That’s Life

Published September 4, 2015 by rochellewisoff


            It isn’t often that my birthday falls on a Friday. In 1953, September 4th also fell on Friday and I made my debut at 3:59 a.m. Perhaps that’s why I’m such an early riser.

            I’ve been privileged to celebrate sixty-two birthdays, for the most part, in good health. When I was a child 62 meant Mah Jhong, rocking chairs and Geritol. But as I celebrate this, the beginning of my 63rd year, it’s not old at all nor do I own a rocking chair. In fact 2015 has been, as Frank Sinatra sang, a very good year. 

Rochelle with Ami 1961

            A ten-year journey has led up to this very good year, beginning with my first draft of PLEASE SAY KADDISH FOR ME and soon after that, its sequel, FROM SILT AND ASHES. Writing quickly became my passion.

            Along the way, I’ve had the good fortune of having mentors who taken the time to help me hone my craft. In the midst of it, Louella Turner, the owner of High Hill Press invited me to write and publish a short story anthology. THIS, THAT AND SOMETIMES THE OTHER was released in November 2011 and features not only my short stories but my artwork as well.

            Soon after that, I started a blog which, during its first year might have garnered ten views and three comments. One day as I surfed the net, I came across Madison Woods’ post with an open invitation to join a short story blog challenge called Friday Fictioneers.  

            How was I to know on April 12, 2012 that writing one hundred word flash fictions would become a magnificent addiction from which I do not care to recover?  Nor did I know that within the inside of six months I would become the facilitator of Friday Fictioneers.

            That same year, I signed a contract with my agent Jeanie Loiacono, president of Loiacono Literary Agency for my first novel.

            Toward the end of January 2015, I received an email from her, saying she thought she was close to selling PSKFM and did I have FSAA ready to go? After three weeks of going over FROM SILT AND ASHES with fellow writer/editor/brutally honest friend, Douglas MacIlroy, I sent the manuscript to Jeanie.

            March 13th, Friday the thirteenth, if you will, I received an email from Jeanie that began, “I hope you’re sitting down…” William Connor of Argus Publishing wanted both novels!

            PLEASE SAY KADDISH FOR ME, also whipped into shape with help from Doug, was released May 8, 2015.  So far, I’m pleased with the responses to it.

Best two out of three

            As many know I’ve been counting the days to my retirement, slated for October 4 of this year. I’ve been looking forward to switching gears from job to career which seems to have come sooner than later after a fashion.

            One morning in June I woke with a sore spot on my gum. Thinking I’d rubbed it raw with my new electric toothbrush I ignored it. After two weeks the sore had swollen and my tooth ached. I finally went to the dentist who treated it with medication which didn’t help. By the end of July I discovered a white spot which turned out to be bone poking through. The dentist referred me to an oral surgeon who told me it needed to be taken care of immediately.

            The beginning of August I had the surgery which did bring considerable relief. Happily I went for my follow up appointment only to be told that I’d developed Osteomyelitis, a bone infection, in my jaw.

            To quote John Lennon, “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” I now find myself on six weeks short-term disability leave with a picc line in my arm and daily IV infusions of antibiotics.

            It’s not nearly as horrible as it sounds and proves that blessings may come in strange disguises for I now have more time to spend with my husband Jan as well as time to pursue a dual career as author and illustrator.       

Quality time with hubby.


            In my mind I hear Old Blue Eyes singing and I smile and say, “Yes, Frank, that’s life.”


Check out my author page on the Loiacono Website. Also Rochelle Wisoff-Fields Art and Blogs.

PSK Cover

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92 comments on “That’s Life

  • Rochelle, I’m sorry you had to suffer that health problem, but so happy you’re healing and there are benefits from it. Once more, a very Happy Birthday, and I hope there are many more. The best of everything to you and your family. 🙂 — Suzanne

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Suzanne,

      I’ve debated whether or not to share the health issues on any media but this seemed like the right place and time. The actual suffering part is behind me. The picc line is more of an inconvenience…and a blessing.

      Thank you again for the birthday wishes.




  • I guess it is true that good things come to good people.
    Congratulations on your many achievements, and my sincere best wishes for your future success.
    But mostly I simply hope you are happy, for many, many years to come.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Congratulations on your birthday, your writing successes, your retirement, the resilience with which you’ve tackled your medical issues and your chairmanship of Friday Fictioneers. A very feisty lady! Have a lovely day; I’ll be thinking of you.


