14 February 2020

Published February 12, 2020 by rochellewisoff

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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit.

PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Click the Frogs (who aren’t blue) to Hop Along

Genre: Histrionic Fiction

Word Count: 100


It’s an icy Missouri day that makes me want to swaddle myself in flannel, sip hot chocolate and watch ancient black and whites.

I flip through the channels. There. “Mr. Deeds Goes to Town. Love me some Gary Cooper.” I settle in.

 All at once, one of my favorite movie moments where Longfellow Deeds expresses his admiration for Mary Dawson is interrupted by a drug advertisement. An adorable toddler chases after an irresistible puppy while the announcer rattles off the possibly fatal side effects.

Aromatase inhibitors? Sulfonylureas? Cosentix? Eliquis? Methotrexate?

I’d walk a mile for an old fashion cigarette commercial.

*Note: I don’t know if this is a United States only lament but it seems there’s a new drug on the market every day. It’s not like we can go to the local pharmacy and get these without a prescription so I don’t know why we’re bombarded with annoying advertisements.  

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98 comments on “14 February 2020

    • Dear Penny,

      I so envy your lack of drug ads. They are a bane to watching TV. Truthfully, I don’t miss the cigarette ads either. 😉 Glad you enjoyed my writing in any event. Thank you for taking the time to say so. 😀



      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Susan,

      I don’t really miss the cigarette ads either. 😉 Ah the luck of the Irish. I envy your lack of drug ads. So annoying. By the time they get through listing the side effects, you wonder what the drug was supposed to help in the first place. Thank you re my story.



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  • The jarring juxtaposition. I want to ride on those trains. That said, everybody smoked all the time, indoors and out, so everything always smelled like cigarettes. Also, not a lot of opportunities for women or people of color (not that that has actually changed all that much). Great story. I love Gary Cooper, too.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Josh,

      Before the smoking bans, I took a plane to DC. Although I was in the non-smoking section, the smoke wafted back. Gagging. I truly detest smoking. It killed my mother and nearly killed my sister-in-law. Thank you re my story. And what’s not to love about Coop. (One of my magnificent obsessions).



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  • People actually go into their MDs and harp on them that they need, NEED, some dammedal to survive and the doctors actually prescribe it. Some doctors make a good side living off of prescribing these drugs. Kind of like the Beatles’ Doctor Roberts 😉 I like the story.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Trent,

      Doc Roberts…good analogy. I hate the drug companies even more for their ads. Fortunately I see a doctor who would rather prescribe a diet than a pill. I’m fortunate to be seeing her. 😀 Thank you re my story. 😉



      Liked by 2 people

  • We don’t have those drug ads on TV in India. It sounds like there are going to be more over-medicated seniors in the U.S. Of course, unknown to the moviegoers, the major studios were suggesting their stars take drugs to lose weight, keep awake, etc. A good story based on the truth, Rochelle. 🙂 — Suzanne

    Liked by 2 people

  • Good story. Unfortunately its not fiction but realism. I believe the ads are sometimes longer than the show you were watching. They borders on the ridiculous as the majority of the ads are spent telling you how it could kill you, or worse. By the time the ad is over, you don’t have a clue what the drug was supposed to treat. If indeed it was supposed to. I hate them. I wasn’t aware that most countries did not have them. How fortunate they are. And here is the kicker, you know why our drugs are so much more expensive than other countries? Advertisement everywhere.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Jan,

      Does this mean we’re moving to Australia or the Cook Islands anytime soon? No argument re the drug commercials. Hence, the reason for this story. And you know how I feel about cigarettes. 😉 Thanks for the comment, m’luv. Definitely not trash. 😀

      Liked by 2 people

  • Great story and so fitting to the times. My favorite drug commercial line about side effects says that if you die be sure to inform your doctor… Hubby and I cackle every time we see it. We’ve got flash flood warnings here, with the Ohio expected to hit flood stage by Friday. At least, it’s rain and not ice. Yesterday, it was sleet and black ice.

    Liked by 2 people

  • The reason for pushing the prescription drug ads is that people will flood their doctor’s offices with requests for the latest miracle drug, and the sheer volume of these requests prompts the doctors to just go ahead and prescribe—most reputable doctors will demand that the person making the requests come in to be examined before the script is written.

    I enjoyed this post so much. I feel the same as you do on this issue. People would sometimes come to my therapy office believing that I could prescribe. I couldn’t, and I’m glad for that. People who are looking for a magic pill are ALWAYS disappointed. No pill can cure them of everything!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Linda,

      I’m blessed to have a doctor who doesn’t push drugs unless she feels they’re absolutely necessary. There have been times when we’ve locked horns because I refused to take a certain med for whatever reason. She’s pretty good about not pushing the issue too hard. For the most part she’d rather prescribe a diet than a script.

