrawal had an account number one digit off from ours. My horror only lasted a couple of hours as the problem was quickly addressed and corrected. One of the managers from the Lee’s Summit branch called to apologize and asked if there was anything else they could do to make things right to which I jokingly replied, “Have a book signing for me.” 

She answered, “Christina’s read your books and loves them. Let me see what she can do.” 

A month or so passed and I really didn’t think much about it. One morning Christina called and asked I’d be interested in doing a signing at the new Belton branch after they opened in June. The beauty in that is the new branch is three miles from our front door. 

Belton Author Revision

To check out Belton Arvest’s Facebook page click Here

Wednesday the 29th came. We had a lovely time and I think I might have had more customers than the bank. 😉 Being the middle of the week and a rather unusual activity for a financial establishment, I’d say we had a good turnout. Stacey Dahlman, the bank manager was very enthusiastic and wants to try it again at a later date. She also bought a copy of each of the books as did another employee. 

Here are a few pictures from the day.


With Christina Gardner

With Christina Gardner

Bank Signing 6

This is Stacey Dahlman the lovely bank manager. A special thank you!

This is Stacey Dahlman the lovely bank manager. A deserves a special thank you!

Bank Signing 12Bank Signing 11Bank Signing 2

Bank signing 4

27 comments on “A Book Signing to Bank On

    • Dear Sylvia,

      It was a lot of fun. I wish there had been more people but, as I said, I had more customers than the bank. 😉 Not to mention they want to do it again in a few months.

      Thank you for stopping by. I hope you’re having a good summer.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Congrats on the book signing. I wish our banks had the same social fibre but there are less and less branches with the move to online banking. It’s sad.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Graham,

      This is the first time I’ve ever heard of a book signing in a bank. Part of my good fortune I owe to Christina who read both of my books and then passed them around her branch. She’s the one who opened my business account for me and helped me with all the in’s and out’s.
      Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Banking has changed so much, I am in my mid-40’s and even from when I was a teenager there have been significant changes in the industry and how it relates to the customer. There are more transactions handled electronically it makes you think about what is best for you and if you have issues can they be easily resolved.


  • Thanks for sharing. In light of all the tragic, horrific news that infiltrates my social media on a daily basis I found this really heartwarming. I congratulate you on your welcome success. I am in my late 40s and have had my bank change hands so many times I forgot what it was called! Then I moved out of area and had to change accounts to a different bank. And yet again the need arises. I hope I find a branch as friendly as yours.


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