3 July 2020

Published July 1, 2020 by rochellewisoff

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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit.

PHOTO PROMPT © Na’ama Yehuda

Genre: Hysterical Fiction

Word Count: 100


Jeff drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. “Damned red light.”

“Down, Scruffy.” Meredith looked up from her magazine. “Can you imagine the chaos without traffic lights? In fact, until 1923, our fair city of Cleveland was a mess until inventor Garrett Morgan witnessed a serious collision between an automobile and a cart. The horse had to be put down and a little girl was severely injured.”


“And Mr. Morgan patented a three-position traffic signal which brought order to roads worldwide. He later sold the patent to General Electric who added colored lights. Hey, Jeff?”


“The light’s green.”


Garrett Morgan

CLICK for more info re Garrett Morgan

84 comments on “3 July 2020

  • Interesting fact, Rochelle. Of course there are other ways of regulating traffic flow. As CE notes, there are roundabouts. In South Africa, drivers take it in turn to cross intersections depending on who arrived first

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Iain,

      Just found both of your attempts to comment in my trash folder. WP has been doing this a lot lately and I’ve no idea why. Aggravating.

      I’m betting Mr. Morgan had no clue how far reaching his invention would be. Although he was an inventor and a visionary.

      Thank you.




  • good story based in fact. I had no idea of the history behind stop lifts as it’t not something one ponders…….except for some awesome wordsmiths. By the way, I hate roundabouts and have seen, and been involved in a collision at them.


    • Dear Jan,

      Roundabouts aren’t my favorite thing either. As for traffic lights, there are still those bozo’s who insist on running the red ones At least when i Googled history of traffic lights, my curiosity was satisfied. 😉 Thanks, m’luv.


    • Dear Sandra,

      It was one of those moments, while foraging for a story for the prompt that led me to history of traffic lights. Sometimes the magic works and sometimes it doesn’t. This time it did. 😉 Thank you.




  • My cousin recently visited me from California. He rented a car and felt quite at home with traffic lights, but didn’t know what to make of our junction roundabouts! I used to live in a town that had so many it was known as Donut City!

    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    Who knew? Of course, they had to be invented by someone, right? And of cours,e if anyone is going to teach us in the most entertaining way, it will be you!
    Love this!
    Shalom and lotsa green-lit love,


    Liked by 1 person

    • Na’ama Y’karah,

      As you can see I’m slow to reply this week. I can’t even blame it on traffic. 😉 I can’t imagine life with traffic lights or stop signs, even though there will always be those chuckle-heads who don’t think they have to observe them. (Probably the same ones protesting mask wearing. SMH) Thank you for reading, commenting and for the loan of the photo.

      Shabbat Shalom and happy Erev Fourth of July,


      Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Bombalurina Hairball W(T)F,

    This post reminds me of a trip to Minneapolis in 1975. All the traffic lights were mounted on posts instead of hanging over the road. I ran two or three red lights before I caught on. The cops didn’t even bother to stop me since they saw our license plate read ARKANSAS. I guess they figured we hillbillies were to clueless to know any better.

    Sorry to hear about the horse, and I hope the little girl made a full recovery. Damned Sunday Drivers.

    Have a happy 4th,
    Liza Jane’s Dad

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Liza Jane’s Dad,

      I hope you didn’t get your head stuck under the china cabinet retrieving her ball. I hate to hear a grown man whine. I hope you are paying attention to the lights now. As Star Man said, “Red light, stop. Green light, go. Yellow light go–very fast.”

      May the 4th be with you,

      Bombalurina Hairball W(T)F


  • Very interesting!

    Roundabouts, that’s what you need. With traffic lights on them, we have lots of those!

    I had a bit of a smile when I read that the world’s first ever traffic light (London, 1868) was manually operated and exploded after only a month, injuring the operator. Your stories always prompt me to look stuff up 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Ali,

      Ha ha, Made you look! Made you look! Glad you did. See? It took a Yank to make a light that didn’t blow up. 😉
      We have a roundabout in the area that I have to use often, complete with traffic lights. I think I’m getting the hang of it. Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Again, a bit of history with a story. I loved driving a charter bus in Cleveland, until they started changing the lights at “rush hour”. All of a sudden most of the roads turned one-way with all red or all green lights. Add to that the one-way signs at every side street, and it became a maze. I had some very upset customers when I finally delivered them to their conventions or banquets! But as I explained to my boss (who’d received the irate phone calls) if they’d come down from their hotel rooms on time, we would’ve got there before the lights changed! So he told them, in a nice way, to piss up a rope.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Querida Rochelle,
    I had a huge smile on my face after I read this and the comments on roundabouts.
    First of all, GREAT invention especially in BIG cities – ie: NYC. Traffic is bad enough but without a traffic light – which aren’t always adhered to – there would be bodies everywhere.
    They’re adding them to our roads here. You can’t imagine the people – elderly lol – staring at nothing while waiting for something so they can go. HILARIOUS !!!! except for the impatient.
    I’d prefer to laugh.
    Sssooooo …. un cuento con mucha informacion que puedo usar algun dia cuando este con amigos bebiendo vino. 👍💜🍷🍷
    Be safe … Be Healthy … Be Happy 😍
    Isadora 😎

    Liked by 1 person

      • Querida Rochelle,
        I’m pleased I brought a smile to you. I hear that from friends – well, not lately because of you know what – that I have a fun sense of humor. I don’t plan on it. It just happens. Pero, que bueno … 👍 hope I get to use the trivis one day soon.
        Be safe … Be Healthy … Be Happy 😍
        Isadora 😎


  • Dear Rochelle,


    Absolutely loved reading about this invention and the brains behind it which made our lives so much easier! salute Garett Morgan and GE!

    I also love how you intertwine history into your stories.

    Thank you Rochelle.

    Be well, stay safe. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  • Ah, the illogical frustration waiting at the traffic lights. Yes. I enjoyed learning about the history of the traffic lights – like many things that we take for granted – and how their use has been adapted around the world.
    Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Another interesting story along with interesting history! I love the down-to-earth ending. How many times we have these “deep” conversations while waiting for something to happen – and get distracted and then reminded when the “light turns green.” I love how that all comes together here. Have a great week, Rochelle!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Anne,

      Finally, someone said something about my ending. 😉 You went exactly where I wanted you to go. Again, I never complain when people say they’ve learned something in my stories. I gladly give Garrett Morgan center stage, since he didn’t receive much of his due when he was alive. Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Nice one. Another introduction to a real life hero, Rochelle. I looked him up. He was quite a remarkable man with so many innovations despite having only an elementary school education. I read that his fire mask became the prototype and precursor for the gas masks used during World War I saving many lives.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Thanks Rochelle for expanding my awareness about Garrett Morgan, I really like learning about inventors. I can imagine the traffic chaos before his invention. I’ve always worried about countries that have a traffic cop standing in the middle of a five way junction directing the traffic, they look so vulnerable !

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Francine,

      I would hate to be a traffic cop, although when I was a kid I remember films Candid Camera did of traffic cops set to music. Fun stuff. As for Garrett Morgan, he was a brilliant and underappreciated inventor. Thank you.




  • This was like entering a conversation with my 10 year old son.
    “Did you know that potatoes grow underground and is considered the most important non-cereal crop in the world…”

    “Eat your dinner, boy.”

    Well told 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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