28 July 2017

Published July 26, 2017 by rochellewisoff

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PHOTO PROMPT © J Hardy Carroll

Please be considerate and try to keep your stories to 100 words. Thank you. 

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Genre: Historical Fiction from the 1980’s

Word Count: 100


            The phone rang.

            Tammy pouted. “It’s probably for Bobbie.”

            “She’s on a date,” said Grandma. “Go answer the Ameche.”

            “The A-what-chee?”

            The ringing stopped.

            “That’s what we called the telephone when I was a girl.” Grandma popped a VHS tape in the VCR. “Sit. I’ll make popcorn.” 

            “‘The Story of Alexander Graham Bell?’” Tammy read the case and groaned. “This movie’s older than dirt.”   

            Bobbie came home just as Don Ameche and Loretta Young exchanged loving smiles. “What’s with the black and white moldy oldie?”

            The phone rang.

            “Rad flick.” Tammy brushed a stray tear. “Better answer the Ameche, sis.” 


Henry Fonda, Loretta Young and Don Ameche

And just for fun…

116 comments on “28 July 2017

    • Dear CE,

      I guess the movie didn’t make it across the pond. It was one of the most popular movies of the day. I built this one on my mother who told me about “the Ameche.” Nope Mr. Ameche didn’t speak with a Scottish accent, although the dialogue of the 1930’s was vastly different than what passes for English today.

      Thank you for your call.



      Liked by 1 person

  • I remember reading about his death in 1993, up until then I’d not really registered him, even though it’s such an unusual name. Looking him up again today, I see a certain lack of inspiration in the names he gave to some of his children, Connie, Ronald, Lonnie,Thomas, and Bonnie. 😦 Good story, Rochelle, as always.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Karen,

      My mom, who was a young woman in 1939, shared the Ameche story with me. I’ve since looked it up. Yes, they really did call the phone the Ameche after the actor who made women swoon in his day. 😉 Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Excellent story! I read that Bell recommended that the telephone be answered “Ahoy!” as if it was a ship. The Simpsons use this reference for Mr. Burns, so old that he answers the phone “Ahoy hoy!”

    There’s also an old joke about an Italian millionaire who wants a “hollow statue” in the foyer of his mansion. Many statues are brought in, but he rejects them all, growing angrier and angrier. Finally he holds up his hand to his ear and says “No no no! It-a goes ring ring. You go ‘Hollow! Es dat choo?’ 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Jan,

      I like mine for Scrabble. 😉 Oh…and keeping track of Word Press blog comments. I do remember when phones were merely used for talking. Ours got plenty of use, didn’t it? Thanks for reading and commenting, m’love.



    • Dear Christine,

      Remember when Bell’s motto was, “We may be the only telephone company, but we try not to act like it”? Then came the spit and subsequently cell phones. How things have changed. I’m not sure it’s progress or regress. :/ Thank you.




  • Wasn’t Don Ameche a handsome young man? I think I’ve only seen him older. Love that the phone was called the ‘Ameche’ – must have been a really popular film! Lovely snippet of daily life, Rochelle and I’m going to be very tempted to use the word myself from now on 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Lynn,

      I remember when my mom told me about the Ameche. At the time I was familiar with Don Ameche but by then he was “old.” And every generation seems to have a fad or two, don’t they? 😉 Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

      • Love these fads, the quirks that are identified with a brief cultural moment. There are a few Dickens references – a dance called the Roger do Coverley, a snack called Norfolk Biffins, the exclamation ‘Walker!’ – which I had to Google to find out what they were, but that have added to my pleasure of reading A Christmas Carol. I shall add Ameche to these glorious moments 🙂


  • Guess what I’ll be watching on my next rainy day off? Yes, that Ameche fella was a handsome one indeed…
    This was yet another gem. You da best! And I love the banter that happened up there in the comments between y’all and J & K!

    Liked by 1 person

  • I love the character growth in this one. Tammy changed by the end of it. I always remember Don Ameche as an older man in the movies. Not so young like he is in the picture. Great last line in this one. Just loved it, Rochelle! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Marlene Zuckerburg,

    The telephone was an amazing invention, especially the “party line.” I don’t recall seeing that movie, but remember others featuring Mr. Ameche. He was quite popular in those days.

    I can’t wait until Hollywood makes one on Al Gore’s invention, the internet. Watch for my review of that flick.

    Jimmy Olsen

    Liked by 1 person

  • the sound of the phone ringing gives me the jitters. one of my first jobs in the u.s. was in a payroll service company that required on-call production support. when the phone rang during the wee hours, it meant the system was down and that i had to get it fixed under tremendous stress. i was a sucker for taking jobs that nobody wanted. those were the days. 🙂


    • Dear Sandra,

      Happy to be your tour guide to the past. The movie’s on You Tube. I love those old romantic movies. My mom was the one that told me about the “Ameche.” As I’ve said before, every generation has their fads and idols. Thank you for reading and commenting.




  • Lovely voices, especially Tammy’s turnaround at the end. This has a great homely feel, although it makes me feel a little old, VCRs being historical now. Really enjoyed this one and the young learning from their elders.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    I’m going to test out Mr Potter now and inform him someone contacted him on the Ameche when he was out. If he knows what I mean, then he has probably been lying about his age all these years 😉

    Seriously, I love your dramatised historical snippets. I learn something knew every week.

    All best wishes,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Sarah,

      From the comments I’m getting from my friends across the pond, I’m not sure Mr. Potter would have any knowledge of the Ameche. I learnt it from my mother who was a tender 25 in 1939. Always happy to share history, particularly when it’s happy history. 😀 Thank you.




  • The story is cute and educational (as usual). 🙂 I had no idea Don Ameche was a heartthrob in his day. The name rang a bell though, because it is so unusual. I remember having seen him in Trading Places.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, Subroto,

      The very same. He considered quite the hottie back in those days. My mom’s the one who told me about “the Ameche.” I’ve always enjoyed that story and the realization that my mother was once a young, starry eyed fan girl. Thank you for coming by.




  • Hello Rochelle, This comment is for a shameless self promotion. Based on popular opinion, I wrote an extended version of my take to this week’s wonderful prompt. Could you please check it out and give your valuable feedback on the same? Thanks in advance abs sorry for the spam. Cheers, Varad.

    The Loop


      • Dear Rochelle,

        When I sat to write my piece for this week’s prompt, I made a decision to read and comment in all the entries for the challenge. And guess whose I didn’t comment? Yours. But then, how is that possible? I quite vividly remember reading and commenting on your take on Thursday. So I go back and check. I find that I had replied to one of Neil’s comments and had forgotten to post my own.

        So here’s my comment. This is exactly what I thought after reading yours last week. “I loved this one as it reminded me of the type of tales my grandmother used to tell me when I was a kid. I still remember her story about the first television in her village and the crowd that would gather whenever someone drove down in a Standard Herald or an Impala. Really enjoyed reading your lovely take on the ‘Ameche’. BTW, did you know cars were called as ‘Pleasures’ in rural India those days?

        Cheers, Varad.

        Liked by 1 person

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