26 June 2015

Published June 24, 2015 by rochellewisoff

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 The following photo is the PHOTO PROMPT. Tell me where it takes you in a hundred words or less. 

PHOTO PROMPT - © Kent Bonham

PHOTO PROMPT – © Kent Bonham

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Genre: Realistic Fiction

Word Count: 100


            “I wandered aimlessly down the deserted street as I had hundreds of times before. Everything was the same but it would never be the same again.”

            After reading the two sentences aloud twice, Rose back-spaced them into oblivion and said, “This isn’t a story, it’s a cliché fest.”

            She shut off the computer. The manuscript would have to wait.

            Although she tried to sleep, Rose’s cluttered mind spun with deadlines, debts, disillusion and broken promises. She threw off the covers and put on her clothes.

            “Damn you, Jeff. Why now?”

            She wandered aimlessly down the deserted street…everything was the same…

96 comments on “26 June 2015

  • Dear Rochelle,

    This was a strangely fun story for me. You see, *I had to kiss more than one [cliche] before I found my prince. Hopefully, she will get over him and life will continue nicely.

    I think I identified a bit to closely with the character in this one. Eh?


    *Uh-oh, that was certainly a cliche. Yup, it was. 😉


    • Dear Nan,

      I’ve had so many nights like that myself lately. These are times I wish there was a switch I could flip to stop those swirling thoughts. I’m glad you caught the cycle repeating in real life.

      Thank you.




    • Dear Liz,

      Cliches are indeed a part of life. Writing them in a more creative way…aye, there’s the rub. My story does have a Groundhog Day feel to it, doesn’t it. 😉

      Thank you.




  • Life is a cliche, and song writers love them. As a writer, I do try to avoid them, but they seem to grow exponentially! In dialogue they work, we all use them, and it’s why it’s so hard not to write them. Thank goodness folks love pointing them out, and even the grammar checker will point some of them out. But Google cliches – and you’ll be shocked by the sheer number. Your post highly influenced my own.


    • Dear Yolanda Renee,

      Clichés seen to work better in songs than literature. It is hard not to write them because they’re part of our everyday speech patterns, aren’t they?

      Thank you for such nice comments, you make me smile.




  • That seemingly never ending cycle, it is difficult to break sometimes. Also, damn you clichés.
    I try to avoid them too.
    Great story and true to life as usual!


  • Dear Rochelle,
    The repetition you use here captures many moments within my own mind as I compose new material in my head or edit over and over to make sure something is “just right.” As to those cliches–well, they do pop up now and then, don’t they? My poet friends often talk about using cliches in unique ways, thereby turning them into something else altogether. Yeah, leave it to the poets to be that abstruse, eh?

    Marie Gail


    • Dear Marie Gail,

      Ah those crazy poets. 😉

      One of my writing group leaders referred to me as an obsessive perfectionist. C’est moi? And clichés in writing is a bit like playing whack-a-mole. They just want to pop up and dare us to to use them. That’s when it’s time to shut down the computer before clicking Ctrl-A and Delete. And haven’t we all been close to that?

      Thank you for your affirming and intuitive comment.




  • I’d say clichés become cliché for a reason. The same reason we never get tired of retelling fairy tales. Some things are timeless, and they ring true in our lives, no matter what the age.


  • Dear Rochelle

    A very neat and well-put story.

    My ambition is to write something profoundly original that later becomes a cliché because so many people end up using it.

    Isn’t dialogue wonderful? Writers can break all the grammatical rules under the sun within speech marks, all in the name of authentic characterisation. One of my fictional characters isn’t as posh as he pretends to be and keeps on splitting infinitives all the time.

    I may not have time to contribute a story this week, as I’m impossibly busy over the next four days, which means that I have to sign out and do some of my weekend jobs during what’s left of Friday. But I was determined to read your story before disappearing off.

    All best wishes


    • Dear Sarah,

      I’m truly honored that you took the time to read my story in the midst of all of your busy-ness.

      I do love writing dialogue, too. It helps flesh out a character and bring him or her to life. A friend called me on Fruma Ya’el’s seemingly flowery/folksy speech patterns to which I said, that’s who she is, deal with it. The trick is to not use so much dialect that it’s distracting. 😉

      Great ambition for clichés. 😉



      Liked by 1 person

  • I don’t want to repeat what others said, true as it is. But I always say, better a cliché than nothing on that blank page that wants to be filled. Great story.


  • Cliches get a bad rap – they are cliches because they are popular and become overused, like a song that’s heard too often. And like these songs, it never hurts to throw it one in a mix every now and then 🙂

    Your story was good – other’s have spoken of circularity/repetition – I agree, Youve used it very effectively. As for our narrator, it can be tough to be creative when life throws up a challenge, and youve done a great job of capturing that feeling.


  • I’m familiar with those cliches, Rochelle. Great spin here at the end. Sometimes nothing says it better than a cliche. Yet at the same time, as a writer, I agree you want to avoid the cliche like the plague. A cliche fest would not be very interesting, but I love that line in your story!


  • I disagree with Amy. Here at FFF, we could make a contest out of cliche fest (who could get the most, or in my case, the most ridiculous, within the 100 word limit).
    Now, let’s talk about Rose. Sounds like she’s got problems. Unfortunately, dwelling on them, or blaming Jeff, is not going fix the situation. After she gets this out of her system, let’s hope she pulls up her big-girl panties and comes up with a plan to pull out of this funk.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Russell,

      I think you could win, hands down. Not sure we can all go the distance. But then it would be water under the bridge. 😉

      You’re right about Rose. I’ll see if I can’t talk to her.

      I hope California fame hasn’t spoiled you for the rest of us.




  • She needs to concentrate on her writing but that is easier said than done. If wishes were horses, all beggars would ride. Things will change its just a game of mind over matter. I must confess I put my entry off till the very end this time.


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