29 January 2021

Published January 27, 2021 by rochellewisoff

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PHOTO PROMPT © Marie Gail Stratford

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This week, January 27, marks the 76th anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz. May we never forget. 

Genre: Historical Fiction

Word Count: 100


מיין שיינער פרינץ

For my fifth birthday in 1939, Papa, my handsome prince, gave me a beautiful book called “Kinder und Hausmärchen.”

The next year we went into hiding with Papa’s Christian friends in the country. Three years later the SS arrested us.

At nights in my bunk, I’d close my eyes and imagine Papa reading Briar Rose or Rapunzel, mimicking the ladies with squeaky falsetto voices to make me laugh.

I was eleven when American soldiers liberated us from the camp. I searched for my handsome prince, but Papa was nowhere to be found. For me there is no happily ever after.

Meyn Sheyner Frintz – My Handsome Prince in Yiddish

The Book was also known as Grimm’s Fairytales

It’s a 48 minute commitment but THIS LINK leads to a wonderful story of how one woman survived and has lived to tell and retell her story.

57 comments on “29 January 2021

  • My heart aches to hear such stories. They really touch my soul deeply, always have. When I read the Hebrew words outloud, my mind was hearing the voice of my Great Grandpa calling me his ‘Bonny’ princess. It was so real, it was as if I were sitting on his lap again. Thank you for that, Rochelle. On this day when I wake to the remembrance of the Christa McCaulife and the Shuttle Challenger, I needed the pick-me-up. I still miss her exuberance and smile.

    Liked by 2 people

  • This is precisely why I am appalled and sickened by those who loudly proclaim that all children of Conservatives should be sent to re-education camps. The loudest are those who are too young and ill-educated to remember what that can look like.

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    • Dear Francine,

      I fear we are forgetting, but I’ll do my part to keep the memory alive as much as possible. Thank you re the audio. There was more to Marceau than a simple mime. 😉 Thank you for your affirming comments.




  • Dear Rochelle,

    This is so heartbreaking. I recently watched a documentary on Frontline about a group of Holocaust survivors. They were the only surviving members of their families. It is important that we don’t forget these atrocities but we share them with generations to come. Thanks for this beautiful and gut-wrenching story.


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