      I’m glad you enjoyed my story. Drug ads, I detest them!!! Thank you.



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  • I hate ads. Every day I thank Al Gore for the internet and streaming services with no ads. I love it when people ask, “You know that commercial…” I do not. I do remember the dark times and how horrible the drug ads were and how funny the jokes were about how bad the side effects are. My favorite was a joke that started with a drug for a symptom. The drug had a side effect. One needed a new drug for the side effect, which had a new side effect that needed a new drug. It ended up with the final side effect being the original symptom.

    I love old movies. My grandfather got me into watching TCM. It wasn’t without a fight. “Where’s the color?” When I had satellite TV, TCM was my favorite channel.

    I enjoyed your humorous approach to the cure epidemic and advertising in general.

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  • Dear Roshanna Weeble W(T)F,

    When I saw this prompt, I visualized a tiny mime chasing an errant DNR tag as it fluttered like a butterfly in the chilly February breeze. The side effects of which are too horrible to describe in a public forum.

    With Lowry suspended (due to blabbing to the press), it’s up to me alone to pursue the villainous Le Petite Velouse. Thankfully, the author has a plan to get Lowry reinstated in time to put an end to this treacherous Mime Wave before it overcomes Belton and infects the entire planet.

    Let’s hope it’s not too late.
    Detective Cyrano Blockson, Belton P.D.

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  • Dear Rochelle–
    They pepper printed media as well. One side of the page has the lubby dubby stuff, then you turn the page and it is filled with side effect — in small print. TV channels like to throw in the “if you used this drug and suffered horrific side effects call our law office” advertisements just to keep one on their toes. World has gone crazy.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Lisa,

      I couldn’t agree more! The ads, whether in magazines or on TV are irritating. Some mornings I wake up with drug names in my head. Make them stop! I don’t have plaque psoriasis or heart problems. And what about the antidepressants that could cause suicidal thoughts? Yeah, i’m going for those. Sheesh. Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment.



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  • We only have headache pill and non-prescription this-and-that ads in the UK – if I watch drama early evening, ads for medicated creams for aches and pains come up for the over sixties! (I guess everyone else is out at work.) In the afternoon I’ve noticed a lot of ads for funeral plans! Very jolly.
    Perhaps I should cut down on my bad TV habit and take up something less time consuming like smoking instead.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Miranda,

      It’s a little like that here. Daytime television is the worst for senior ads. Lots of life insurance and funeral plan commercials. Needless to say, I don’t watch a lot of TV unless it’s streaming. 😉 As for smoking…? Nah. Too expensive. Thank you.




  • It is quite a uniquely (and very odd to man who aren’t inured to it already) US affliction, those drug ads. Medications are necessary. People going to their doctors to ‘shop’ for the newest medication is a whole other animal, and I cannot get used to it, no matter how many times I see it. Not that I want cigarette ads instead. How about some ad for good old female hygiene supplies? 😉

    Slip Slidin’ Away

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    • Na’ama Y’karah,

      Ads for baby products and pet foods are nice. You get to watch cuddly babies and snuggly furry friends. I’m not fond of prescription drugs anyway and have gone head to head with my doctor over some of them–and won. Fortunately, she would rather prescribe a diet than a pill. I never was crazy about cigarette ads…lost my mother to Sir Walter Raleigh. 😦 I think I’ll turn the to one of my favorite channels…”off.”



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  • Dear Rochelle,

    It truly is a horrible thing all these drug ads. I especially like the prescription anti-depressants that come with the notice: “May cause desire to commit suicide.” Great product – lemme ask my doctor for it.. I’m with you. These should not be on! I’m with Colline, too. I am this close to cancelling cable and living off the basic channels and Netflix and Amazon Prime.

    Wonderfully done.

    Shalom and lotsa commercial-free love,


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    • Dear Dale,

      Oh yes, I’m so down and depressed, please give me a med that makes me want to end it all. Incidentally, a psychiatrist proclaimed me allergic to Risperdol and Lithium after they caused my depression and eating disorder to get ever so much worse. Suffice it to say, I stopped taking them AND stopped seeing her. I’ve now been antidepressant free for nearly 20 years. Yay!
      I’m watching more on Amazon Prime. Still toying with Netflix…but we’ve already discussed this. 😉
      Thank you re my rant.

