Published January 27, 2021 by rochellewisoff

PHOTO PROMPT © Marie Gail Stratford

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I hope you’ll forgive me for taking places one and two on the Hollywood Squares. This story was begging to be told this week. 

Genre: Historical Fiction Circa 1966

Word Count: 100


Supper dishes put away; Marie sank down on the sofa next to ten-year-old Rachel. “What’s on television?”

Hollywood Bowl. Marcel Marceau’s on tonight.”

“The mime? I met him.”

“Really, Mom?” Rachel gasped. “When?”

“Over twenty years ago.” As white-faced Marceau chased imaginary butterflies across the stage, memories flooded Marie. “After my parents were deported to Auschwitz my brother and I were put in an orphanage. Marcel was but a boy himself when he entertained us with his silent art and led us to safety over the Swiss border.”

“Wow. Did you get his autograph?”

Oui. It’s engraved on my heart.”

I had the pleasure of seeing him perform live in 1992. He was amazing even from the highest seat in the theatre. Click the photo to learn more about this Jewish boy from Strasbourg, France. 

71 comments on “LANGUAGE OF THE HEART

  • Dear Rochelle,

    Oh I loved this one! We think we know something about someone famous and then the camera shifts and you see them in an altogether new light. You did that for me here. He had heart, didn’t he? The kind that counts.


    Liked by 2 people

  • You are forgiven, and you are allowed to take as many spots as you like in the Hollywood Squares :). I love this story, and with both of your posts, later today I will follow the links to read more about both of them

    Liked by 3 people

  • Thanks, Rochelle, I think for encouraging us to read more about Marcel Marceau. I’ve just spent at least the last hour watching him perform and talk about his art and it’s now long, long after midnight.
    Not sure whether you knew that my 14 year old daughter is pursuing dance as a career and is particularly looking at becoming a ballerina. I have done a few adult ballet, l;yrical and contemporary classes myself as well as watching many dance performances over the years. So, I took a particular interest in him and hope to rewatch a documentary with my daughter tomorrow. I won’t hold my breath though. You might be able to lead a horse to water but leading a teenager anywhere is a rarity.
    I hope you and yours are keeping safe and well. We have very little virus around but still have restrictions after clusters over Christmas.
    Best wishes,

    Liked by 3 people

    • Dear Rowena,

      You have mentioned your daughter was a dancer. Frankly I found Marceau boring when I was growing up. Then I became a mime myself so my feelings about him did a complete pirouette. 😉 And now that I know even more about him he’s even more of a hero In researching to write my 100 words I did spend a lot of time watching and listening online.
      Here when we think the virus is fading, a new strain develops. Thank you for your well wishes. Back at you and your family.




    • Dear Lisa,

      It so happens I watched the movie a couple of days ago. Jesse Eisenberg did a great job as did the entire cast. I did know some of the history before seeing it. The most haunting and impacting part of the movie was when they started rolling the credits and you hear the children singing “Shalom Aleichem.” It’s a very old traditional song and their rendition sent shivers through me. Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

      • You’re welcome. Rochelle, so glad you saw it and I agree the cast was fabulous. I’m sure you probably know that the US hired Klaus Barbie after the war and he walked a free man for many years. I have to wonder why!?!?


  • Marcel was twice divorced. “Will you talk to me, please? AHHHAAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!”

    I, of course, browsed through the Wikipedia page. Interesting that he was a silent performer while being fluent in three languages. Inspired by Charlie Chaplin, one of my favorites, and inspired Michael Jackson. Impressive. Most impressive to me was his work saving lives as part of the French Jewish Resistance.

    Very interesting, Rochelle. Happy Holocaust Remembrance Day if that’s a proper way to phrase that. Happy’s doesn’t seem like the right word.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Nobbin,

      Guess he wasn’t very good at communicating his heart with his wives. 😉 He was, nonetheless, a talented and interesting person who touched many lives in a positive way. I love it when you go the extra mile to find out about characters in my story. Thank you for your comments. 😀



      Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Shelley Kohlen W(T)F,

    I’m sure Mr. Marceau would be thrilled to learn that you graduated from Walla Walla Bing Bang and followed in his white-faced footsteps. As they say, a mime is a terrible thing (to waste?) Lowry will be pleased to know you have a pedigree.

    Good luck with the fishing routine,
    Snidely Whiplash

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Snidely Whiplash,

      And Lowry will never find my invisible box or my growing collection of DNR tags. Buahahaha. Oooh eeee, oooh ah ah, ting tang…I haven’t caught any invisible fish yet, but I did catch an invisible boot. If I can catch the other, I’ll have an invisible pair. Thank you for swinging by.


      Shelley Kohlen W(T)F


  • Rochelle,

    The perfect delivery system for this tale, thank you for going that extra step. I read along to the words, just like I do with my CC on Fire Stick! 😉

    To the romance of the arts. How they leave us weak AND strong, both.


    Liked by 2 people

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