14 January 2021

Published January 13, 2021 by rochellewisoff

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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit.

PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson


Genre: Historical Fiction

Word Count: 100


“I’ve had enough of this scene,” said Stephen Stills as he sat at a coffee house in Greenwich Village. “I’m off to LA.”

Peter picked out a tune on his guitar. “Ya think you’ll make more bread out there?”

“Dunno. But it’s warmer.”



As the two basked in California sunshine, Stephen handed Peter a newspaper. “I’m auditioning. Why don’t you?”

Peter read the ad. “I’m a musician. Haven’t acted since the PTA play in grade school.”

“It says ‘Musicians-Singers.’”

“Okay. What’ve I got to lose?”

Years later, Peter Tork told an interviewer.  “I’ll always have the Monkees on my back.”


RIP Peter

February 13,1942- February 21, 2019

76 comments on “14 January 2021

  • Oh boy, those were the days. I was never a Monkees fan in the way that others were, but oh the nostalgia for the times. Stephen Stills, was that of Crosby Stills and Nash fame or am I barking up the wrong tree here. Thanks for the memories.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Sandra,

      You are correct. It was that Stephen Stills. Just think, if the auditions had gone differently, he might’ve been a Monkee. Guess I’ve been in nostalgia mode to escape the present. Glad you enjoyed and took the time to say so. ‘



      PS I’m still a dyed in the wool Beatles fan. 😉


  • Dear Rochelle,

    I love how you’ve given each Monkee his proper due. Just goes to show that if you don’t try, you won’t get… And how cool that he was buddies with Stephen Stills – who also made it!

    Shalom and lotsa musical love,


    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Linda,

      I’m kind of a latent Monkees fan as I’ve learned more of their story Had it not been for NBC these four random guys would never have formed a band, in fact Mike Nesmith admits he didn’t like Peter Tork.
      I’ll admit to the Monkee business. I started with Davy and felt like I should give the other three equal time. 3 down. 1 to go. 😉



      Liked by 1 person

  • You seem to be having a Monkee of a month.

    Is Stephen Stills the Stills of Crosby, Stills, Nash, and sometimes Young? It’s always interesting to me when people start at a similar point and take different paths to find their success.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    What an entertaining bit of history! Imagine just going to California on a whim and for the weather and striking it “big”! Serendipity – being at the right place at the right time with the right talent “Hey, hey, we’re the Monkees . . . We’re the young generation and we have something to say!!!!” ❤️😀


    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    I think you have the Monkees on your mind at the moment, but then they were infectiously happy, sweet, and funny. At the moment, in particuar, we all need happiness, sweetness, and funny-ness in a world that seems quite the opposite. Thanks for making me smile 🙂

    i realised, looking at Dale’s photo prompt this week, that I wrote a FF 100-word cello-related story back in 2016. Here’s the link https://sarahpotterwrites.com/2016/11/18/friday-fictioneers-boy-enfolded/

    About time I wrote a new contributions to FF, just to get my writing muscles going again. It’s no good me suggesting that Dale writes a novel, when I’ve come to a standstill myself. That’s hardly setting a good example.

    Am working on a new painting. Bluebell woods are harder to paint than I thought D:

    We must speak again soon.

    All best wishes,


    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Sarah,

      It always makes me happy to see you here in Purpleville. 😉 I had to go back and read your story. Interestingly, it’s very close to the one Dale wrote for this prompt. It was also interesting to see who commented on it way back in 2016. A few absentees there. sigh. I can’t believe in April I’ll be celebrating my 9th year as an FF participant.

      I really do feel stalled in my writing. Not in my art, but it feels out of balance, if you know what I mean.

      As for the Monkees, I started with a story about Davy Jones. In my Google searching for something else, I learned that Davy was part of the Broadway cast of Oliver Twist (Artful Dodger) the same night the Beatles debuted on Ed Sullivan. 9 February 1964. Once I did that story I felt it only fair to give the other Monkees equal time. And it has been fun. While I wasn’t a huge fan back then, it’s fun to watch some of their antics way back when,

      Just think of those paintings are more difficult than we anticipated as growing pains. I’m working on one that’s stretching me. I’ve hated it and loved it by turns.

      Yes, we can’t let too much time pass before the Three Graces speak again.



      Liked by 1 person

      • Dear Rochelle,

        Sorry I’ve taken so long replying to your reply to my comment. Have been immersed in my bluebell wood painting, in between long periods of feeling unmotivated. I have now finished the painting and am thrilled with it, as is my son, who is going to have it hanging on his bedroom wall when the frame for it arrives. I think that the old expression “no gain without pain” can be applied to most things creative. My next challenge is to try to paint a bookcover, when I’ve decided which book to do it for, and that depends upon assessing readership mood a few months down the line.

        I’ve just discovered that the Mermaid of Black Conch, a decidedly offbeat novel that I totally love, has won the Costa Best Novel Prize 2020. It shows that I have taste 😉

        Yes, Three Graces to speak again this week or next. Let me know when you & Dale are free.

        All best wishes,

        Liked by 2 people

        • Dear Sarah,

          No worries. I understand being immersed. Perhaps you could paint a picture of Anna for the front of Counting Magpies 😉 which I’m slowly but surely reading and enjoying the ride.
          No word here on Last Dance but I remain hopeful.
          My week’s pretty free but Dale does have a job.



          Liked by 2 people

          • Dear Rochelle,

            I was thinking that Counting Magpies might be the one to go for, so you’ve just helped me make up my mind. Everything moves with such inexorable slowness in the publishing world, especially at the moment. I think that publishers feel as betwixt and between as we writers do, re predicting future trends. Remaining hopeful is the best we all can do.

            Shall we say next week would be better for our chat, which will give Dale more flexibility re the amount of time available?

            All best wishes

            Liked by 1 person

  • Querida Isadora,

    I don’t know that he was the shy one, but they did make him out to be the nebbish of the group. No doubt that was in the script. 😉 Gracias por sus palabras amables mi amiga. Stay well.

    Shalom y abrazos,



    • Dear Laurie,

      Three Monkees down and one more to go. 😉 Actually they were all musically talented. Mike and Peter were the ones who were musicians and not actors. Peter was a cutie. So sad that he’s no longer among us. Thank you.




    • Dear Roy,

      I actually started the year with this Monkee business when I found in a Google search that Davy Jones shared the stage on Ed Sullivan with the Beatles. You can find that story here: https://rochellewisoff.com/2020/12/30/1-january-2021/ From there I decided the other three guys should get equal time.
      I wasn’t actually a fan. I saw them as a fake band who couldn’t hold a candle to the Beatles. However, I’m a latent fan now as I’ve watched a few documentaries on the Pre-Fab Four and how they became a real band. Alas, I never saw them live.
      Now aren’t you glad you asked? 😉 Thank you for reading and commenting.



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