30 March 2018

Published March 28, 2018 by rochellewisoff

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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit. 

PHOTO PROMPT © Fatima Fakier Deria

My weekly admonition to over 70 participants. Please keep your stories to 100 words or less. Thank you for your consideration. 

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Genre: Memoir

Word Count: 100


            I spent my twelfth summer with my aunt and uncle in Monticello, NY.

            Uncle Harold won my heart, not just because he showered me with attention and frozen custard, but because he was an artist. While he never achieved national acclaim, he did win a few awards in local shows for his impressionistic works.

            I cherish memories of painting with him on the patio.

            “A masterpiece,” he proclaimed my robin watercolor.

            Today, as I put the finishing touches on my latest opus, I almost hear Uncle Harold say, “Good job! Let’s go for a frozen custard. Don’t tell Aunt Lu.” 


Nothing fictitious about this story. 😉

This painting holds a special place in my office/studio.

Never heard of frozen custard? CLICK HERE


I personally favored chocolate.

128 comments on “30 March 2018

    • Dear Francine,

      Already this morning I’ve been asked about frozen custard three times, so I’ve inserted a link and a photo above. These were in the days before frozen yogurt…although the two are similar. And yes, Uncle Harold has a special place in my heart. Thank you.



      Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Neel,

      For those of you who’ve asked the question, I’ve added the link. Frozen custard entered the scene long before frozen yogurt. Pretty much the same…frozen sweetness. 😉 Thank you for your warm and equally sweet words.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle
    You’ve written a delightful thumbnail sketch of the relationship between you and Uncle Harold. You capture the significant details that have lived with you for so many years – the childish delight in frozen custard and the grown-up appreciation of his love and encouragement of your art.

    Liked by 2 people

  • Dear Rochelle,

    Wonderful memory.
    One of my favorite uncles owned a toy store. Whoo-whoo! Guess what I got?
    Great painting! I love it.
    What the word “aboMorat” mean in the line above the painting “Nothing fictitious aboMorut this story. ” Is it just a typo in which you meant to write “about” and somehow the Mor got into it? Couldn’t find the word by Googling it.

    Happy Pesach.


    Liked by 1 person

  • When my daughter was little, she spent several weeks with my parents. Every afternoon, my Dad would sneak her out for ice cream. She gained so much weight, she couldn’t fit into her clothes, so my Mom had her jump rope to lose the weight before my wife and I came to pick her up. There’s such a thing as spoiling too much.

    Liked by 3 people

      • indeed a good memory – and from childhood – they had this place in CA called Thrifty I think – it was like Woolworths – and they had twenty-five cent cones and all of us kids (a Litter) would get triple scoops – and I loved pistachio cashew –ahhh good times.

        and I am not able to join in FF this week – sniff – but I love the pic and will try and read some of the entries.

        See you in April and peace to you R


  • Its amazing how some people live on even after they are gone! I can appreciate your lovely affectionate bond with your uncle from my own experiences. Its so wonderful that you still treasure his beautiful creation in your office. The last line tugged at my heart strings.
    Beautiful story, Rochelle.

    Liked by 2 people

  • We ALL need an “Uncle Harold” in our lives… For me, it was one of my foster Mom’s, Momma Kit, who encouraged me to write more and to draw. She still has one of my early drawings on her wall to this day. It’s yellowed, and I offered to make her a new one…she refused. Said the yellowed one had more value to it.

    Liked by 3 people

  • Dear Rochelle,

    I love this story. Would that we all had an Uncle Harold. And… I thought all ice cream was made from custard! Guess that’s my “chefy” side 😉 Watched too many Iron Chefs and cooking shows where they explain how to make the custard to make the ice cream. Go figure…

    Lotsa love,


    Liked by 2 people

  • Such a beautiful story, Rochelle and you tell it well. I had an uncle who I credit my interest in writing with, but sadly we’ve drifted apart once he got married. He was only 11 years older than me.
    I am naturally a very encouraging person but I’m amazed at how people can those cold water on a young person’s dreams. That said, it can be challenging as a parent when your children choose something which is difficult to make a living or they clearly don’t have the goods for.
    My daughter has only just turned 12, but she is a beautiful dancer. However, her dance school promotes all sorts of musical theatre auditions and we always apply.
    She went for her first audition two years ago, which was for the Sydney production of Andre Lloyd Webber’s the Sound of Music and she was going for the role of the second youngest Von Trapp. When she came home and told me about it, it was like she’d asked me to fly to the moon and the whole thing was totally beyond me. However, at her insistence, I sent off the application. To my surprise, she got an audition. Unfortunately, she also had vocal nodules at the time so she had no chance of getting through and the audition process started with vocal, and she’s stronger with dance.
    JUst to complicate matters, I developed a severe lung infection and it set my asthma off and I was attached to the nebuliser and playing the songs on the keyboard. Today, she was back in Sydney for another audition. This time she received a callback but not a final callback. Yet, we had a great day in Sydney and it was an encouraging experience.
    So, she is also training me up in a sense and I am also needing encouragement that I can do a good job as her Mumager. Most of the time, that’s another job I do for myself but I know she appreciates it and I hope it also shows her that I believe in her.
    xx Rowena

    Liked by 2 people

      • Thanks very much, Rochelle. I am feeling the need to regroup for a bit. These auditions are very emotional and require such perfectionism. However, I think they’re also a bit like exams. They encourage us to stretch ourselves further and get better and the challenge is good for us, but there still needs to be space for a cup of tea and putting your feet up.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Sandra,

      I love looking at that painting. Years after my Uncle Harold had passed away, Aunt Lu, then moved to Indiana, allowed me to choose any of his paintings I wanted. When I chose the Hasidic picture, she said, “If it were anyone else but you…” Frozen custard was delightful.
      Thank you for your equally delightful comment.



