8 September 2017

Published September 6, 2017 by rochellewisoff

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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit. 

PHOTO PROMPT © Danny Bowman

Please be considerate and keep your stories to 100 words. Thank you. 

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Genre: Historical Fiction

Word Count: 100


            Dora wreathed her arms around her son’s neck. “What’s in California? No mishpokhah—you’ll be a stranger in a strange land.”

            “Like you were when you came to America, Mama.” The youth bristled with determination. “I won’t be an alien for long. You’ll see.”

            Dora’s husband Max frowned. “You’re only eighteen. Forget this acting mishegoss.


            Leonard, now an old man, strolled along the West End’s changing streets remembering his mother’s tears as he boarded the train.

            A passerby grinned, raised his hand, spreading his fingers, two to the left and two to the right. “Live long and prosper, Mr. Nimoy.”




How did this tradition get started?

135 comments on “8 September 2017

  • “Long life and Prosperity, indeed!” She raises her hand in salute. I remember reading Mr. Nimoy’s “I am NOT Spock” and then later some other of his writings. I’ve always said that I don’t have heroes… maybe not, but his character would definitely be one if I did. Calm in chaos, able to make logical deductions in a single thought…ahhhh… Yes, I’m a lifelong StarTrek fan, still watch on reruns and dvd. I love how you brought us the man behind Spock. The man is just as interesting. 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Joyful,

      Spock’s an all time favorite of mine. Really the first alien in Sci-Fi that wasn’t threatening or a little green man. Although Spock’s blood was green. 😉 Thank you.

      Live Long and Prosper,



  • Ah, I love this story on so many levels, having been a Spock fan ever since I saw the first Star Trek episode. I also love the reboot and the young characters, but of course Mr. Nimoy was the one and only. Spock’s character is so well developed with a great backstory. But I digress. It’s lovely to hear you read and the video is the cream on top. I had no idea about the meaning of the hand signal, which I’ve practised since I first saw it. LLAP, Rochelle.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Gabi,

      I’ve been a fan since the very beginning of Star Trek. Spock made my adolescent heart race. Glad you enjoyed my reading (thanks to Moon) and the video. I loved Mr. Nimoy for Spock and for his Jewish connection among other reasons. (What was not to love?) Thank you.

      Live Long and Prosper,


      Liked by 1 person

  • Lovely story, Rochelle and so great he ignored his well meaning parents and enjoyed such great success. Spock was an iconic role, one that many actors might have seen as a curse in some ways, but he was always very gracious about it. Great story

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Lynn,

      In one of the interviews I watched, Leonard Nimoy laughed and said he thought that when Star Trek was cancelled that was the end of Spock. Then came the movies and even after Spock ‘died’ it wasn’t the end of it. As for me, I’m glad he didn’t listen to his parents and didn’t become “Dr. Spock.” 😉 Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

      • Culture would be very different if all of those artistic, creative people listened to the advice of their staid if well meaning parents! Sounds like a humble and good natured man. I’m glad he was so successful


  • Great actors need fine writing, yet for me the many Star Trek series worked because of their characters. Characterisation in writing is so important and as usual you succeed .

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Kalpana,

      It’s not a hand sign everyone can do. In Judaism, it’s done by the cohaneem, the priests while blessing the congregation. The agreement Nimoy had with the rabbis was that it was okay to use it as the Vulcan greeting as long as it was never held overhead as the rabbis did.

      Thank you.

      Live Long and Prosper,



  • You and your “historical fiction.” What a neat piece, Rochelle! And you know, I’ve tried to make that sign with my hand (2 to the left and 2 to the right), but it’s very painful. I can’t imagine his being able to do it on a regular and comfortable basis.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Sandra,

      I’m decidedly right handed. I can make the sign easily with my right but it’s difficult with my left. Of course I love the tie-in to the Aaronic benediction. A little known fact is that Nimoy asked permission of the rabbis and was told that he could use it as long as he didn’t lift it over his head. (This may or may not be true as I’ve only heard that from my rabbi.) 😉 😀 Glad you liked my story. Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • What a fun story!
    In a very British school in the heart of leafy Surrey a little boy (Nathan) used to do the ‘live long and prosper’ gesture to me (and say the words) and I’d do it back as the teacher on duty out in the playground. I always thought it was because he was a Trecky fan – but he also happened to be possibly the only Jewish boy at our school. Now I get a connection I never saw before! Fascinating!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Miranda,

      Thank you for sharing that story with me. Although, I’d still guess the boy was a Trekkie. In Judaism that sign (shin for El Shaddai, the Almighty) was used by the rabbis as they blessed the congregation. Although, like Nimoy he might’ve peeked during the blessing, too. 😉
      At any rate, I’m glad you liked my story and took the time to say so.

      Live Long and Prosper,


      Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    Thank you for lighting my day with that little gem. I just so loved Leonard Nimoy as Mr Spock.

    Sorry, I’ve not got myself organised to write anything for FF this week. Partly it’s because I’ve had neuralgia in my neck and both shoulders (plus brain fug), and partly because my internet signal is flaky, which, I fear, mitigates against skyping D: Most frustrating. At least the signal has lasted long enough to read your story and comment.

    Hope to return to the land of the living next week.

    All best wishes,

    Liked by 1 person

      • Dear Rochelle,

        My pain is now a dull ache today, which is an improvement …helped by the sight of sunshine and a blue sky, I’m sure! My computer problem seems to related to my wireless connection, which keeps needing resetting. Perhaps I need resetting, too 😉

        Hoping to live long and prosper 🙂

        All best wishes,


  • Hi Rochelle, I loved your flash, especially as it’s based on a real event in Nimoy’sl life. It was also an extra bonus to listen to you reading it 🙂 I’m a trekkie, too. I admire the three main characters, Spock, Kirk and McCoy, especially when they interact in the same scenes, priceless. Hope you have a great weekend. Lucy.

    Liked by 1 person

  • You’re a master crafter of stories, Rochelle!!! Loved hearing it in your voice! Mr Leonard Nimoy is a very dear name to us as we’ve grown up watching Star Trek on Television…loved this take on the prompt.

    Live Long and Prosper to you and everyone!

    Liked by 1 person

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