10 August 2018

Published August 8, 2018 by rochellewisoff

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As always, please be considerate of your fellow Fictioneers and keep your stories to 100 words. (Title is not included in the word count.)  Many thanks. 

The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit. 

PHOTO PROMPT © Ronda Del Boccio

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Genre: Realistic Fiction – Based on more than one true story.

Word Count: 100


Kendra remembers the first magical moment she cradled her newborn.

Her pediatrician’s brow furrowed. “She has a slight heart defect but that’s not our foremost concern.”

Kendra became familiar with terms like ‘extra chromosome’ and ‘developmentally challenged.’

Defying all obstacles, Hanna trained as a gymnast with ‘normal’ girls, surpassing many of them in strength and grace.  At the Special Olympics, she walked away with several trophies and a boyfriend, a medal-winning swimmer.

Kendra blinks back tears as two kindred souls gaze into each other’s eyes.

Although her speech is slurred, Hannah’s halting words are clear. “I Hannah take thee, Calan…”



Maryanne and Tommy Pilling have been happily married for 23 years.

For an inspiring true story CLICK HERE

118 comments on “10 August 2018

  • That’s a sweet story. A friend of mine said that Downs children were incarnate angels who did not want to cloud their spirits with the karma of troubled consciouness. He was a Comanche medicine man, so I listened closely to what he told me. In my experience I have seen no evidence to contradict this idea.

    Liked by 2 people

  • Beautiful, happy tears are flowing freely. Love this story! People continually underestimate abilities of people who are lucky enough to have an extra chromosome. I like what J Hardy just said… Incarnate Angels… that’s a term I’ve heard often in the tribal family where Children with special needs are looked on as treasured, valued, and deeply loved members of the community. Their word and opinions are especially valued.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    I love when you troll the Internet for inspiration. Thank you so much for bringing this beautiful story to life in your inimitable way. Yay to those who allow, no, make that help, all people lay their foundations, no matter what it is they are building,

    Lotsa love,


    Liked by 2 people

  • I love this story, and the fact that it works sometimes. I’m not sure you read it but it became world news, a young man with the same type of defect was shot dead in Stockholm by the police. He had bigger challenges and could not speak, but had run away with a toy gun in the middle of the night. The police were called because someone saw a man with a gun, and the police had reports suggesting it could have been a violent man. So much sadness and questions afterwards… and so different from your story.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Divinity Smurf W(T)F,

    It appears you went syrupy-sweet on this week’s installment. Next you’ll be writing for True Romance or one of those other magazines where boy meets girl and becomes her indentured servant for life.
    Meanwhile, I’ll be serving syrup of ipecac on my site to help readers recover from swallowing a tense scene in my nail-biting crime drama.

    Mick “Reverse Mortgage” Dagger

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Mick “Reverse Mortgage” Dagger,

      Today I’ve not answered spam calls from Chattanooga TN, Creve Couer MO, and Menomonee Falls WI. Not to mention I have 4 allegations against my name and if I don’t hire an attorney or return those calls in 24 hours I’ll be taken into custody.
      Detective Lowry could use his time more wisely going after these chuckle-heads, rather than persecuting a poor little mime.
      Now admit it. You felt a tug at your heartstrings. Every so often I just gotta serve up Quaker stories, ie pure mush. Thank you for passing through.


      Divinity Smurf W(T)F

      Wait a minute! Smurfs are blue!

      Liked by 1 person

  • Querida Rochelle,
    Awww …. Awww … Awww …. su cuento tiene tanto amor de todas partes.
    Such a heartwarming tale of overcoming adversity. LOVED IT !!!
    I worked at a school for DS children (4- 6) as an assistant teacher. They are
    the most loving children. Their goals seemed to be ‘How can I make you happy?’
    GREAT WRITE … mi amiga 😍
    Abrazos y Shalom,
    Isadora 😎

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Miranda,

      When I was growing up, our neighbors had a DS son…Earl. He was something of an enigma to me. But according to his sister he was a source of love and joy. DS people don’t always have the happy outcome, but that’s true of everyone, isn’t it? 😉 Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Subroto,

      From one Googler to another, thank you. I’m pleased you took the time to check out the links. Although my characters are fictitious they are based on some amazing people. You comments make me smile. Thank you. 😀




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