29 July 2016

Published July 27, 2016 by rochellewisoff

Summer Showcase

Summer is the time for vacations, picnics on the beach and reruns on the telly. For me it’s a time to meet a deadline in July for my third novel in my series entitled AS ONE MUST ONE CAN. Many thanks to those of you who responded to my plea for your favorite reruns. 

Friday Fictioneers Farm Path

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Our Mantra:

Cuzzinz and Thoreau

The following photo is the PROMPT. This week’s retread request is from Cuzzin Kent Bonham. If you’re one of those who wrote a story for this prompt feel free to re-post it and enjoy the respite. Remember that all photos are private property and subject to copyright. Use other than Friday Fictioneers by permission only. 

copyright -Janet Webb


get the InLinkz code

Three years ago I wrote a story for this prompt that had to be pulled for reasons told in the following hundred words I later wrote for a similar prompt. Since I am not at liberty to post the original story for this prompt…

Genre: Hysterical Faction

Word Count: 100


            Through hours of research I’d found the perfect subject for my weekly flash fiction—a family’s battle over wealth with a tragic end.

            I posted it to good reviews. But months later, a venomous barrage of remarks sent shockwaves through my world.

            “I hate your writing, you ignorant slut. It’s all lies. My father was murdered.”

            “I’d take down the post,” said a friend. “But don’t let her anger rent space in your head.”

            I learned that day about the power of friendship. I also learned when fictionalizing recent events, it’s best to change real names to protect the guilty.

95 comments on “29 July 2016

  • I loved the renting anger space. I’ve got several rental agreements going on in mine and that’s such a graphic way of putting it. But then you’re not only a great writer but a great artist too! And a master of the last line. I’ll be in touch. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  • Hi Rochelle, that’s horrific. What an awful thing to happen. I hope you were able to take your friend’s advice – not easy, when someone has been so vile, but essential for your wellbeing. A fascinating, disturbing tale.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Lynn,

      After my friend talked me off the ledge I was able to take the story down and let it go. Part of the dialogue is fictionalized although she had a lot to say and some of it much worse. Once more truth is stranger than fiction. Thank you for reading and commenting.



      Liked by 1 person

      • Just horrific. Obviously, I don’t know the true details and what the man did (clearly it was upsetting for his family) but unless you were doing a hatchet job (and I’m sure you weren’t) that kind of overreaction doesn’t help anybody. Sorry it was so horrible for you and I’m so glad you were able to put it behind you. All best wishes, Lynn


  • Nicely written!
    I do hope the story isn’t an indication to real head-space renting though.

    I remember this photo prompt fondly; it served me well those three years ago. – I wonder if I can think of something new?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Karen,

      Alas I’m not at liberty to share that story. It was a good one, though. I tried rewriting it as fiction but it just didn’t have the same impact. Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment. Always appreciated.



      Liked by 1 person

  • And that’s why I never go online with my real name. People lose all restraint… I’m glad things don’t linger in your head, I love the rent space line, too. And I won’t tell you how much time I spent trying to twist my mouth like you do on that picture. XD

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Gabriele,

      I hope your lips don’t hurt from trying to twist them into such an unnatural position. 😉 I got the expression from Lucille Ball way back when.
      Actually I’m very good at letting thoughts and people take up residence in my head. This was one time I was able to let it go.
      Thank you.




  • WOW! Just.. .wow! I’m so sorry you were treated so horribly. That person has some serious issues and I don’t think they really had anything to do with you. She just needed to take her hatred and venom out on someone and you were the perfect target. I can’t imagine you writing anything that would conjure such vile remarks, but I’m glad you have turned it around Rochelle. Rock on my lovely!~

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Courtney,

      Apparently this woman did have issues with years of this family scandal. There were conflicting stories of how her father came to his end. As I said, this was months after I’d written the story. I suspect I caught the brunt of a drunken rant. At any rate, I apologized and removed the post. I never heard from her again, thankfully. And I was fortunate that night of finding my friend online who talked me off the ledge via Skype. Live and learn.
      Thank you for your encouraging words. 😀



      Liked by 1 person

  • What a horrible ordeal that sounds like! I’m so sorry you had to deal with something that nasty. Thank you for sharing, so the rest of us can learn from your terrible experience. Change the names to protect the guilty, indeed! But also to protect ourselves.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Georgette,
    Yes, I remember the big stir you created, you rabble-rouser, you. I suggest you play it safe and just write about people like Perry and that crazy cousin of yours (like I do). I’m not aware that they’ve done anything of historical significance, but they are pretty entertaining characters. I would definitely support Kent should he attempt to run for Animal Control Officer in a local election.

