8 October 2021

Published October 6, 2021 by rochellewisoff

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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is another-hightway.jpg

The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit.

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot

Genre: Fiction
Word Count: 100

“Antique photographs fascinate me.” Rochelle rinsed her paintbrush. “Wouldn’t you love to know what the people in them are thinking?’

            Russell scratched his chin as if deep in thought. “The kid is probably wishing the photographer would hurry up and get it over with. His father’s thirsty for a tall cold one.”

            “The woman wants to loosen her corset.” Dale leaned back in her chair. “Can you imagine being imprisoned in one of those contraptions?”

            “Dear me, no,” said the grandmother of nine. “I wonder what Zing and Zang would say?”

            “There you go.” Rochelle grinned. “Our next photo prompt!”  


72 comments on “8 October 2021

    • Dear Neel,

      You’re comments are kind and generous. At any rate, I’ve inserted the actual photo prompt now. I goofed and posted without it. I look forward to seeing the direction you took with our stories.
      Now, as it’s still 0-Dark-30 here, I’m going to go put on my coffee and continue to wake up. 😉




  • I recently found out about a deaf woman who -can read lips well enough to understand what people in old WWI silent videos are saying. For people who enjoy old photographs (though no one can tell from a photograph anything like that) , she can top everyone

    Liked by 1 person

  • I love the photos and your artistic renderings. I love old photos, too, especially of distant relatives. It’s fun to trace similarities down through the generations.

    And I felt highly honored to be included with Russell and Dale in your gallery of philosophers, along with Zing and Zang. My two little aliens have been feeling neglected lately.

    Liked by 3 people

  • Here’s to old photos and older stories. How fun! I enjoyed reading the narrative, too, and I agree with Dale that corsets (even with their bust-supportive properties) were not going to be a favorite thing for me … I rather like my body bendy (or as bendy as it will allow these days). Left my little contribution with the froggy. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,
    One of the first thoughts that crosses my mind when I see photographs (old or not) is, “Hmm. What were they thinking?” Clever little piece with three of our favorite FF’s. :>)

    Liked by 1 person

  • I missed the early morning hoopla about missing photo for the prompt, but I have to say, the actual image is absolutely nuts! In the best of ways. These types of images are entrancing – all that is going on, so many layers. I could get totally lost in it forever – it’s worthy of many stories. So cheers and thanks for that!

    And of course, old images, especially family ones, are fascinating, if one takes the time to really observe. Usually most plain, depending on the era, it’s all the small details that leave the mind wondering and wandering, trying to decipher meanings, make connections. I’m particularly intrigued by the baby carriage one – that is a complete baffle – my imagination running wild. 😅

    Wonderful little flash you’ve penned – fun to sit and play, and paint, and bring another layer/dimension into the conversations we have with family and friends. 😊


    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Wild Child,

      I do love the old images and have always been fascinated with the baby carriage photo. My mom and uncle were 14 when it was taken. It was hard to imagine them as playful kids. Thank you so much re my flash.



      Liked by 1 person

      • Fascinating, isn’t it. I can’t imagine my mom running and yelling and playing with her siblings either – she being the eldest of 6 – and yet in the odd moments when she did share some more personal/intimate stories, as opposed to generalities, she was a completely different person – far more human, far more generous; I guess she will always be the “other person” to me – “mom” …

        Liked by 1 person

  • Querida Rochelle,
    Don’t we all have those moments when something we do constantly throws us a curve ball to ensure we’re paying attention? I must admit I was confused about the prompt photo but it doesn’t take much to confuse me now-a-days. 😀
    Fun use of FF-ers in your story. Photographs can be heartwarming to look at from time to time. I enjoy looking at my husbands photos of his family and childhood. I don’t have any of my family. They were destroyed. Actually, I have one of me at 3 years old. I do wonder what I was thinking. Of course, I’m adorable. LOLOL
    Hey, I’m early this week … well … in my mind, I’m on-time since I use Friday as the day to post. You should change the name to Wacky Wednesday Writers. LOLOL It’s a silly day for me today. Have a great weekend, mi amiga. Gracias por sus trabajos … Quidate 💜
    Abrazos y Carino,
    Isadora 😎

    Liked by 1 person

    • Querida Isadora,

      I’m so sorry about your photos. Of course you’re adorable…no matter what age. 😉 It’s been suggested I change the name from Friday Fictioneers. But I leave it as I inherited it. At one time the prompt was given on Wednesday but didn’t go live until Friday. That changed a few months before I “took over”.
      Gracias para sus palabras amables.

      Abrazos y shalom,



  • i just watched an old film taken before the san francisco earthquake in 1906. it was fascinating to see folks walking down the streets and going about their business and imagining how they lived long before i was born. i feel the same looking at old photos, too. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Plaridel,

      I love to watch old films, too. I just watched one made in 1908 that had some early animation. Fascinating and it does give you a feel for the time. Thank you for reading and for your comments.




  • If the photographs are old enough, the subjects are being held in position, not only by corsets and hair pins, but with metal rods and such. Exceedingly uncomfortable — but guarenteed the subject held still long enough for the exposure.
    Here’s a take on why those folks aren’t smiling:
    Interesting too, but given your talents, that of all items that make up the window display, you focused on the old photographs.
    I love old photographs, and the way you render them into a picture is stunning. Not sure I have a post about this, but you know me, I had to get my five cents in. (Used to be two, but with inflation . . .)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Lisa,

      I’m about to celebrate my 9th anniversary as FFFacilitator. Who knew it would go this long? No plans to quit. Thank you re my flash.



      PS Good to see you back. It’s like we’ve been waiting for your name. 😉


      • Nine years! Wow! Congrats and thank you for faithfully hosting all these years!

        Yes, I have a name now. Somewhere around here, I have all the Angelique stories tucked in a drawer. Haven’t quite figured out if I’m going to do something with those someday. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

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