    • Dear Sandra,

      Coming into Friday Fictioneers and finding you and some of the others who were so welcoming to the new kid on the block was huge for me. The way you’ve supported and stood behind me as the bus driver is part of the reason for my success.

      Thank you for your kind words of encouragement.




  • Beautiful overview of part of your life Rochelle, I’m sorry about the bone infection (in your jaw?) I had a jaw infection about 6 years ago and it was miserable. I wish you a speedy recovery! I really enjoyed reading your story. Congratulations on your upcoming retirement!


  • Dear Rochelle

    Many congratulations on all your achievements and especially in tackling your recent medical problem. You are one amazing lady, enjoy for birthday, I’ll be thinking of you.

    Best wishes



    • Dear Dee,

      This has been an incredible year. I debated whether or not to relate the medical issues since I didn’t want to make it a matter of sympathy. However it’s an integral part of why I now have more time to write and plot my career path.

      Thank you for the birthday wishes.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Happiest, of Happy Birthdays!
    The number 4 and all it’s derivatives is a great number especially the 13th! Thank you for sharing your journey with us, it’s truly inspiring! So glad the worst is behind you! May the future hold nothing but joy!


  • Such a cutie-patootie – still!

    How can we know how wonderful life is if we don’t occasionally have a few hiccups?

    Happy birthday and congrats on all the wonderful events that have come your way so far (methinks there will be more…)

    Upside to Picc lines is, you don’t have to get stabbed in a new place every day!


    • Dear Dale,

      If I ever need a publicity manager, you’ll be at the top of the list. 😉 And that’s a compliment and a thank you rolled into one.

      The future is, indeed, wide open.

      I’ve been through worse than this picc line. It’s a mere inconvenience and, as you aptly put it, a hiccup. And it did come with its own set of blessings, didn’t it.



      Liked by 1 person

  • I love that you said you are beginning your 63rd year. When my husband turned 50, he did not like that I said he was now (then) living his 51st year. Health and happiness to you, now and always, Rochelle.


  • Sometimes the greatest joys come from the hardest times in our lives. I’m happy for your upcoming retirement! And I am glad you are improving and not letting the time off slow your writing down. Keep on keeping on… 🙂


    • Dear Courtney,

      Blessings come in strange disguises, don’t they? I’m actually pretty healthy aside from the picc line and the daily visits to the infusion clinic. Time to switch gears and map out the future. 😉

      Thank you for dropping in and leaving such lovely comments.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,
    I didn’t know about the osteomyelitis. I’m very sorry to hear that. All that said, I’ve been privileged to follow along with your blog and book of short stories over the last year+, and you’ve defined and re-defined grace for me–I particularly remember your posts about swimming and all the character sketches from …Kaddish, not to mention your historical fiction-infused 100-word FF posts. Sadly, I can’t often participate in FF stories of my own or read a lot of the excellent contributions, but at the least I try to read yours most weeks; not only do I feel like I improve as a writer, but as a human being. Here’s wishing you many, many more happy birthdays and publishing successes, too!

    Best regards,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Leigh,

      I’ve noticed your seeming absence and am pleased that you’ve still been reading my posts. Life does have a way of imposing on our plans, doesn’t it?

      I hope that you’ll be able to read Please Say Kaddish for Me. 😉

      Thank you for your encouraging words and birthday wishes.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Thanks for sharing this, Rochelle. What sometimes will seem like a curse against us will turn out to be a blessing for us. When I had to take off two months this summer to have my second ‘total knee replacement’ done in four years I thought too that I was cursed to have such knees that required prosthetic replacement. But, sometimes God has a plan to not set us behind or delay our own, but to prepare and push us towards one of his own. I wish you all the best in your writing career, book sequel and continuing projects. Writing mentors are a very good thing to have. Glad Doug could be yours and be a big help. I find Jerry Jenkins an invaluable source of mentoring, encouragement, information and gentle nudging in the right direction for me. Being a part and member of the Christian Writers’ Guild was also an investment to my writing skills. Wherever a writer can find that kind of help and instruction it is never a wasted time and we all need it, as writers. Have a wonderful birthday, and please tell Jan ‘hello’ for us and hugs to you both. I have always valued our friendship. 🙂


    • Dear Joyce,

      I’d say the upside to your story is that you’re out of knees to replace. 😉

      Although this ‘blessing’ had an excruciating beginning, it’s more an inconvenience now. I’m enjoying the extra, unexpected time off to write and plot my career path.