    Just saying’

    Liked by 1 person

  • Yes, we do live and learn. It’s unfortunate that often times it has to be so invoved and affect others in so many ways. I like the saying “space in your head” ….that is hard to control, but with practice we can overcome it. Wonderful story, and I’m sure most of us can relate to it.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle, I wrote a piece a few years ago that was about someone real and it went viral and for a few days I was on cloud nine – until I started getting a few nasties like you did. I took the piece down but later changed my mind and put it back up. I haven’t had any more bad comments but I completely understand why you chose that path. I’m still curious though…

    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle, Anger never pays the rent ! Wise advice.

    I haven’t been participating in FF for the past 4 to 5 weeks but I did make up for it by finally reading “Please say Kaddish for me”. I didn’t expect it to be a page-turner …was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed it thoroughly.

    Look forward to reading the next two.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Ansumani,

      Your words are music to my eyes re Please Say Kaddish for Me. I’m happy you’re finding it to be a page turner. As I write I’m in the final stages of As One Must, One Can. Cleaning her up and getting her ready for prime time. I hope you’ll take the time to leave a review on Amazon.com. Those reviews help boost sales.

      Thank you for coming by. You have been missed.




  • Rochelle,
    good to be back in the group. I think I remember that story, or at least the backlash you shared about it later. Changing names is always smart, I think. Nice story even if the situation it stemmed from wasn’t nice. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear David,

      Every picture tells a story, don’t it? (Thank you, Rod Stewart.) Somehow the story didn’t work as well without the real names, as it involved the family of the inventor of the shopping cart. He shall remain nameless here but you can find him if you Google. Live and learn and keep writing. Glad you’re back.




    • Dear Vijaya,

      Thank you for your kind words re my story about a story. We live, learn and keep writing. I’ve been told my face is made of Silly Putty. This comes in handy in my other life as a mime. The face next to mine…well that’s Cuzzin Kent there and I can’t account for him. 😉




  • … and boy, what a lousy day yesterday was. Glad it’s all in the past.

    Like they say, unless life gives you water and sugar, your lemonade’s gonna SUCK. Right?

    Five out of five clean-up’s in aisle five.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Clare,

      In light of the records and the family scandal, I can understand the woman’s being upset. She wasn’t exactly diplomatic, though. As to the original, it’s now classified information. 😉

      Thank you.




  • Of course I’m curious, but understand. If it was 2014 instead of 2013, from the shopping cart and a family’s battle over wealth I would have guessed it was about Market Basket, but the date is wrong and I doubt if you would have received threats over that. Anyway, sorry about the ordeal.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Kevin,

      She really wasn’t worth the time it would’ve taken to make the effigy. Obviously there was a scandal the family tried to sweep under the rug as evidenced by the court records and conflicting articles concerning her father’s death. I believe I was the brunt of a drunken rant. Once I took down the post I never heard another word. I suppose it could be a blockbuster. So many ideas, so little time.

      Thank you.




    • Dear Sabina,

      It was a lesson learned. Although there are a lot of actual people in my historical fictions, it never occurred to me that since this was more current history, there might be backlash. A little more caution from here on out. Thank you for reading and commenting.



      Liked by 1 person

  • How clever to write a story about a story, and it provides plenty of food for thought. The experience you describe sounds just awful, I’m glad your friend was there to hold you up and suggest a strategy.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Emily,

      While we want to provoke emotions as writers, this wasn’t the one I was going for. 😉 So if my experience can help someone else to take caution it was worth it. In retrospect, it wasn’t all bad. I mean my work got noticed. Right? That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

      Thank you.




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