      Liked by 2 people

  • Uncle Harold sounds like a delightful man. And what an influence he must have been on you, to have someone in your life who loved painting and was so encouraging. Your warmth for him comes through the screen. Every budding artist needs a person like that in their lives. Sadly, after reading your link all I can think about now is frozen custard and how I REALLY want to try some. Guess I better start saving my air fare now … 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Lynn,

      I didn’t really see Uncle Harold much. We lived miles apart. He and Aunt Lu (my dad’s sister) came to visit us when I was 8 and I spent the summer with them four years later. But it was a summer I’ll never forget. 😉 We have a place that sells frozen custard not too far from us. Let me know when you’re coming and I’ll make the guest room ready. Thank you for your sweet comments.



      Liked by 2 people

      • It was clearly a summer that made an impact. Sometimes a few weeks is all it takes for a person to have a lasting affect on your life. Bless Uncle Harold for his positivity. Always a pleasure to read your work

        Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Eric,

      Hard to say which comes first. I always did love to draw (on every spare sheet of paper, according to my mom). Uncle Harold did what he could to nurture my passion. I think he was successful. 😉 Thank you.



      Liked by 2 people

  • Thank you for coming to my blog! Charming story! Is there an actual Monticello in New York? (Because there is one in Utah!). Frozen custard sounds delicious! Have a great Wednesday:)

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Junieper,

      Yes,my dear, there really is a Monticello, New York.It’s Upstate near the Catskills. My uncle owned an employment agency up there. Glad you enjoyed my story and took the time to say so. I’ve checked out your blog. Lovely.




  • Dear Rochelle

    I so much enjoyed reading about your Uncle Harold. I l particularly liked the points that you identified – the time and attention he gave to you, the encouragement and praise he gave and, of course, the special treat! It takes so little effort from an adult to offer these things and yet it means so much to a child. No wonder he won your heart! This is a beautiful story. I love it!

    Best wishes


    Liked by 2 people

  • Dear Ro-Shari “Lambchop” Lewis W(T)F,

    You know, I just started thinking about that W(T)F at the end of your name. That’s gotta be like a doctorate abbreviation of some high degree, they don’t just hand out W(T)Fs for nothing.

    I love your Uncle Harold, brought back fond memories of my Uncle Harry. (tears)

    Hey! Wanna buy a wobbly bed? I bet Jan would love it.

    Whole Lotta Shakin’ Going On,
    Junior Barnes

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Junior Barnes,

      I had an Uncle Harry, too…he was also a character. I miss him, too.

      Yes, I think W(T)F should come with a very special certificate.

      I’ll pass on the wobbly bed. In 46 years we’ve had our share of them.

      Happy Holidays.

      Ro-Shari “Lambchop” W(T)F

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Irene,

      As an artist, I idolized my uncle…ironically uncle by marriage so I didn’t inherit it. 😉 He had high blood pressure and it upset Aunt Lu that he refused to watch his diet. Yeah, she new. Thank you for your lovely comments.



      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Jan,

      Uncle Harold was definitely an influence. I can’t claim biology there either. He was an uncle by marriage. I’d like to think he’s watching and smiling. And I have the joy of viewing his work every day. 😀 Thank you.




  • Enjoyed reading this warm snippet from your life. I had an Uncle who promised to give me a beautiful set of color pencils if I got all my spellings correct. I did and I got the pencils too. But I am not quite sure what I treasured most the pencils or the approving glint in his eyes. Thank you for sharing Rochelle and bringing back lovely memories. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  • Beautiful painting, I see where your talents originate from, Rochelle. Creativity is in your blood. The prompt seems to be inspiring stories of families in many ways. Thank you for selecting mine this week. You really have a pulse on the heartbeat of the world. It so perfectly timed with major events in my own life too, so I was quite a bag of emotions when I saw the image you chose. Your uncle seemed like a wonderful person. I’d love to try frozen custard one day.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Fatima,

      I can’t really claim inheritance from Uncle Harold since he was my uncle by marriage. However, he certainly instilled a passion within me to pursue my artistic dreams.
      Your photo definitely inspired many family stories and memories. Thank you for sharing it. Many thanks for a lovely comment.




  • A beautiful tribute and slice into your life. Uncle Harold comes across as a wonderful man. That is such a beautiful painting and I can see why it has a special place in your office/ heart.

    Liked by 2 people

  • Somehow from the first line I knew this was true, Rochelle, and the Frozen Custard confirmed my gut feel. Lovely heartfelt piece, where the sweetness and innocence of youth continue to the present – this is your truest eternal gift, Rochelle. Truly.



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