Published April 29, 2017 by rochellewisoff

Today Pegman visits Chicago, Illinois.

Feel free to stroll around using the Google street view and grab any picture you choose to include in your post.

To enjoy stories inspired by the What Pegman Saw prompt or to submit your own 150-word story, visit the inLinkz button:

They say location is everything. Many thanks to Karen Rawson and her highly significant other, J Hardy Carroll for hosting and sharing a new location to challenge us every week.

Chicago River

Some reading might remember this story from Friday Fictioneers two years ago. I took the liberty of revisiting and adding fifty words to it. 

Genre: Historical Fiction

Word Count: 150


“Place Where the Skunk Weed Grows”

             Catherine DuSable walked along the shore of the Eschikagou while her beloved Jean-Baptiste slept. Today a steady stream of customers had come to their trading post to buy and sell. Usually she enjoyed the stories they shared.

             One trapper eyed her. “What you want for that fine squaw, Monsieur DuSable?”

            “My wife is not for sale.”

            She raised her hands to the sky and danced beside the waters, shaking off the trapper’s leering image.   

            “Mama, I can’t sleep.”

            She turned to see Susannah whose tight black curls and dark skin glowed in the moonlight. So like her father. Catherine scooped the child into her arms.

            “When I was little I prayed to Kichi Muhnido, the Great Spirit, for peaceful dreams.”

            “You mean St. Raphael. Papa says…”

            “For him I am Catholic, but in my heart of hearts I will always be Kitihawa, of the Bodéwadmi, keepers of the sacred fire.

Click Here for a bit of Background

Original Artwork © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

36 comments on “SHIKAKO

  • Look at you, Ms Early-Bird-Getting-the-Skunk-Weed-Worm! Excellent story with so much that goes deeper than the words.

    You picked a time in Chicago history I was tumbling around with myself. Alas, I am wrapping up a big project and might put off mine until after the weekend. But so happy to see yours!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Karen,

      And here it is Sunday morning. I didn’t have another chance to get back to the computer the rest of the day. As I confessed at the beginning, this is actually an expansion of a Friday Fictioneers piece I wrote a couple of years ago. When I saw that we’re in Chicago this week I had to see if there was more to the story. Happily the addition of 50 words added a whole new dimension.

      Thank you so much for your lovely comments. I’m looking forward to reading your story.



      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Lish,

      I’m usually up between 0300 and 0400, although since retirement I sometimes sleep in until 0500. On this one I ‘cheated.’ Actually it’s better to say I took advantage. You might remember the story as WILD ONIONS from January 2015. I shared the artwork at that time as well. Happily, I found that the 50 words added a new dimension to the story, so it’s not exactly the same. 😉
      Thank you.




  • I love the artwork, Rochelle. It’s entirely fitting for the story. My oldest daughter lives in Chicago, at least temporarily, she works for the EPA. She loves the city and is torn with wanting to be closer to home and hating the idea that she may have to move away from the city.

    I think mine may need to wait until later. I got too many ideas bouncing in my head to make a quick choice.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear April,

      My youngest son and his wife live in Evanston which is part of Chicago. They love it and that’s where her family lives so I don’t see them coming to the KC area anytime soon. (sigh)
      Thank you for coming by to read and comment. I look forward to your story.




  • Dear Her-of-Many-Names,

    Loved your little tale of the Windy City. People say I’m kinda windy myself. I’ve cut broccoli out of my diet, but it hasn’t had much effect so far.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Silver-Striped-Skunkinsky,

      I’m sure the people of Arkansas are relieved since there’s enough trouble with crumbling roads and flooding. Glad you liked my little tale. Thank you for skunking by.




    • Dear James,

      It fascinates me that a city like Chicago is riddled with racial tension and its founding father was a black man married to an indigenous woman. Go figure. Thank you for your kind comment.




  • Aho! on this one, Rochelle. It is indeed beautiful! As my Grandma Beautiful Beardancer used to say, “They may make you wear white man clothes, and do white man things, but deep in here (pounded heart) they cannot take away what and who you are, my little fire. One day, you will show them that you are a true keeper.’

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Jelli,

      And I thought I pulled this one out of my imagination. 😉 Your affirming comment warms and encourages me. I think you just gave a title to the picture, “Beautiful Beardancer.” Thank you so much.



      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh, I would be so honored for that, Rochelle. I miss my Gramma soooo much. I’m working on a portrait of her taken from a very old sepia and faded photo that I took of a photo I saw of her in a family album (stolen from my Granny’s home the day she passed). Glad I took all those pictures, now.


  • A beautiful story, Rochelle, and so much to think about.
    Your flash has made me think about the way religions, culture and beliefs overlap and merge, over time, sometimes the merging is forced, which is cruel and unfair, and never completely wipes out the prior beliefs / culture.
    It also reminded me of my visits to the beautiful city of Chicago, one of the few American cities I’ve visited.
    I also take part in Sue Vincent’s #Writephoto challenge regularly. I usually write a poem, but this week, the photo prompt took me to Alice (I think she’s getting too far under my skin!)
    Here’s the story in case anyone wants to read it and check out Sue’s weekly challenge.
    I’m looking forward to this week’s photo for Friday Fictioneers:)
    Hope you’re having a good week.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Luccia,

      Your comment is so spot on in my opinion. I believe the missionaries worst mistakes through the ages has been to try and force their cultures on other peoples. Thank you for such a lovely and affirming comment. I’ll be checking out your story soon.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    What a fascinating couple they must have made. I never thought of blacks and First Americans intermarrying. Did it happen that often, or were Catherine and Jean-Baptiste being very modern and progressive? I’m glad she hung on to her spiritual beliefs and didn’t submit totally to Catholicism, yet I have the feeling that her husband wasn’t too domineering in his religion, or she wouldn’t have perceived him as being her “beloved”.

    All best wishes,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Sarah,

      I think blacks and First Americans intermarried more than we know, but I don’t really know the statistics. As for Catherine DuSable’s thoughts and feelings–this is where the fiction part comes in. I’m an incurable romantic. 😉 ❤ Glad you enjoyed. Thank you.



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