Published December 30, 2017 by rochellewisoff

This week Pegman takes us to Talnakh, in Krasonoyarsk Krai, Russia. My story takes place in another part of Russia.

Thanks to Karen and Josh for the challenge and the extra 50 words. 

Now that the holidays are basically behind us, I need to turn my attention to my next book, A STONE FOR THE JOURNEY. This week’s location is the perfect inspiration for this edited scene from AS ONE MUST, ONE CAN. Naturally it’s my hope that these excerpts I’ve posted will whet the reader’s appetite to read my novels and, of course the upcoming coffee table book–designed for those who like to look at the pictures.  😉 😉

Genre: Historical Fiction

Word Count: 150


            “What’s the matter with you?” Sergei glared at Nikolai. “You’ve never told Oxana about your own identical twin brother?”

            Oxana seethed. “No. Why should he tell me anything? I am only his wife.”  

            “I don’t blame him for keeping it a secret.” Sergei took a labored breath. “I’m the one at fault. I used to slap him for even mentioning Bodrik’s name.”

            “He was always so competitive. Had to be the best at everything.” Protracted memories zipped through Nikolai’s mind. The frozen Neva River ran like a ribbon through St. Petersburg. “‘Race you to the bridge,’ Bodrik yells. Of course he’s in the lead. Suddenly the dumb durak stops and sticks out his foot. Our skates tangle.”

            “Nikolai looked like he’d been mauled by a bear. Bodrik escaped with a simple bump on the head.”

            “What happened to him?” asked Oxana.

            Nikolai shivered. “He died in my arms that night.”





30 comments on “BURIED DEEP

  • Dear Rochelle,

    You are right, perfect choice for this week. I remember that scene well. Heartbreaking.

    I do hope these little snippets incite people to read the fantastic trilogy. I adored It!

    Lotsa love,


    Liked by 3 people

  • This small excerpt from the trilogy definitely works. Sad event, but part of a great character development tool from the toolbox of a great author. However, with the temps outside now, couldn’t you pick a warm, white sandy beach picture and whisk us there?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Josh,

      In going back to print off the story for my book, I realized I was nearly 40 words short as I’d copied and pasted two sentences from another portion. Still the same piece…just more of it. 😉 Thank you for taking the time to read. I hope you’ll go back and catch 30 more words.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Yipes. Cerebral hemorrhage? That’s precisely why head injuries should never be taken lightly. I see why he never mentioned his twin. The pain of that day must’ve been horrific. You really pack a lot of emotion into so few words. Fantastic stuff, Rochelle!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Eric,

      Probably a cerebral hemorrhage. But it remained a mystery and had much to do with Nikolai’s choice of a career in medicine. It’s funny how the muse works. I didn’t know about Bodrik myself until I’d started the third book. 😉 Thank you for your kind comments.



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    • Dear Suzanne,

      They say there’s a special bond between twins. I see this with my daughter in law and her identical twin. At the time I started this part of the third book, Natasha Richardson died after a bump on the head that seemed minor. Thank you for your sweet comments.



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