Published September 16, 2012 by rochellewisoff

Over twenty years as an on-again off-again professional cake decorator I’ve been asked to do some interesting things with the edible media. A few of these creations will forever hold a fond place in my memory.

 One such customer was a young woman who wanted a cake to celebrate her son’s potty training success. While I’ve decorated cakes for birthdays, baby showers, wedding showers, graduations and monumental achievements, I can honestly say that this one is a first. Nonetheless, it is a milestone. Why not commemorate it?  

10 comments on “EDIBLE COMPLEX

  • You Know how people fight to eat the roses and such on a delicious looking cake? Well, i winder if anyone in Macguire’s family fought over certain choice morsels of his cake?

    Beautiful cake, by the way.




  • I had to show this picture to Wayne. It is just so funny! I still remember the cake you made for Erika’s first birthday. It was a ‘Tweety Bird” cake I think. And I remember one you did for Steph when she was about 7. It was a little doll sticking of a cake. They both were real cute.


  • wow…what a great job on a sh*tty cake!
    I wonder if the kid had a sh*t eating grin before and after?
    When you’re done eating, can you say you now have a potty mouth?
    I wonder if the kid wanted to sit on it rather than eat it
    Okay, that it for my anal jokes.I’m sorry that youve been the butt of them.
    Bottoms up! (Couldn’t resist. No, wait.Make that bottoms down)



  • I have been browsing aimlessly in the cyberspace today. This post caught my attention.
    That’s an interesting thing to celebrate… Takes the paradigm of celebrating life to a new level altogether. You did a nice job at it!
    And like Doug, I am curious too! lol


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