19 March 2021

Published March 17, 2021 by rochellewisoff

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Click the Frog to Join the Party

Genre: Humour

Word Count: 100


Dale shielded her eyes. “Let’s sit here under this magnificent shade tree.”  

As Russell sank down in the grass, Liza-Jane snatched his sandwich. “Hey!” He scowled the dog.

“I brought an extra, just in case.” Rochelle handed it to him. “Hope you don’t mind peanut butter on wholegrain, gluten-free bread.”

Liza-Jane sniffed at it and whimpered. Russell grimaced. “Thanks.”

Rochelle bit into her sandwich. “Mmm. Peanut Butter. George Washington Carver’s greatest gift to mankind.

“For your information, Ms. History-Buff.” Dale munched on her PB&J on a croissant. “Peanut butter was first patented by Canadian pharmacist Marcellus Gilmore Edson in 1884.


Click here for Information that won’t stick to the roof of your mouth. 


107 comments on “19 March 2021

  • Oh, yummy. I love making peanut butter. Gran always threw in a few walnuts too. Oh, man, now I’ll have to haunt the antique Mart for a meat grinder….thats what we always used. Mr. Washington is also known for his crochet work. The current Piecework magazine has an article about it with a few of his patterns too. What a talented man.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Bear,

      I didn’t know about his crocheting. I was crestfallen when I learned he didn’t invent peanut butter. But he did so many other wonderful things with peanuts, I think it was just an assumption historians made.

      Sorry your comments this morning seemed to want to end up in my trash bin. It’s why I check my spam folder often. Chalk it up to weirdness in wordpress.

      Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Yep, George Washington Carver was a great man and scientist, but a lot stuck to him like peanut butter. Or maybe I should have used a comma between “him” and “like”…. nah. I’m sure Dale would point out where Canada was ahead of the US 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  • LOL. Them’s fighting words! I especially like how she uses gluten-free bread to ward off the dog. I am also not a fan of gluten-free bread. That made me laugh and crave some sweet, starchy bread. Darn it. So much to grin at in this story!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Anne,

      Alas, gluten free is a cross some of us have to bear. 😉 Fortunately there are some out there that aren’t too bad. I’m still in search of a decent challah. I’m pleased my story made you grin. 😀 Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Terry could live on nothing but peanut butter. Eats it every day, several times a day. He can’t go through the kitchen without stopping to put some pb on a cracker or–believe it or not–a rice cake! He’s gluten intolerant, and I’ve found a good gluten-free bread recipe that he enjoys. Most of the store-bought stuff is dry and crumbly.

    Another little gem of historical knowledge debunked! Poor Mr. Carver has lost some of his shine 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Linda,

      I don’t know that Mr. Carver would be too upset. He did so many things with peanuts is it any wonder history has given him credit for peanut butter? Ooh…I’d be interested in your gluten free bread recipe. I’m still searching for a GF challah recipe that doesn’t have the consistency of a rock. Peanut butter on rice cakes…been there, done that…not too bad. 😀



      Liked by 1 person

      • Rochelle, if you’d really like to have the recipe, I’d be happy to share it with you.

        My daughter makes the most wonderful challah, but I’m afraid it’s not gluten free. Perhaps you could use the mixture of flours in my bread recipe? Anyway, I’ll hunt up the recipe. There are two parts–a mixture of flours, and then the recipe itself.


  • I like the names you used for your story, Rochelle. I don’t mean to double slam GWC but I just finished a book by Charles M. Blow, “The Devil You Know,” where Blow has a few choice words about him. No he’s not “the devil” of the book, but he’s surely no angel!

    Liked by 1 person

  • Ha! Loved it! (and especially liked it that you didn’t say how I was sitting there the whole time, munching on the sandwiches in double speed and popping handfuls of blueberries in my mouth …) 😉
    This was fun!
    And, yeah, I did have a peanut butter sandwich for lunch today! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Georgette O’Keebler W(T)F,

    I’m flattered to have a starring role in your thesis on peanut butter. What’s next, mayo?

    Let’s hope Liza Jane got a good sandwich the first time. She’s rather a picky eater and all that whole grain and fiber might upset her delicate digestive system.

    It’s a good thing the Canuck was there to correct you or we’d have to file this story under Fractured (Fake News) History. BTW – have you ever watched “Drunk History” on Comedy Central. It’s a hoot.

    Happy baking
    Ernie Elf-mocker

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Ernie Elf-Mocker,

      Haven’t seen “Drunk History” although the “Drunk Present” is pretty hysterical. 😉 I apologize if I’ve upset Liza Jane’s sensitive digestive system. Fortunately it’s only fiction. She does play a mean game of tug-o-war. Thank you for being part of the picnic. Mayo? Hm. Is there a history behind it. I’ll have to check it out…nasty stuff IMHO.

      Excuse me whilst I return to counting the DNR tags in my invisible box. I think they might be the subject for my next painting.


      Georgette O’Keebler W(T)F

      Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    There was a day when I could eat peanut butter for breakfast, lunch, supper, but not anymore! It sets off my achy rheumatoid joints like nobody’s business. As always, I enjoy your historical vignettes so much and your reading. So Liza-Jane turns her nose up at gluten-free, eh? Good doggie!


    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Dora,

      I’m not sure if Liza Jane would turn her nose up at gluten-free or not. Although she is kind of a picky eater and has some dietary issues. Sorry about your issues with peanut butter. Still a favorite of mine although I don’t eat it every day. 😉 Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    Never would I ever…. yeah, no. I totally would! There are quite a few things Canadians created that the Americans try to claim as their own 😉 No worries – we zip up their lips pretty quick!

    Shalom and lotsa sticky love,


    Liked by 1 person

  • My bad…. I double dipped a bit this week ( Link #34). I went out and opened a blogger blog so I could do poetry… can’t get wordpress to lay it out correctly. So, there’s a learning curve here. Haven’t touched it for over 15 yrs…ach, things have changed.

    Liked by 1 person

  • I don’t care who “invented” it. I love crunchy peanut butter on toast. Especially a good homemade bread. A great job with your story on the “real” peanut butter patent holder. Thanks Dale. I also loved your different take on the bread. Liza Jane has my vote.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Canadian-invented, eh? Figures. I love peanut butter, now I like it even more. Unfortunately where I live, it is very expensive. I always wanted to try to make my own but never got around to it. What a fun story, Rochelle, an inspiring gathering of friends.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Interesting that peanut butter was once considered a rich person’s food. I wanted to kow who invented the peanut butter jelly sandwich and seems google has the answers.
    In 1901, the first peanut butter and jelly sandwich recipe appeared in the Boston Cooking School Magazine of Culinary Science and Domestic Economics written by Julia Davis Chandler. She said to use currant or crab-apple jelly and called the combination delicious and as far as she knew, original.
    Peanut butter is the key ingredient in my instant peanut chutney (patent pending) 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Subroto,

      Peanut chutney sounds like it could be wonderful. I always preferred grape jelly. And the sandwich had to be on empty calorie fluffy white bread. 😉 Thank you for sharing that bit of history.




    • Dear Francine,

      I see what you mean. I like Marmite and its cousin Vegamite. I can see where a person might not like it. I was told by an Australian friend that I was unusual for an American. 😉 Thank you re my story. Yeah, I’ve eaten PB straight from the spoon more than once.




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