27 November 2020

Published November 25, 2020 by rochellewisoff

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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit.

PHOTO PROMPT © Susan Eames

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Genre: Realistic Fiction

Word Count: 100


Last night was my first time on the dance floor since my husband died five years ago. And this happens. I’m not sure which aches more, my fractured ankle or my pride. Chuck must think I’m a klutz.

I wait for the hydrocodone to kick in.

Why’d I let my pushy sister talk me into a blind date?

“I’m not ready,” I’d insisted.

“If not now—when?”

My phone rings.

Chuck’s delicious voice caresses my ear. “Sorry about my overgrown clodhoppers. I’d like to make it up to you over dinner. May I come over?”

Perhaps I’m ready after all. 


Happily the above story is pure fiction. 😀 He’s very much alive, for which I’m grateful! Our friends and family gave us 6 months. Happy 49th Anniversary to my first husband, Jan Wayne Fields.

82 comments on “27 November 2020

  • Querida Rochelle,
    Lovely photographs of you both – then and now. Sweet, innocent and over-the-moon in love. A phenominal way fo begin a life together. I hope the nay sayers weren’t taking bets. I think 49 years qualifies as a long and prosperous marriage.
    I’m sure your story could be played out by many but I’m happy it was truly just fiction.
    May all your days remain joyous and filled with more LOVE than your hearts can hold.
    Happy 49th & Many, Many more. Matzel Tov ❤️😍❤️ ❤️😍❤️ ❤️😍❤️ ❤️😍❤️
    Be Safe … Abrazos y Carino,
    Isadora 😎

    Liked by 1 person

    • Querida Isadora,

      Gracias para sus palabras amables. ❤ I don't know if the nay sayers were making bets, but if so, they lost. 😉 My mother made sure my birth control pills were in my overnight bag for our wedding night. She said, "don't you dare get pregnant, all my friends are betting you have to get married." Lessee…we were married in 1971 and our first child came in 1974. Safe to say we didn't "have to." Thank you again, mi amiga.

      Shalom y abrazos,


      Liked by 1 person

      • Querida Richelle,
        Yo tambien era joven. Me case un mes despues de mis 18 anos. Many, many people thought the same thing sbout our wedding at such a young age. Pregnancy was in question. I had my 1st 3 years after our wedding. Oh, how people love a good gossip story. LOL Shame on them. We are very fortunate to have found men who are worth having around for awhile. Watch those senior citizen women, they love to tease and flirt with committed men. LOL
        CONGRATULATIONS and Mazol Tov
        Abrazos y Carino, Be Safe
        Isadora 😎


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