27 April 2018

Published April 25, 2018 by rochellewisoff

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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit. 

PHOTO PROMPT © Jan Wayne Fields

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Genre: Historical Fiction

Word Count: 100


                                    September 1880

Dearest Lemmonia,

            I never dreamt I would meet such a marvelous botanical comrade. Two souls are we with one thought.

            Where shall we honeymoon? I propose we journey to the far-off land of the Apaches in Arizona to explore new species of flora or even climb the Santa Catalinas. I await your reply, my love.

                        Forever yours,



Their guide, Emerson O. Stratton, later reminisced, “We christened the mountain Mt. Lemmon in her honor—the first white woman to reach the peak. There I chopped the bark off a great pine tree and we all carved our names.”


*One of the things we did on our vacation was to go up Mt. Lemmon. Amazingly, you start at the bottom with Saguaro Cacti and end up at the top amid Pine Trees. It’s when I learned that the mountain was named after this intriguing lady that my bit of fiction was born. So much story, so few words allowed. 😉 


99 comments on “27 April 2018

  • This is great, Rochelle. My family had a cabin up there in the 1900s, prior to the front range road being built (that took place during the war, using German POW labor). The Catalinas are a magical place, sacred to the native peoples. They have been sadly abused and degraded by the white invaders who respect only money, but the spirit of the mountain is so huge you can’t but be impressed by it. It will endure long after our arrogant culture has destroyed itself.

    Sara Lemmon was a friend and mentor of my great aunt Sarah Herring Sorin, an amateur botanist and pioneering territorial lawyer. This picture warmed my heart. The vista we see in the photo is called Loma Linda and is actually below the actual Mt. Lemmon itself. I’ve been to this very place many, many times.

    Liked by 2 people

  • A wonderful tale. Love the historical note, as well. I’ve taken up, in the last year or so, a fondness for nature journaling, so this only adds to my enjoyment! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  • Not much fiction here but great historical story. I can’t imagine climbing this mountain. The views are phenomenal. This was my second trip up there and could not take enough photos to show the grandeur of it all. Can’t wait to go back.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Such a lovely image and a wonderful story to boot. What a redoubtable woman Sara Lemmon must have been – as you say, trekking up the mountain in long skirts, making camp, exploring the local botany. The more we learn about our 19th century female forebears, the more I think the image we have of staid politeness and formal afternoon teas is only part of the picture. Just a lovely piece of history and a lovely tale Rochelle. Thank you for introducing me to another wonderful lady

    Liked by 2 people

  • Dear Rochelle,

    Of course you used your trip as “intel” 😉 I love that you did.
    I could not imagine trekking anywhere but down the street in those get-ups. As Lynn said, the more we learn about 19th century women, the more we can be impressed that they were more than needle-pointing, tea-drinking lasses…

    Lotsa love,


    Liked by 2 people

  • Dear Fanny B. W(T)F,

    I don’t know if you’ve heard or not, but they’re naming a mole hill after me. There were plans to create a National Park around Mt. Corky, but then Trump got elected and wanted to change the name to Mt. Pimple on My Ass. Last I heard, funding had been slashed and now they’re proposing a cardboard sign and a three-legged picnic bench.

    I hope you and Jan will take time to tour the park and have your photo made beside the mole hill on your next cross-country jaunt. And be sure and pick up a bumper sticker at the souvenir shop; “Feeling dorky? Visit Mt. Corky”

    It’s a landmark you won’t want to miss!

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dear Corky,

      I’ll be sure to save up my sheckels for the triip to Mt. Corky. Nothing like great dork to make a mole hill out of mountain. I’m marking my calendar with your purple crayon. Will the mole hill be close to a dung hill? Want to be prepared.


      Fanny B. W(T)F


  • So pleased to read this. For if I lived for a thousand years I would still only see a faction of the earths bounty. So it is great that as individuals we can get a feeling for part of planet earth through reading. I was interested to read J Hardy Carroll’s comment. It is fascinating how time and links work.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Irene,

      We never made it to the peak where her entourage left their signatures, so I can’t tell you if they’re still visible. 😉 Of course we took our trek by car. Thank you for your thoughtful words.



      Liked by 1 person

  • It warms my heart to learn that there were mountain climbing women in ‘those’ days. And to have a mountain named after her is the icing on the cake. I think we should have all natural wonders named after women. The Sanskrit name for Mount Everest is Sagarmatha (Mother Ocean) and rivers in India all have feminine names. After all, they are all part of Mother Earth 🙂

    Loved your historical story!

    Liked by 1 person

  • Rochelle, I’ve learnt so much by reading (from your stories and other participants, too) and being here on FF. Thanks. 🙂
    This too, is a wonderful tale. Loved the photo. Camping in those clothes, can’t even think about it. Thanks for sharing.
    I hope you are having a wonderful time collecting beautiful pictures and making memorable memories. 🙂


  • This is such an interesting slice of history. I enjoyed the use of Sara’s letter and her delight to convey so much of their relationship, contrasted with the factual account provided by the guide. Sara sounds enchanting.


  • Dear Rochelle,

    At long last I’ve managed to read one of your wonderful posts again. Have been very neglectful, I know, but have been suffering from exhaustion with accompanying brain fog and difficulty in organising my time. I have literally one page of the first draft of my novel to write, but it feels like climbing a mountain to get there.

    Dale tells me that you’ve been on a grand tour. I’m sure we will have plenty to talk about on Skype in the not-too-distant future.

    Meanwhile, I want to say that I love your story/little history this week and the fascinating link telling more about a very courageous and talented woman who didn’t allow her frailty to stand in the way of her creativity and sense of adventure. An example to us all, methinks. I’m sad that her last few years were such a downward spiral for her. She must have missed her dear husband, who seemed to have been very much her kindred spirit.

    I hope all is going well for you.

    All best wishes,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Sarah,

      I’m delighted to hear from you. You’ve truly been on my heart and mind. We really must Skype soon. Then I can tell you more about the epic journey. 😉

      I hope you’re recovering from the exhaustion which is, my guess, every bit as emotional as physical. ❤

      I caught the story of Sara Lemmon while in AZ on her mountain. I couldn't let this story go. 😀 I'm glad you went on and followed the link. So much that wouldn't fit into a mere 100 words.

      Much love to you. Heading off for a mind cleansing swim.



      Liked by 1 person

      • Dear Rochelle,

        Methinks you’re right about the emotional and physical aspects of my exhaustion, but then I think you’ve been there many times yourself, so know all about it!

        Today, I had total mental block about a haiku, so wrote a meditation instead. It was all about getting back onto an even keel.

        I had a rare couple of undisturbed hours yesterday, which is unheard of on a Sunday, so finished my first draft without any difficulty. Am now recuperating for a few days, before venturing upon the readthrough.

        At the moment, I think that Friday is a skyping possibility for me. How are you and Dale fixed?

        All best wishes,

        Liked by 1 person

        • Dear Sarah,

          I am familiar with the emotional aspects of exhaustion indeed. 😉 It’s probably best that you set your MS aside before doing a readthrough. No doubt your eyes and your psyche need a break.

          I’m in holding pattern waiting for the first galley proof of A Stone for the Journey.

          Friday is a strong possibility for me Skype-wise. I can’t speak for Dale who wasn’t feeling at all well yesterday. With her house on the market, her schedule isn’t entirely her own.



          Liked by 1 person

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