6 March 2020

Published March 4, 2020 by rochellewisoff

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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit.

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot

The frog is far from blue. Click him anyway. 

Some of you might remember the following story. It’s a retread from the summer of 2014. When it came up in conversation recently, I decided it was time to give it another run. Different photo and some know the reason why. 😉 

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Word Count: 100


            “There’s so much I haven’t seen, Mom.”

            “It’ll keep. You’re only eighteen.”

            “I’m a woman.”

            “You’re still a child. The city will eat you alive.”

            “It’s a full scholarship.”

            Three months later, miles from parental scrutiny, Evelyn strolled into the Pratt Institute studio, virgin sketchbook under her arm. 

            She lowered herself onto an art bench, looked up at the statuesque model on a raised platform, held her pencil erect at arm’s length to calculate perspective and, with great relish, contemplated all that nature had bestowed upon him.

            “Study hard,” her mother had said.

            Evelyn smiled.

            “I will, Mom, I will.” 



98 comments on “6 March 2020

  • Ah, those first weeks and months away from home – the things you learn! I like the way you wrote Mom’s discussion with Evelyn. She knew perfectly well that she’d lose, but felt she had to make the case anyway.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Ah! Well, that’s a good lesson in controlling one’s devouring nature, I’d think … 😉 (sorry, had to) 😉
    And here’s to turning all shades of pink and red AND keeping one’s composure while one admires natures ‘bestowing’ during ‘art appreciation’ class …
    Left my very different contribution at the froggy!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Na’ama Y’karah,

      It was difficult to maintain my cool that first drawing class with a male model. The truth is, he wasn’t all that good looking. 😉 After a while nude model grew to be ho-hum and boring and my pencil turned to jade. Thank you for the comments and the wordplay (never apologize).



      Liked by 1 person

      • Ah, well, it can be a bit disconcerting for anyone during their first nude drawing class, I’m sure. Perhaps it was not a bad idea that he wasn’t “all that good looking” so you could actually concentrate on drawing … 😉
        Me love word plays. 😉
        Shabbat Shalom

        Liked by 1 person

  • Ah! So, this week we learn a little about Rochelle. Now, I understand your passion for the arts.

    I have zero artistic ability, but I’ve done that. It was a case of wrong/right place, wrong/right time. No one told me plans changed, so I showed up to a drawing class with a nude model. I explained that I was not an artist, but the model talked me into trying. She came over to see my drawings between poses. She seemed to like them. Other people complimented me. She even kept my drawings. For me, it was a once in a lifetime, bizarre opportunity.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Nobbin,

      Some of the story is a glimpse of young Rochelle. However, I’m not sure she was quite as bold as Evelyn. 😉 I will say that my first figure drawing class with a nude male model was a bit of a shock to my naive nervous system. After a while, the nudes became business as usual and even dull.
      It sounds like you have more artistic ability than you give yourself credit for. Thank you for your comments and sharing your story.



      Liked by 1 person

  • I liked your story because there is so much going on in it. Of course I had to google The Pratt. As with all your stories I wondered who the MC was going to be, sometimes famous and sometimes not. Now I am wondering if a certain writer I know learned to draw in Brooklyn. Interesting take on the prompt.


      • Dear Ted,

        It seems I might have to make a public statement that this piece is NOT autobiographical! (Perhaps inspired by the writer herself 😉 ) The original photo I used in 2014 was one of a statue. Without fail, when I use a picture of a statue I’m inundated with stories about some poor shnook who’s soul is imprisoned in stone. So help me, this is true. So…this photo was taken in NYC…hence I went with Pratt. I actually went to the KC Art Institute. Unlike Evelyn, I was somewhat taken aback by nude models. Funny how quickly you become jaded…even bored with nudity. While my father came from Brooklyn, I was born, raised and educated in Kansas City. 😉
        The tie-in with this story and the photo, is the food on shelves…what’s on the menu 😉 Thank you.




        • 😀😃😁😁😆😅😂🤣😘You mean Roger’s photo was taken in NYC and that’s the take? Interesting. As for Art Classes, I was an art history minor in college, but I had to also take some art classes and when I signed up for life drawing I was all excited. I was disappointed in the modeling, I guess that type came in more advanced classes. And, I was not getting into any of those because I could not draw. But I did became an excellent potter.

          Liked by 1 person

          • I never got into pottery but the figure drawing classes were part of everyone’s curriculum at the art institute. I wish now, though, I hadn’t slept through Art History classes. Keep those emojis coming. 😉


  • I love this short little story. I remember the Art Institute days. You had some strange experiences. I think you were better than most of your “instructors”. Your character listened to her Mother like you did yours. Lol.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    I wasn’t around back then – not quite – and I love that you were able to rerun this story with a very different image… So cheeky and clever if you!

    Shalom and Lotsa nature-loving love,


    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    I’ve no idea where the comment disappeared to that I made days ago when I “liked” your story! Perhaps I was being a scatterbrain and didn’t click on Post Comment.

    Anyway, what I said was that I loved your take on the prompt. I also said that I liked the play on words in relation to the picture, about people eating Evelyn alive. And lastly, I wonder if the story is semi-autobiographical.

    So there. At least I remembered what I said, which is a start, considering how my mind is only just returning out of the dead zone after many, many months. Time to work on a project, methinks — the one I mentioned that involved you — if you’re still interested and when you’ve finished your latest book, which I’m very much looking forward to reading.
    We’ll chat soon 🙂

    All best wishes,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Sarah,

      I did check my spam folder to see if your comment might have ended up there. Nope. I understand about scatterbrained. Yesterday I mailed two prints to a customer/friend and realized as I was packaging another I’d forgotten to sign them. So now she’s going to mail them back when they get there. Too much multitasking.

      I’m glad you enjoyed the play on words. I remember when I wrote it I had a lot of fun with it. In fact, I admit to a bit of an assist from Doug. And yes, the story is a tad autobiographical in that my mother and I really didn’t discuss it. And the male models at the art institute weren’t so much to look at in the aesthetic sense. In fact nude models came to bore me and I found myself sketching details of the background.

      I’ve written myself into a corner with the current novel. Never know how long it’s going to take, do we? I’ll certainly let you know.

      Good news. My agent stopped waiting for my publisher to reply re the next novel. She sent it to 22 larger publishing houses and reminded me that it will take time and most authors only get ONE shot. However, the first “rejection” came this past Tuesday, only a week after they received it. The publisher is Avon. The letter started with “Wow” and continued to say he/she was fascinated…the author obviously poured her heart into it…but it was too dark for them. How encouraging is that?

      So…I look forward to chatting with you in the not too distant future. 😀



      Liked by 1 person

      • Dear Rochelle,

        I think you should see Avon’s response to your novel as most encouraging, even though it didn’t fit with their list. Personally, I’d like to receive a rejection like that, Obviously to get a “yes” is a million times better, but it says to me that Avon have at least said enough to confirm that your novel has the “wow” factor, is intriguing, and has plenty of emotional depth. I’m sure there must be one or more publishers amongst the other 21 will appreciate the darkness.

        Keeping my fingers tightly crossed for you.

        All best wishes,

        Liked by 1 person

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