Shayndel Abromovich

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Character Study – Shayndel Gitterman Abromovich

Published June 20, 2015 by rochellewisoff

“Shayndel’s knee length hair shone like honey in the sun and her round cheeks glowed. Havah felt shriveled and pale next to her.”

                  ~~Taken from Please Say Kaddish for Me by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Published by Argus Publishing

Represented by Loiacono Literary Agency

Original artwork © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

SHAYNDEL GITTERMAN ABROMOVICH – Original artwork © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Shayndel Gitterman Abromovich’s marriage to Itzak the cabinetmaker was arranged when they were still children and, as Itzak tells Arel, “it was meant to be.” Like her brother, Shayndel has never questioned the traditional roles of Jewish men and women within the shtetl. In Itzak, Shayndel has found her beshert, her soulmate.

            Although Havah sees Shayndel as being too accepting and Shayndel sees Havah as rebellious, an unbreakable bond forms between them.  

You can read more about Havah, Arel and Shayndel here: 

PSK Cover with borderWhich you can find here. 

If you’ve already read Please Say Kaddish for Me, please leave a review on Amazon.

Thank you. 



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