      Shalom and lotsa narcotic-free hugs,


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      • It’s nuts, I say, nuts! And I am truly glad you are off anti-depressants – so much better when you can control depression with exercise and good eating habits. Not that everyone who is clinically depressed can’t avoid all meds… but they can reduce.
        Well… I have found there is way more choice on Netflix but hey… you do what ya gotta do!!


  • My God, I feel the same way. The side effects listed in these drug commercials sound terrifying. And yeah, there’s something comforting about settling in with an old movie, flannel, a blanket, and some tea. Yeah Winter is cold, but I like lounging on the couch in a blanket.

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    • Dear Eric,

      We’ve done a fair amount of lounging on the couch this winter. 😉 What I don’t get is if most people feel the way we do, why doesn’t someone get those infernal ads off? On the other hand, I think I might as well as why there is air. 😉 Thank you.



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    • Dear Lish,

      Don’t take if you’re allergic. And you would know this how? It’s getting beyond absurd. Give me a good old Stan Freeburg commercial. At least the insurance commercials are entertaining. “Liberty, Liberty, Liberty.” Thank you. (Good to have these FF chats with you again. <3)




  • Those ads are the worst, only eclipsed by the side effects of what they’re selling. Most of the time, I figure I’d be better off with the ailment than with the drugs and the side effects that come, complimentary of course, with them!

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  • The drug adverts don’t feature so much here, Rochelle, but I empathise. My parents (87 and 91) are hooked on a channel that runs B&Ws non-stop, and every commercial slot is filled with ads for funeral plans. I can’t help thinking that adverts for drugs are relatively optimistic – “take these and you might last a bit longer” rather than, “face it, you’ll be in a box tomorrow”.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear JS,

      Our daytime TV is riddled with funeral plan ads as well. Along with ads for a gadget with a call button and elderly person can use to get help if she’s fallen and can’t get up. Time to sit down with a good book. 😉 Thank you for coming by for a good commiseration.




  • Are these new drugs any safer than ciggies, one wonders!

    We only tend to get ads for standard branded off-the-counter stuff here, like painkillers and the like, as far as I know. It’s been a long long time since I saw an ad on TV 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  • We are being hit by strong winter weather here in Scotland at the moment – so I feel exactly the same way you describe in your story. Sipping hot chocolate and watching my old favourite films is exactly how I feel I should be spending my time. (not practical though).
    Nice sentiments.

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  • Adverts in general are annoying. I’ve never watched one and went “Oh I think I’ll buy that.” Luckily we don’t get much prescription drug adverts on tv. Come to think of it, more like none at all. Maybe it is an ethical thing on this side. Or correct target marketing. Either way, I’m happy about it.

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  • Hello Rochelle, liked the nostalgia interrupted by commercialism feel. We don’t get a lot of drug advertisements and we definitely don’t get an announcer listing off the chemicals or side effects – that’d be a downer for sure.

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  • Love the ambiance you create Rochelle, of cosying in with a hot chocolate, sinking into you favourite films. Only to be spoiled by ads. Agree with you, I loathe intrusive ad breaks,I don’t watch the UK tv channels with ads. I timed the ad breaks & they came like every 12 minutes. Forget dramatic tension in your drama programme !

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Francine,

      One thing we all have in common is annoyance with TV ads. Recording shows is one way of dealing with them because you can fast-forward through them. 😉 Thank you for your affirming comments. 😀




    • Dear Laurie,

      It does seem very odd, doesn’t it? Of course the drug companies are counting on people going to their doctors and requesting the miracle drugs. Fortunately I have a doctor who would prefer to prescribe a diet rather than a pill. 😉 Thank you.



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  • could you please tell me how I can join in on this? Is the page the frog link takes me too all the stories of writers in YOUR CIRCLE? Or do I click the photo? Also how do I get access to the next Friday photo prompt? I really like how you slid the ending in of this story, as if going down a staircase and before the reader knows it, she’s at the bottom.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear R.C.C.

      At the expense of being possibly confusing, This page is last week’s prompt so the link for this page is closed.
      The prompt goes up at 2:30am every Wednesday and the link stays open for people to join until the following Tuesday. The current prompt can be found here https://rochellewisoff.com/2020/02/19/21-february-2020/ All you have to do to join is right click the photo prompt and save it to you your post. Then write a 100 word story to go with it. Once your story is ready go to the inLinkz list by clicking the frog picture or go here https://fresh.inlinkz.com/party/ab2a41a00086447185aea0157bd43bcb which is our circle of Friday Fictioneers stories. Go to the bottom of the page and click “add link” and fill in the boxes according to directions. Hope this helps.




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