Published March 13, 2017 by rochellewisoff

Today Pegman takes us to Dublin.

Feel free to stroll around the area using the Google street view and grab any picture you choose to include in your post.

To enjoy stories inspired by the What Pegman Saw prompt or to submit your own 150-word story, visit the inLinkz button:

For guidelines and rules for the What Pegman Saw weekly writing prompt, visit the home page.

This week’s location was suggested by the talented Alicia over at Up From the Ashes. Thanks Alicia!

Thanks to Karen Rawson for running the show.


Sorry to be so late this week. I had a busy weekend and really didn’t think I’d make it at all. However the Pegman Force is strong and resistance was futile. Below is my choice from the Pegman Prompt Buffet. 

Genre: Anecdote

Word Count: 150


My mother cradled my newborn son in her arms. “Look at his Yiddishe punim. If you couldn’t have a girl, the least you could’ve done was name him after my father of blessed memory. Sam’s a good name.

I grimaced. “It’s not like I had control over the sex, Mom.”

She glowered and I could pretty much read her mind as soon as the words “control” and “sex” left my mouth. Her opinion of my marrying a goy was no secret.

“You can always come home,” she often reminded me—until the day I announced my pregnancy.

Despite her objections and disappointments, over the years Mom grew to accept her son-in-law and adore her grandson. No matter what, she insisted on calling him Sammy.

“What kind of name is Shannon for a Jewish boy?”

What better name for a baby born the day before St. Patrick’s day?



36 comments on “MAZEL TOV BEGORRAH

  • MAZEL TOV BEGORRAH… as I live and breathe! Cute story, but don’t get to used to those extra 50 words. A handsome boy, R W-F.

    When I saw that photo prompt I asked my son-in-law Declan if he knew of it. Of course he did being from Dublin..

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Karen,

      The P.Force is strong indeed. I really had no time to write this weekend. Your comment makes it worth taking the time.
      I took a ribbing from my brother who used to refer to Shannon as Spud. 😀

      Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Dale,

      I’ve known Dales and Shannons on both sides of the gender fence. In any case, if you knew my son, you’d know how well his name fits him. Bill or Willie would never have worked for him although my dad referred to him as “Willie of the Fields.”

      Thank you for bouncing by. 😉




    • Dear Tracey,

      We have a nephew names Sean Patrick. But then, my sister-in-law’s maiden name is Murphy. 😉

      It’s fun to do a different prompt and not be the head mistress, that with the 50 extra words…good times. Cheers.



      Liked by 1 person

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