17 September 2021

Published September 15, 2021 by rochellewisoff

The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit.

PHOTO PROMPT © Krista Strutz
Thanks to Keith Hillman for the frog Click to Join the Fun.

Genre: Questionable Fiction
Word Count: 100


“There are no mistakes,” said the artist. “Only happy accidents.”

His soft voice caressed the TV viewer’s ears while he made love to a cloud with his wide brush. Often, he brought wild animals onto the set. He was nature lover first. Artist second. Passion on canvas.

Magnificent scenes appeared under his skillful hand in half an hour week after happy week.

“Believe strongly enough and you can make it happen,” he’d say.

We believed, didn’t we?

Mystery paints his final days. Smoking and inhaling paint thinner may have taken his life, but who owns the rights to his legacy?

Some extra curricular reading.

70 comments on “17 September 2021

  • Dear Rochelle,

    A timely tribute to a man many loved to mock while others loved to watch, inspired by what he made look so ver easy. Thanks for the link, too. The documentary is on my list of ‘to-watch”.

    Shalom and lotsa artistic love,


    Liked by 1 person

  • Whenever I stayed over with my Granny, we would watch Mr. Ross. I often fell asleep to the quiet sounds of his soft voice and paint brush slapping the canvas. Maybe he was part of why I became an artist myself. I never could afford oils, but I would try to imitate his style with acrylics… it CAN be done, you just have to plan ahead and think about what you’re doing. He is greatly missed in this world.

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  • Rochelle,

    Your story hit all the right notes of art, passion, and belief. I like this quote from the article: “Talent is a pursued interest,” Ross says in one episode. “Anything that you’re willing to practice, you can do.” It’s a pity that where money is involved, skulduggery lurks.


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    • Dear Dora,

      Another artist friend and I have discussed the difference between talent and a gift. Are they one and the same?
      It’s a shame that a man who spread so much joy should have his legacy darkened so. Thank you for your kind comments.



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  • That documentary is in my queue. My friend is a painter and in a painting club. She is somehow distantly acquainted with someone who was interviewed for the documentary. I just remember the elapsed-time painting clips they used to play during Saturday morning cartoons.

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  • Querida Rochelle,
    I recently saw the documentary on Netflix. It was quite good and sad all at once.
    I’ve heard stories like his from my art show days. It’s a part of the game.
    Your description of him is so spot-on. I remember watching him when my children
    were small. he was fascinating to watch. Yes, I did try to emulate him. I never could
    finish a painting in a short time – kids. LOL
    Well done, my amiga, well done.
    Abrazos y Carino, Stay Safe 😷
    Isadora 😎

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    • Querida Isadora,

      Back in the Bob Ross days I only caught his shows on rare occasions as I was busy raising children. It never occurred to me to emulate him. I always preferred portraiture and didn’t care to do landscapes. The truth was I didn’t think I had the ability to paint them.
      The documentary was quite the eye-opener, wasn’t it?
      Abrazos y Shalom, mi buen amiga,


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      • It was an eye opener that this happened to him. He seemed like a man who was trying to find himself but when he did try to be that person he was steered in a different way in order to take advantage and monetize their lives. What is it they say, “Men and women can’t be friends? I thought it was odd he had a romance with her. But, she denies it and quien sabe. Hubby and I have had many conversations about him. I’m glad his son was able to paint like him. I think your style is unique. Many, many people can paint a sunset. Thanks for hosting this weekly writing challenge. I don’t think people are aware of the task. I am … can’t find my emoji’s. There should be a heart there. : )
        Carino abrazos,

        Liked by 1 person

  • I had never heard of him until I read your story last Wednesday. Imagine my surprise when a major german magazine had an article about him and the documentary later this week. I think his show was here on TV, too, but I rarely watch TV.

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  • A subchannel of PBS Create has been running his shows; he even has a booble head doll with sayings (Barnes and Nobel). LEading to a whole new generation of fans of his happy trees, including one of my husband’s coworkers who is too young to remember the orginal run of shows. We gave him a Bob Ross bobble-head doll (who says the typic Bob Ross phrases). Barnes and Nobles has some wild booble-heads . . .
    I am interested in the documentary you mention. A while back, out of curiousity, I did some research on him — fascinating man.

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  • Hi Rochelle,
    I was first introduced to Bob Ross when I visited my grandparents since my grandfather would always watch him, both being painters. Even now, it’s great to watch him just because of his soothing style and demeanor.

    I hope you’re doing well. I’ve been busy with my young writers’ site, The Green-Walled Treehouse. I mostly feel bad posting to Friday Fictioneers and not having time to read others’ stories, but I’m hoping to be able to get back to it before long.

    Have a great weekend,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear David,

      You do leave a David-shaped void on the squares. Green-Walled Treehouse sounds like fun, though. As you see our numbers have been dwindling. And I sometimes question whether or not I should keep Friday Fictioneers going. There are times these days with the hustle and bustle of art fairs, etc I’ve been posting reruns because my muse has been in drydock. Ans while the participants are fewer, it takes me longer to get around to reading and commenting.
      A recent crushing disappointment has also put the brakes on my writing lately.

      Enough of my whining. I’m glad you could relate to my story and took the time to comment. I’ll continue to keep the light on for you. 😉



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      • Dear Rochelle, I know what you mean about juggling writing/blogging with the rest of life. The Green-Walled Tower has lapsed since I can’t keep up with two blogs and all the other things I need to do. I’ll try to join FF this week. It’d be nice to see the gang again. I hope your week goes well.

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