      I have been blessed with writing mentors, Doug being one of them, although I’d never call his nudges gentle, gentile maybe but not gentle.

      I’m missing the writing groups I was once a part of but that’s a whole ‘nuther story. At any rate, there’s always room to grow isn’t there?

      Thank you for your kind words…hugs to you and Wayne.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    Great synopsis of your life.
    I too have retired earlier than I thought because of an injury.
    So now I’m a full time author and publisher.
    Retirement is great. I love it.



  • Happy Birthday, dear Rochelle. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with your devoted fans/friends out here in Purpleland – um, I mean out here in Cyberspace!
    Wishing you full recovery from this latest bump in the road. (Sorry I have not been keeping up with Friday Fictioneers, due to my own bumps).


  • Rochelle,
    First, congratulations on the books! Awesome accomplishment. Secondly, as one who suffers from rather frequent and unexpected medical complications, I wish you a speedy and full recovery. It’s amazing how strong we become when we have to. Best wishes & congrats.


  • Any tooth problem is far more painful than its size warrants. You have my sympathies. I must say you don’t look 62, but then I don’t think I look my age either!
    And you’re right about the FF becoming an addiction – even in the throes of selling up and moving 2000 miles back to UK I had to write mine 🙂


    • Dear Liz,

      Thank you for all the kind words. It’s amazing how mouth/tooth pain can take on a life of their own. I’d rather have a baby than oral surgery.

      I appreciate your addiction to FF. I hope things go smoothly with your move.




    • Dear Alice,

      Life can certainly turn on a dime. I never saw any of this coming. I tend to be prone to mouth sores. I haven’t been declared clear quite yet. The doctor says that after the IV antibiotics, I’m looking at months of oral.

      At least there have been ups with the downs to balance things out. 😉




  • Very Happy and healthy Birthday to you dear Rochelle. Sorry to hear that you are suffering but spending more time with near and dear ones is a consolation. It’s so true “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” Best wishes to you.


  • Dreadfully late, as is my lot this week, but congratulations on another trip around the sun, gum surgery, PICC lines, and all! May your next 365 days be filled with excitement and wonder. ❤


  • Happy happy birthday to you. Wishing you a healthy and prosperous life ahead! Keep rocking the writing scene and congrats on the two books.
    I started my prompt writing journey from here so this place is kind of special to me. Loads of happiness to you with faster recovery.


    • Dear Hilary,

      It has been quite a year. This isn’t exactly how I’d planned my retirement but it has actually given me six extra weeks of relative freedom. I’m still basking in the delight of going to bed and not being stressed about having to go to work the next day. My husband, who retired two years ago and works a part time job, is already making plans for shared activities. Part of that is traveling with me to book signings. 😉

      My blood work has been looking very good so the doctor has high hopes for the treatment. I will be happy to be back in the pool when this picc line come out.

      Thank you for stopping in.




  • Rochelle, what an incredible ride! I’m so proud of you, and excited for you!! Enjoy all of this good stuff…. And, try to get beyond the rocky bit. So sorry about the infection. That is truly awful! Use lots of care, until that pic line is out. Several years ago, I had one for a very serious infection, and the line got compromised. I ended up in ICU for 6 weeks. It’s a long story, but those lines need to be treated with kid gloves and lots of care! I hope you’re feeling better soon! All the best with your book and all the other accolades you have worked so hard for! Mazel tov! xoxo


  • (Belated) Happy birthday Rochelle. Wish you many more enjoyable and healthy years ahead. I missed this post but I’ll remember the date as my mom’s birthday is on 5th, just celebrated it. 🙂
    I wish and pray for your speedy recovery.
    I’ve missed FF for a couple of weeks now but I’m kind of back, so I think. I love reading your stories and the stories of other contributors. The first time I had participated I was a bit scared but with your support and encouragement of others I loved being here. I can’t tell you how much it means to me.
    And, a hearty congrats on the success of your book and your writing career. ♥ 😀


    • Dear Norma,

      Thank you for your sweet wishes and encouraging words. A belated happy birthday to your mother, too. 😉

      The recovery is happening.

      I do understand what Friday Fictioneers means to you, for it’s the same for me. I started as just a participant in 2012 and found the others writers to be helpful and accepting. It’s why I couldn’t let it die when Madison stepped down as leader.

      Many thank you’s.



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