19 May 2023

Published May 17, 2023 by rochellewisoff

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As of this Wednesday morning I will only be back in the country a day or so. In anticipation of jet lag I’m sharing a snippet of my the last book of Havah’s trilogy. AS ONE MUST, ONE CAN. I’ve reworked it a bit to fit into the stand-alone (which I hope it does) 100 word format.

When I was writing this novel, set in Kansas City, Missouri in 1908, I was thrilled to find that this Chinese restaurant my family frequented during the 1950’s was in existence way back when. I thought Havah should enjoy it, too. 😉


Havah marveled at the glossy woodwork that adorned the dining room of the King Joy Lo restaurant. She drank in unfamiliar aromas.

            Picking up a pair of ivory sticks beside her plate, she studied the elegant calligraphy etched into them. “These are beautiful, but what are they for?”  

“Chopsticks. For eating.” The waiter took them and lifted a piece of chicken between them. “Easy. Even babies in China use. Now you.”

Try as she might, they slipped between her fingers and fell amid the noodles on her plate.

“How on earth do they do it?”

“Like American babies. Very messy.”

CLICK to find out more about Havah’s Journey

Here are a few pictures of King Joy Lo through the years:

56 comments on “19 May 2023

  • Asian food tastes so much nicer when eaten with chopsticks, although it can take quite a while to consume it compared to using a fork! When I was in a restaurant in Beijing, a waiter gave me a gadget which you attach to a set of chopsticks so they become like a long pair of tweezers! I purchased several of them to make life easier for friends when joining me for a Chinese meal!

    Liked by 1 person

  • You were writing the book in 1908? I didn’t think you were THAT old 🙂

    I love good Chinese food. I’ve tried and tried, but can’t get the hang of the chopsticks. Maybe I’ll You Tube it, hoping that will help.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Thanks Rochelle for this snippet of childhood challenges. Reminds me of my first experience in a Chinese restaurant back in San Francisco in 1970, I was five. After a long walk, up and down hills that seemed to go on for hours. We finally arrived at the traditional restaurant that my Papa had set his heart on. Low tables and cushions…and only chopsticks…after trying and trying….Mummy insisted they gave me a fork.They only spoke Chinese…

    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    This was a lovely modification of your story. Chopsticks are a must in my house when we eat anything Asian. It helps to slow down (not really, we are all too adept!). There is something about Chinese food and Jews – especially at Christmas 😉

    Shalom and lotsa easy-picking love,


    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Dale,

      Deck the hars with bows of horry….;) My father was a New York Jew, so I was raised on Chinese food. He was friends with the owners of King Joy Lo.
      I’m too adept with chopsticks, too. I can pick up a grain of rice and they don’t slow me down. 😉 More’s the pity. I eat too fast.
      Glad you enjoyed my snippet. I was told by one of my beta readers that I should take that scene out of AOMOC because it read like an advert for old KC. I disagreed. It was part of KC history
      Thank you.

      Shalom and lotsa noodle-slurping hugs,


      Liked by 1 person

      • Same (grain of rice). However, I do eat a smidge slower with them – try not to shovel as much.
        And I agree with you. It’s history; why not include it?


  • Big points for the punchline. My mom loves Chinese food. Every time I visit her, we have to go to her favorite Chinese restaurant. I used to fear the chopsticks. Now, I even use them when I go out for Vietnamese, which is probably very offensive.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Nobbin,

      If eating with chopsticks at a Vietnamese restaurant is offensive, they shouldn’t put them out. 😉 I eat my Pho with chopsticks and spoon. As I’ve said in former comments, it just doesn’t feel right to eat Asian food with a fork. Actually I’ve found great success eating salads with chopsticks. I can pick up the smallest pieces that roll off the fork. (I know you needed to know that. 😉 )
      At any rate, glad you liked my punchline. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. That’s why I keep this challenge going. It’s all about the interaction.



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    • Dear Brenda,

      I learned to use chopsticks many years ago when I worked in a Chinese restaurant for a wonderful Cantonese family. Since then, I can’t bear to eat Asian food with a fork. It seems so wrong. 😉
      As for the travels, I’m back in the Midwest since last week. Sigh. That trip went by so fast.
      Thank you re my story.




    • Dear Adele,

      I enjoy eating Asian foods with chopsticks. I actually find that eating salads with them preferable to the fork. With chopticks I can pick up the little things that roll of my fork. 😉 At any rate, glad you enjoyed my story. 😀
      As for the trip. I’ve been back in the Midwest for the past week. The first couple of days were filled with jet lag. Ugh.
      Thank you.



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