Weekend Writing Prompt – EQUINOX

Published March 16, 2019 by rochellewisoff

A word prompt to get your creativity flowing this weekend.  How you use the prompt is up to you.  Write a piece of flash fiction, a poem, a chapter for your novel…anything you like.  Or take the challenge below – there are no prizes – it’s not a competition but rather a fun writing exercise.

Thanks to Sammi for the challenge.

Once more the word prompt has me in touch with my inner Dale. 😉

The package arrived an hour and fifteen minutes before the vernal equinox and eleven days before we expected it. Nonetheless, we were prepared for its imminent appearance.

Monday afternoon, following twenty-four hours of practiced breathing, effleurage and pushing, our second son transformed us into a family of four. Seven pounds, twelve and a half ounces of chubby cuteness, son two was born four years and four days after his older brother.

Spring heralded noisy birthday parties and colorful cakes—our own March Madness.


18 comments on “Weekend Writing Prompt – EQUINOX

  • Dear Rochelle,

    Your “inner Dale”, eh? I like it. 😉
    And I love this! March Madness indeed… I spread mine out a bit more – I mean months of the year, coz there was not four years between the three!
    Love your drawing!

    Shalom and lotsa love and smiles,


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    • Dear Dale,

      It wasn’t my plan to space them out that far actually. 😉 Some things are beyond our control. I’d forgotten about the drawing until I pulled out Travis’ baby book. Thought it would be fun to share. I kept that by the phone (remember wall phones and landlines?)

      Shalom and hugs,


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    • Dear Ted,

      That girl was just a baby herself. 😉 She was pretty proud of the suits she made the boys, too. I don’t think I ever gave Dr. Winer a copy of the drawing. Surely I drew something for him sometime. He brought all three of the Fields’ boys into the open air. Alas, he’s living among us no more. Really loved him. Thank you.



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