Published June 27, 2017 by rochellewisoff

Feel free to stroll around the area using the Google street view and grab any picture you choose to include in your post.

To enjoy stories inspired by the What Pegman Saw prompt or to submit your own 150-word story, visit the inLinkz button:

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Here it is, Friday Fictioneers Eve and I still couldn’t resist Mr. Pegman. I’m very late to the party due to an extremely full weekend. My first art show/book signing was an immense success. So with a sheepish, but happy grin, I submit my story. Many Mahalos to K Rawson and J Hardy Carroll for hosting this challenge. 

Pitcairn Island

When I saw Pitcairn Island, my mind went to Fletcher Christian and Captain Bligh. Christian’s descendants still live there after over 300 years. At any rate, I chose a different facet of its history. 


            “The role of a lifetime and you’re perfect for it,” Frank handed the actor the script. “I promise you an epic your fans won’t forget.”

            Steely gray-green eyes pierced through Frank. “Get Fairbanks, he’s a natural in sissy knee-pants.”

            “That’s what they wore in the 1700’s.”

            “And you want me to wear a damned pigtail? Like a little girl?” The actor ran his fingers through his dark waves and flexed his pectorals. “I have an image to maintain.”

            Frank’s irritation at the petulant performer mounted. “Queues were normal for manly men of the day. And…er…one more thing, Clark. Seamen in the Royal Navy weren’t allowed facial hair.”

            Clark Gable tossed the script in Frank’s lap. “You want me to shave? Have you lost your mind?”

            Frank held up a photo of a Polynesian beauty “Meet Mamo Clark. Your costar.”

            A dimpled smile spread Gable’s lips. “The moustache will grow back.”

37 comments on “MUTINY ON THE USS MGM

  • Dear Rochelle,

    I just love this story, especially as I was raised on old movies. There was something about them that put them a class above movies now, even though the special effects were pretty basic. Perhaps it was because they couldn’t depend upon special effects that they had to concentrate on the dialogue and the dynamics of acting more.

    Anyway, I probably watched all of Clark Gable’s movies, although Errol Flynn was my number one pin-up, followed by Gregory Peck and Charlton Heston! And my pin-ups now (if I’m allowed them at my age), Tom Hardy, Cillian Murphy and Tom Hiddleston, all three of whom are excellent actors, too, and would most likely hold their own without modern special effects.

    Do you have pin-ups, Rochelle? You are probably like me, in that your favourites are some of the fictional characters you’ve created. And it’s great fun thinking of who would play their parts if a movie was made of your books. We authors can but dream, because dreams sometimes come true 🙂

    All best wishes,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Sarah,

      By pin-ups I assume you mean favorites? Gregory Peck was definitely a favorite of mine and Gary Cooper…particularly the 1930’s movies. And as you’ve seen my portrait of Ulrich, you might’ve seen the Coop influence there. Of course Ralph Fiennes is another. I see a young David McCallum as Nikolai.

      At any rate, I’m pleased you enjoyed my story. I couldn’t help myself. I’ve seen Mutiny on the Bounty a few times. Nothing sissy about Gable with queue and knee-breeches. Lots of yum there. He was was infinitely better than Brando in the role. But Hollywood can’t resist ye ole remake, can they?

      It does seem that movies these days rely a lot on special effects. Not always a bad thing, but there’s a lot to be said for those old movies. When it came to love, sex and romance, they left a lot to the viewer’s imagination. I call that a good thing.

      Thank you for a wonderful comment.



      Liked by 3 people

      • Peck was definitely yummy… as were Heston, Hudson (Rock – even if he didn’t play for our team) and Grant (Cary)… They were manly men. None of this pretty-boy stuff.
        I have to admit that in today’s men, I have a definite weakness for George Clooney.For me, he embodies the old style – handsome, funny and a good actor to boot!
        Oh we could go on an on about this, couldn’t we, ladies? Maybe during our next Skype! LOL

        Liked by 1 person

  • Oh, this is so romantic. Like all others i am an an out and out fan of Clark Gable.
    I just love the way you wrote this story, the characterisation, the dialogue, all right down to a T. Dear Rochelle, i look up to you when it comes to good writing, especially historical fiction. You are my inspiration.

    Liked by 1 person

  • This was FANTASTIC, dearest Rochelle!

    You are definitely the queen of this genre. You should write a book. Oh wait… you DID! Four of them! 😉

    Seriously, I’m with Sarah on this one. I loved the dialogue.

    In Awe,

    Dale xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  • What fun! I, too, love the old movies. Back then Hollywood seemed to shine so brightly! Men were men, women were glamorous. Sure there were “wacky things on the side” but dirty laundry was kept where it was meant to be. Thanks for an early morning smile. Lish

    Liked by 1 person

  • Great dialogue, Rochelle – seems so real I reckon you had access to an eyewitness.

    Also, thank you for broadening my vocabulary – I’ve never heard of “queue” being used to describe a plait/pigtail before.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Suzanne,

      Frank Lloyd also bribed Mr. Gable with a South American tour. Bur from what I’ve read, Mamo Clark was also a drawing card. I agree. He was eye candy with or without the mustache. How many times did I swoon over him in Gone With the Wind and It Happened One Night. etc etc. 😉 Thank you.



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