Weekend Writing Prompt – Smuggle

Published December 12, 2021 by rochellewisoff

A word prompt to get your creativity flowing this weekend.  How you use the prompt is up to you.  Write a piece of flash fiction, a poem, a chapter for your novel…anything you like.  Or take the challenge below – there are no prizes – it’s not a competition but rather a fun writing exercise.  If you want to share what you come up with, please leave a link to it in Sammi’s comment section. Thanks for the challenge, Sammi!

Original Artwork © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields
One of my therapists suggested I illustrate my feelings during this particularly ugly and potentially lethal time in my life.


Denise and I used aspirin to punish our hungry stomachs. Did you know you can get high on mega doses of plain old Bayer? Or that you could be addicted to them?

Once when she was in treatment, I smuggled the contraband in a baggie in my large Diet Coke.

Oh, we had lots of tricks up our sleeves next to our boney arms.

Killer ideas.

**Not one of my prouder moments. Denise wasn’t her name and I’m not sure if she’s still alive. 😦

20 comments on “Weekend Writing Prompt – Smuggle

  • Dear Rochelle,

    Your experience comes through in your drawing: its distortions of reality, time, sense of entrapment with no release. But you escaped that cycle of addiction and pain. Praise God! The grinning Cheshire cat smile says a lot: Alice in Wonderland, helpless to get out of the rabbit hole. Scary.

    Shalom uv’rachah,

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    • Dear Bill,

      Yes, I think “Denise” was the one who clued me in on that one. Talk about self-destructive. The large doses of the stuff caused a major stomach upset, therefore and appetite suppressant. Now that secret’s out. The beauty of telling these is it weakens “The beast.” Thank you for coming along for the read.



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  • Ah, dark times are real times. For many. And yet many do not dare voice them, for fear of being judged imperfect. Though none of us are perfect, and many of us have known things we are not proud of, let alone under times of duress and skewed perceptions. Thank you for sharing yours and … I am really really REALLY glad you are still with us. Mega doses of aspirin have a lotta other issues they make worse … as I know you know. Oy. Sigh. Hugs.

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    • Na’ama Y’karah,

      Remembering the dark times makes me grateful that they’re (for the most part) in the past. I know how lucky I am to be healthy after the torture I put my body through. I do know what mega doses of aspirin can do…for that matter, I knew at the time. Thank you for your encouraging and understanding words. Happy to have friends like you in my corner.



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  • Dear Rochelle,

    I have to commend you for sharing your story, painful as it must be to do so. Doing so does, however, have the capacity to help others. I am, yet another, who is awfully glad you are still with us.

    Shalom and lotsa healthy love,


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