5 August 2022

Published August 3, 2022 by rochellewisoff

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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit.

PHOTO PROMPT © Sandra Crook

Genre: Hysterical Faction
Word Count: 100


My best friend and I took Driver’s Ed the year we turned sixteen thinking we’d get our licenses together.

I passed the written part with flying colors. Recognizing road signs and learning the rules of the road was a snap.

The actual driving part was another story. Both excitement and terror welled up as I gripped the steering wheel. Images of every traffic accident I’d seen on the news zipped through my mind.

My instructor shook his head at my attempt to parallel park. “Your final driving score is negative fifty-one. Might I suggest you purchase a lifetime bus pass?”

64 comments on “5 August 2022

    • Dear Arcon,

      Years later, after I was married, I did get my license. My first car was an automatic stick shift VW Beetle. And I’ve had a few other lemons since then. 😉 I feel your daughter’s pain. sounds like it’s best she doesn’t drive. Driving with one’s eyes closed is never a good idea.




    • Dear Gabi,

      There was a period of my life where I drove “Mom’s Taxi” and did a lot of traveling. Now I’m back to not really caring to drive if I don’t have to. Not to mention I learned to drive a stick shift and prefer it to an automatic. Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

      • Alost no one drives automatic where I live. But for my second test I was given an automatic, that took some of the stress away. I’ve been driving a lot in different countries, too, but still don’t like it. 🙂


  • True story? Hope you passed the test later.

    Glad to have passed my driving test & got the license too.
    Initial terror was over after constant practice and overcoming terror.
    The key to success is keep trying to do till we get it right.

    Liked by 1 person

  • I feel your pain. It should have been so easy, shouldn’t it? My ‘reversing into a restricted opening’ was a nightmare from which I will never recover. I didn’t drive again for six or seven years but my second driving test went better. Thank goodness. Well done!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Sandra,

      It took years for me to finally get my license. That driving test is another story. I barely passed which turned out to be due to a malfunctioning car. BTW, I once managed to park my car half on the sidewalk like the one in your brilliant photo. Thank you.




  • Good story M’Luv. I can remember very well your attempts at driving and how terrified you were. Drivers Ed, your Dad and others didn’t work. I finally bought your little VW bug and parked it outside and said “if you learn to drive it, it’s yours.” With many white knuckle moments, you did it. I was very proud of you and, you were finally free of asking everyone to take you places. Great job.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    Poor you. I cannot say I feel your pain as I did not experience any issues. I dated a guy who, like Archon’s daughter, never got his license as it stressed him out way too much. Needless to say, when I was tired of doing all the schlepping, I walked away… He was a great guy, otherwise 😉

    Shalom and lotsa seatbelt-on love,


    Liked by 2 people

  • I once enjoyed riding motorcycles . I had a great friend who only drove buses. Then there are horses. Now your story has me thinking, that’s nearly as dangerous 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  • We didn’t do Driver Ed here in Australia. You had to be 16 years and 9 months to get your “Learner’s Permit” and had to go to a driving school or were taught by a parent or friend. I opted for the driving school, and my instructor refused to let me learn on an automatic. Then when I went for my driving test, he booked it for a Friday, in a major city, during peak hour traffic AND it was raining. LOL I actually passed first go and thirty years later became a driving instructor myself with the same driving school. Sadly, Laurie had passed away by that time.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Lyn,

      Here in my part of the country the learner’s permit age is 15 and a half. You can get your license at 16. I was in my early 20’s when I finally got mine. Driver’s Education used to be offered in high schools. Not any more. It’s either up to the parents or enrolling the kids in a driving school.
      I did learn on an automatic but learned to drive a stick years later and now prefer it. My sons all know how to drive standard transmissions and have me to thank for it. 😉
      Thank you for driving by with your comments.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Hey Rochelle,

    Coincidentally, we recently got to witness my twin grand-daughters go through the throes of both failing their tests following what I flag as poor and insufficient instruction. They simply were not ready.

    Suddenly, everyone in the family had a driving test experience story to tell.

    What a fantastic take on the prompt!



    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Bill

      Driving stories are as prevalent among family and friends as those giving birth hen stories, aren’t they?
      I definitely wasn’t ready to drive at 16. I was in my early 20’s when I finally got my license. Of course, I drove Mom’s Taxi. 😉
      Now I drive a car with a Millennial theft protection device, ie a 6 speed.
      Thank you for sweet drive-by comments.



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    • Dear Ali,

      I’m not sure I’ve ever successfully parallel parked. I did, however, actually manage to park like the car in the photo. Too bad I didn’t get a picture. 😉 It was in the days before camera phones. Thank you for your drive-by comment.



      Liked by 1 person

  • My driving test was nightmarish to say the least. It was a well orchestrated public show held for the pure sadistic pleasure of a few hundreds who would gladly pay through their nose to watch the prolonged agony of one hapless guy behind the wheel. Thanks to the hellish experience, I consider myself a below average driver who gets jittery even after so many years whenever it comes to this phenomenon called reverse and parallel parking. I totally empathise with you, Rochelle.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Love your take on the prompt! It’s fun to take Driver’s Ed with a good friend. Though, I remember the horror films they showed us in Driver’s Ed in Ohio of terrible accidents, enough to scare you away from driving…ever. Living overseas for the last many years, I missed driving at first but now enjoy public transport. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Brenda,

      Alas my friend did much better than I in Driver’s Ed. At this stage of my life I wouldn’t mind living in an area where public transportation was readily available. Until retirement my commute was 50 miles round trip. Don’t miss it. 😉 Thank you. 😀



      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh, that sounds awful. I suppose I must admit to missing driving a little especially when visiting the States (as I just did for over a month) and the freedom it affords. Anyway, no perfect place, no perfect way (haha).


  • LOL! This was so much fun! I think that a lifetime bus pass is neat, but I hope your ALSO have a license since …. 😉 And … it is not a bad thing to have some fear of reality when one learns how to drive. My old driving teacher had said he got a lot more worried teaching “the cocky ones” than he was with the “super-cautions ones.” 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Na’ama Y’karah,

      Living in KC leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to public transportation. I’ve had my license for many years now. 😉 In fact, I drive a stick shift. So truth is stranger than fiction. Even taught my sons to drive. However, if I lived in a place like NYC or LA I’d never drive again. Thank you for your kind comments.



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