10 September 2021

Published September 8, 2021 by rochellewisoff
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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit.

PHOTO PROMPT © Sandra Crook

As some of you are aware, my story last week was based on fact. It’s been a busy summer, fraught with highs and lows. The story and picture are both reruns from 2014. A handful of you were part of Friday Fictioneers. Feel free to rerun your own story from that week.

CLICK to join. 😀

Genre: Fiction
Word Count: 100


            When I was a co-ed I married a professional baseball player.

            After a year, a specialist told us we’d never conceive.

            Jack refused to adopt. He couldn’t see himself raising “another man’s bastard.”

            Within weeks he divorced me and married a fan.    

            Devastated, I left for France. In Apremont-sur-Allier I found healing in Ranier’s arms.

            “All I have to offer is my farm and my love,” he said.  

            “I can’t give you children,” I said.    

             “All I want is your heart.” 

            Today we greeted our fourth son, the spitting image of his father.

            Jack? No runs. No hits. No heirs.  

60 comments on “10 September 2021

  • Simple, effective and well written. But oh! the layers in this dessert – definitely makes it all the richer and savoury. And what a great ending line. Had me definitely chuckling for the almost perfect word-play sounds like “errors” …. absolutely delightful and charming story Rochelle.

    Shalom 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  • I checked the 2014 version. While I hope I would remember a story as smile producing as this, I couldn’t remember when I started friday fictioneering. I was using a different blog back then (now shuttered). This time I vow to remember your tale. Jack, no doubt, ended his career in the minors. Without minors.
    Thanks for the smile this morning — a wonderful way to begin the day!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Lorraine,

      Interesting that you’ve been this way before. Glad you’re back. Of course the first time around was seven years ago. We’ve all slept since then. 😉 Thank you for the return smiles.




      • Even me with the warped circadian rhythms has slept a night or two. Coming back to Friday Fictioneers after a while away, it was nice to see some of the same folks participating as well as “meet” new-to-me participants.


  • I remember this photo. It was so inspirational. I wrote many small devotionals from the inspiration entitled “Behind the Haywagon”. I meant to go through files to see if I could find the original post, alas and anon, it is not to be found at the moment. I loved the twist you put to the story.. Serves the jerk right. Several deep lessons in this write. Slugging away here, and hoping to meet my newest nephew in person next week! Little Grant is soo cute in his pictures. Shalom, Bear

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