30 October 2020

Published October 28, 2020 by rochellewisoff


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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit.

PHOTO PROMPT © J Hardy Carroll


Genre: All-too-realistic Fiction

Word Count: 100


            Miriam paged through tattoo parlor designs. “Should I get a rose or a bird?”

            Eva’s faded eyes flashed. “Why blemish such beautiful skin?”

            “You’ve got one, Bubbe.”

            “I detest it.”

            Miriam skimmed her fingertips over the numbers on her great-grandmother’s arm. “Why don’t you have it removed?”      

            “The needle burned into me while they carried Mama away. They silenced Papa’s pleas with a bullet.” A spectral smile spread Eva’s withered lips. “It took four of them to hold me down.”

            “I get it. You keep it so you’ll always remember.”

            “No, bubbeleh. I keep it so you will never forget.”

95 comments on “30 October 2020

  • A lovely story in remembrance of the Holocaust, Rochelle. No one should ever forget. It’s deeply disturbing that there exist Neo-Nazis these days. It’s even more disturbing that our present President didn’t call them out after the events in Charlottesville. Good writing as always. —- Suzanne

    Liked by 2 people

  • A child character in a Hindi movie gets inked with “My father is a thief” by some people who hold a grudge against the father. The character carries the scar throughout and the story is based on his rebellious ways. I am reminded of that with your story.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Another episode in the series that you have made your own, m’lady, as expertly crafted as ever, and with your characteristic human touch.

    Are you aware that the photo has a .webp extension (not for the first time) and that clicking on it gives an error 404?

    Liked by 1 person

  • As the shiver runs down my spine and my jaw hits the floor… you’ve done it again! What a deep water piece. Hate to say I love it (for the content) but I do. Great writing! Great for Halloween week, too. So very scary. I had the privilege (if one could call it that) to meet a survivor with a tat. I cried when they showed it to me and told me how they’d received it. And… I’ve NEVER forgotten.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    I heard this morning a story about the holocaust and now read this as well. Feels not only a reminder of how quickly we sink into inhumanity but prophetic given the tenor of the times not just in Europe but here in the U.S. Great storytelling as always, Rochelle.

    Aleichem shalom,

    Liked by 1 person

  • Anyone who thinks those numbers were painless hasn’t read “The Tatooist of Auschwitz.” I have seen several older survivors with those now-faded numbers on their arms. It always makes my stomach clench, my eyes fill with tears. How soon we forget.

    Liked by 2 people

  • I think and have commented on other stories you’ve written in this vein that the Holocaust is something that no one who has ever heard of could ever forget. Nothing like that could ever happen again. Then, I read about people being locked in cages, separated from their families, and dying in America. I’ve read ‘Mein Kampf.’ I see the same “God and country” rhetoric, the same xenophobia, demagoguery, vitriol, hatred, conspiracy theories, blind followers easily worked into a frenzy… It’s terrifying. Even if everything changes at the top next week 🙏, that rotted underbelly still exists. It’s officially become mainstream, and they’re the ones with the guns.

    Very well-told story, Rochelle. As others have commented, those last two lines really bring it home. On a lighter note, I’ve often seen beautiful women with tattoos and wondered why.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Nobbin,

      We shouldn’t forget, but we’ve become complacent and think it can’t happen again. Nu?
      As for beautiful women with tattoos, I’ve seen and know some. I don’t get it either. But then, my dad wouldn’t talk to me for a while after I got my ears pierced. He was so disgusted by it. Thank you re my story.



      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear StepHonie,

      I would love to visit that museum for sure. Who knows? I’ll never say never and give it a place on my bucket list. 😉 I’ll have to bring a box of tissues. I was a drizzly mess at Yad V’shem in Jerusalem. But I’m glad there are people who are doing these things so we don’t forget.
      Thank you re my story.




  • Excellent story as always. Important. Sensitive. Strong.
    Like the many who survived these times, less and less of whom are still among us. I know someone who’d gotten the same tattoo of numbers as were on his grandparent’s arm. To remember. So others never forget.

    Liked by 1 person

  • “I get it. You keep it so you’ll always remember.”

    “No, bubbeleh. I keep it so you will never forget.”

    Hi Rochelle,

    For me these two lines reflect a significance that is not fully understood or appreciated by the younger generation.
    Miriam is aware of Eve’s experience, but Eva’s tattoo is perhaps an embarrassment and Miriam would rather hide and bury the past. Eva defends her responsibility to all the victims to ensure no one is allowed to brush the past aside and more importantly allow the world to forget those horrors Yet, I ask’ has the world learned anything from that specific event? Everyone with a sense of human decency has, unfortunately the evil men do still continue.

    On a change of note: I am distracted this week , so forgive me for not contributing 100 words.
    Best wishes,


    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear James,

      Not to worry about your 100 words this week. I think you left them here. 😉 Seriously, Eva’s intentions are to remind the rest of the world. I’ve known a few survivors, one in the KC area, who go around to schools educating the students. Sonia, the one here, feels it’s her duty to not let the world forget. It’s not that she’s bitter. She just doesn’t want to see it happen again….to anyone.
      Thank you for taking the time to leave such a magnificent comment. As I see today’s world events I wonder where we’re headed and what we’ve actually learned.



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  • Dear Nameless in Belton W(T)F,

    I never was much for tattoos. Although, I’m reaching the age where having my name and address etched on forehead might not be a bad idea. Instead, I’m wearing a tag that reads, “If found, please do NOT return.”

    Thanks for another reminder about the horrors of the holocaust.

    Lost in the ozone again.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Clarence,

      If you have your name and addressed etched on your forehead, have them do it backwards so you can read it in the mirror. 😉
      I wonder what some of these tats are going to look like in 50 years when those sporting them shrivel. Wil Mother become Mhr?
      Always happy to remind.


      Nameless in Belton W(T)F

      Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    Your inimitable way of going for the jugular while bringing these stories to life is unparalleled! Bubbe knows what she is telling her bubbeleh.

    Shalom and lotsa understanding love,


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