8 April 2022

Published April 6, 2022 by rochellewisoff

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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit.

PHOTO PROMPT © David Stewart

Genre: Historical Friction
Word Count: 100


            “Isn’t it beautiful?” Jan showed off his latest acquisition from Radio Shack.

            I fumed. “Our electric typewriter works just fine. A computer will end up being another dust collector like your precious Polaroid SX-70.”

            “How was I supposed to know the film would cost a fortune?”         


            Several years have passed since that day.  I’ve acquired my own desktop, scanner-printer combo, a laptop for travel and Jan takes sharp pictures with his iPad.  

            He reads the screen over my shoulder and says with a sly smile, “Lemme get you a rag.”


            “You’ve been at it for hours. You’re collecting dust.”

*Note: Radio Shack’s computer was actually named TRS 80 but became widely known as Trash 80. From there we went to the Commodore 64 and Jan had a Kaypro, a portable computer that I refer to as the Commodore in a Can. All cutting edge technology in the latter part of the 20th Century.

Remember computers in the early 60’s?

72 comments on “8 April 2022

  • I miss my old typewriter and brownie camera, yet they are still with me in the form of a iPad. You see as usual you have made me think with your writing. Which I do like

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Michael,

      I can’t say I miss the old typewriter. At least with the computer/word processor I have backspace and copy and paste. 😉 Thank you for your kind words re my writing.




    • Dear Tanille,

      I remember my brother’s first Polaroid. Black and white and rather messy. But what a wonder to develop a photo right there on the spot! Who knew we’d have cell phones that would take care of that and in color as well.
      Jan? Housework? Actually we collectively avoid it until absolutely necessary. .;) Thank you.




      • I didn’t realise the first ones were in black and white. Still amazing watching the picture develop. Phones are a life changer.

        Don’t blame you for the housework avoidance. 😀


  • Dear Rochelle,

    I cannot remember what my first computer was (I was with a computer geek at the time so it was all his baby, anyway). I was rather late to the game in getting my own, now that I think about it. Amazing when you think how they have evolved!

    Now sitting there until you collect dust is a tad overdoing it 😉

    Shalom and lotsa communicative love,


    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Dale,

      I had a Leading Ege computer for a while with a dot matrix printer. I did a lot of writing on that and have quite a few floppy disks with poems on them. Now how to read those files is another story.
      We are definitely living the science fiction of my childhood. 😀
      And about that collecting dust thing…

      Shalom and lotsa random access hugs,


      Liked by 1 person

      • You’ve just reminded me of one of our family visits to the CN tower where we had our picture taken with a computer that printed it on dot matrix. I so wish I still had that picture because it was great!
        I can’t tell you how many floppy disks of all sizes I’ve gone through! And thrown out…


  • Oh yeah! I remember our first computer & dot matrix printer. Our setup was very pricey at the time and you were, indeed, not happy. I actually still have my Kaypro, Commodore and Commodore SX. The first with a built in monitor. Lol. It will be worth a fortune one day. Now you are the computer guru and live on it. Go figure. Great story.=

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Jan,

      Back in the 80’s when you bought the Trash 80 we were struggling. The last thing (I thought) we needed was to spend money we didn’t have on something so useless. Cutting edge for the day, I still think of the Kaypro as Commodore in a Can. And that Koala pad? Fuhget about it. I’ve had more control with an Etch-A-Sketch.
      Without computers there’d be no Friday Fictioneers, eh? Thanks m’luv for having the foresight to buy that computer. ❤


  • Great story, oh the memories! It’s the SciFi of my youth come true, as well. I thought I was too stupid for computers when I was young. But being messy, I hated drawing diagrams on paper. Then I got acquainted with a plotter attached to a (tiny, primitive) computer. I’ve never looked back and now I’m working in IT support, LOL.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Gabi,

      I’m glad you’ve gotten past the lie that you were “too stupid”. Although at one time I was an inker detailer for a drafting firm. Now a computer does what I used to with rapidograph pen and Leroy lettering device.
      Thank you re my story.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Computer Guru W(T)F,

    I saw a Facebook post the other day with a photo of an old DOS prompt screen. It brought back nightmares of having to type in long lines of characters and symbols which never seemed to get me to the proper screen. I’m sure it was they same software they used at Walla Walla Bing Bang. No wonder so many mimes turned criminal.

    Clueless in Goshen

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Clueless in Goshen,

      We’ve certainly come far since those days of DOS and dot matrix printers. Although I used to make some great paper chains with the edges of the paper. Filled a friend’s office with them. (true story)
      Walla Walla Bing Bang’s floppy disks really were floppy and didn’t stay in the slot very well. And we had to wash tempera paint off the screens every night.
      It’s nice of you to drop by. Or did you just take a wrong turn at Nasal Falls?


      Computer Guru W(T)F

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Keith,

      When my husband brought home that first computer I really thought he’d lost his mind as well as spending money we didn’t have. Now look at me replying to you on my very own desktop computer. 😀




  • I can’t imagine life without my laptop. I know there was a time I didn’t have one, but that doesn’t seem real. It seems like a different life.

    Collecting dust is a good sign for a writer. May we all be so enthralled with our stories.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Querida Rochelle,
    We’ve come a long way, baby. And, who knows where else it’s going to go.
    My grandson (10) talks about computers like its a 2nd language. YIKES!!!
    We’ve gotta keep up with the times. Fun post, mi amiga.
    Abrazos y Carino,
    Isadora 😎


  • I still remember the Commodore 64. 🙂 And yes, Polaroid seemed like such a good idea at the time. You can see how they fulfilled people’s needs in their earlier incarnations to an extent that warranted the millions of miles they’ve travelled since then. Your story brought that back. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Sandra,

      The Commodore 64 was good for games and that’s really about it. I had a Koala pad which had less control for me than an Etch-A-Sketch. How far we’ve come. Thank you for coming down memory lane with me. 😉




  • Wonderful memories, Rochelle.

    Some funny now, but not then. I recall work battles buying computers. One friend was accused of owning stock in one company (Apple) or another (and he may have).

    I recall the human ‘word processors’ (typists) and dot matrix drafts, the printers with sound proof covers, oh the stories I could tell. Very well done and relatable.



    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Bill,

      Those of a certain age do have memories, don’t we? I think of The Forbin Project or the Twilight Zone with Wally Cox where the computer fell in love with him. She took up the entire room. Whoda thunk we’d be carrying around handheld computers known as cell phones? Beam me up Scotty. Or iPads as introduced on Star Trek TNG. (Of course they didn’t call them that.) Face to face telecommunication was the future. And so the future is upon us.
      Ah well, Happy to share the memories. Glad you came along for a stroll.



      Liked by 1 person

  • A lovely nostalgic piece. Technological changes really do provide markers for looking back. It’s so easy to track the years through the relevant updates and new additions to our IT arsenal. And isn’t it great that so far we’ve been able to maintain some ‘hands-on’ aspects of life. You still have your pens and brushes on paper for your beautiful artwork, for example, and I’m sure many like me would be lost without a bedside stack of paperbacks. I hope we can keep the balance.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Margaret,

      Kindle really can’t replace the texture of a hands-on book, can it? And I do feel that way about my brushes and pens.
      I know there are artists who’ve gone digital and do some nice things. I’d rather use the archaic method of creating art. 😉
      Thank you for your kind comments re my story. Those of us of a certain age have been fortunate in watching progress happen.



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