2019 Attitude of Gratitude Challenge!

Published January 6, 2020 by rochellewisoff

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Spreading positive vibes throughout the internet.

Four years ago Dawn Q. Laundau of Tales from the Motherland (Click for more details) presented other bloggers with the challenge to spread gratitude throughout the internet. It’s very simple. Take 10 minutes to list 50 or more things you are thankful for. I managed to type 52 before the chicken went off on my iPhone timer. 

  1. My husband of 48 years
  2. My children – 3 grown sons
  3. My granddaughters- 2 adorable little girls.
  4. A contract with Diane Nine, ninespeakers.com for my latest manuscript What the Heart Wants (She said she loves it! Who can ask for better than that?)
  5. I can still do a cartwheel
  6. My regular mile swim and a pool less than a mile from home
  7. Being able to work out regularly
  8. Good health
  9. Painting-love me some watercolors 
  10. Good friends
  11. Art shows
  12. Finding my books on display in a local library
  13. Goat cheese omelets
  14. Reconnecting with my brother Jeff and making the 2nd annual trip to see him in NC
  15. Getting my furry fix with his dogs there
  16. Strong black coffee every morning
  17. A trip to Israel in May
  18. The gift of the trip financed by my cousin Kent
  19. Reconnecting with my first cousin Wendy who moved to Tel Aviv years ago
  20. My brand new, wonderful HP Pavillion desktop.
  21. My HP laptop so I can travel and still write. 
  22. My latest WIP a novel based on my experience with anorexia
  23. My continued recovery from the same
  24. A cozy office
  25. Book club-the opportunity to discuss a book with others
  26. The dance team at my synagogue
  27. KC BBQ none like it on the planet
  28. Blogging friends
  29. Friday Fictioneers – Try it, you’ll like it!
  30. Other blog challenges
  31. Facetime with friends around the world
  32. My printer, Alexis (a person and an artist in her own right) \ who makes my artwork look even better
  33. Good art and book sales in 2019 (not as good as 2018 – but good)
  34. Folk music
  35. Classical music
  36. My little Chevy Cruz, a standard transmission (dying breed that one)
  37. Nieces and Nephews
  38. Typing skills my mother taught me when I refused to take it in school (why did I need to know how to type?-what foresight she had!)
  39. A slightly warped sense of humor or humour, depending on which side of the pond you’re on 😉 
  40. Being able to flip turn in the pool (ecstasy)
  41. Spring and Autumn
  42. Lilacs and daffodils
  43. Eyes to see
  44. A tongue to taste a good Sauvignon Blanc or Cabernet Sauvignon
  45. Indian food
  46. Israeli food
  47. Fresh vegetables and fruits
  48. A woman doctor who understands and supports me
  49. A mother of blessed memory who was a grammar patrolwoman
  50. A muse who shares stories with me.
  51. Being young enough to enjoy life and old enough to remember the 50’s and 60’s…black & white TV’s, rotary phones…good times those.
  52. A blog friend like Dawn who facilitates a Gratitude Challenge.


14 comments on “2019 Attitude of Gratitude Challenge!

  • Rochelle, you are a rock star! I’m so grateful for your continued enthusiasm and desire to help so many writers. Your time for FF alone is incredible! Love this list–– filled with meaningful moments, joy and inspiration. It’s wonderful!

    Interestingly, both you and Lish think this is the 4th year (it’s the 6th), and in reading yours I realized there might be an issue, so went back to mine. I forgot to include the “rules.” I increased the timer to 15 minute this year, due to lots of feedback last year. That said, you did epic effort in 10 minutes! ☺ I love #52, thank you! The feeling is mutual. Happy New Year and thank you for taking the time!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Dawn,

      Lish pretty much copied my intro so I’m sure that’s where she got 4 years. Time flies, doesn’t it? Wow, I coulda had another five minutes. Oh well. Next year. 😉 Thank you for heading this up and for coming by and littering my post with sweet comments.



      Liked by 1 person

  • A most excellent list! And … we share enough things on that list to need to make a girls-get-together-to-have-fun time. Let’s rope in some Dale, too. Fun to be had. Yah?
    In the meanwhile, left my (wordier and less listy but hey, life’s life) list at Dawn’s linky, too.
    As you say, “Shalom and Lotsa love,”

    Attitudes of Gratitude

    Liked by 2 people

  • Dear Rochelle,

    No need to rope me in, I have every intention of taking part. Was supposed to today but then life got in the way and then it was late and then I realised that it is midnight and already tomorrow and it’s Friday Fictioneers so now… Dawn and you and Na’ama have to wait until Friday (unless I don’t do Crispina’s CCC on Thursday) – we shall see where the muse sends me. As you know, I don’t like to multi-post…

    And imagine if you had used the extra five minutes! Oy! This list was already fantabulous…

    Shalom and lotsa love (I’m the one who says it, Na’ama 😉 )


    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Dale,

      Nu? I’m still waiting for your list. 😉 I know yours will be a grand and well thought out list. You are definitely on my gratitude list. Blogging brought us together and I’m thankful for that.

      Shalom and lotsa appreciative hugs,



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