25 November 2016

Published November 23, 2016 by rochellewisoff

Prom Night 1971 Enlargement

(This year, November 28th, marks our 45th wedding anniversary. And our parents didn’t think we’d last 6 months. 😉 )

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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit. 



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Genre: Hysterical Fiction

Word Count: 99


“What are you wearing to the party tonight?” he asked.

“My purple dress.”

“Could you be more specific? Almost everything in your closet is purple.”

“It’s the color of royalty.” She clicked on Wikipedia. “The ancient Phoenicians prized it as early as 1570 BC. Phoenicia means ‘Land of Purple.’”

He rolled his eyes. “Of course it does.”

“Billions of sea snails have given their lives to produce the dye. According to historians it fetched its weight in silver in Colophon in Asia Minor. The Romans used it for their ceremonial robes.”

“So that means you’re wearing…”

“…my purple dress.”

Dibromindigo is the major component in Tyrian purple.

Dibromindigo is the major component in Tyrian purple.

Charging up for next time!

I couldn’t resist including this.

It’s also my default ringtone. 😉

If you missed my interview on the The Writer’s Block Radio Show, click to listen. 

107 comments on “25 November 2016

    • Dear Loré,

      A couple of years ago another blogger sent me the link to the video, saying it was my them song. I couldn’t argue with him and even did a blog about it. When I found the ringtone I was ecstatic. 😉 I’m glad you enjoyed all of the above. Thank you.



      Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Archon,

      What’s not to love about purple. It’s been my favorite since my dad painted my room lavender when I was seven. 😉 Hope you’re going to celebrate that 50th in style. 😀 Not many make it that long anymore….just us determined, stubborn few. Thank you.




    • Dear Iain,

      It was a lovely week indeed. Glad you liked my story. My last two were pretty dark so it was time to lighten up a bit. (Light purple 😉 ) Thank you for the comments and the anniversary wishes. (Our parents gave us six months at the most.)



      Liked by 1 person

  • You have to love this just because of the chemical title. But it delivers so much more – the tone of self-aware and wry domestic wrangling is beautifully captured. Congrulations on your achievements, your endurance and your unfailing support

    Liked by 1 person

  • Congratulations on your anniversary. And some interesting facts there about the colour purple. My stepdaughter has a purple feature wall in her living room, a bit like buttoned satin upholstery. At first it reminded me of the inside of a box of Cadbury’s Dairy Milk, and then I decided it looked like the inside of a coffin. You’ll be relieved to know I omitted to mention either of those facts. But purple looks wonderful on you, as does success. Loved the story.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Sandra,

      Yes, I’m glad you didn’t include mention of the inside of the Cadbury’s Dairy Milk, or horrors, the inside of a coffin. That would be a downer. 😉 What would I do without Wikipedia? They wrote my story this week. Glad you liked it. Thank you and thanks again for posting my interview link. 😀 Still basking in the afterglow.




  • Dear Rochelle,
    How little one knows about coloring methods. I was aware about the the use of lice to extract red, but have never heard about purple. Beautifully done!
    Best wishes,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear J Hardy,

      This one came to me so fast, it was almost scary. Although I love it when the muse is that spontaneous. Indeed there are stories everywhere if we just open our eyes and ears. Thank you.




  • Lovely tale, Rochelle – the dialogue between the two is so natural, could be lifted straight from life. Such a sweetly humorous tone – lovely!
    Congratulations on your 45th anniversary – wonderful. Are you having a big party? Lots of friends and family spoiling you? Have a brilliant time 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  • That was more than fun, Miss Purple! 45 years… that is amazing in this day and age, indeed! I love the repartee between the two, shows the love and intimacy! And really, how can one not love purple?

    Liked by 1 person

  • I love it, Rochelle. So funny. Everything in her closet is purple. Purple is a fascinating color. and the perfect color for you. Happy Anniversary. Wow, 45 years!! Amazing. Hope you have a nice Thanksgiving, too. You look adorable in your outfit!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Amy,

      I fell in love with purple when my dad painted my room lavender. I was seven at the time. My purple preference has only proliferated over time. 😉
      Our parents predicted we’d last 6 months. Can’t say it’s been easy and certainly nothing close to “they lived happily ever after.” Just two determined people.
      Thank you for comments/compliments. That outfit is a personal favorite.If I’m not careful I’ll wear it every day.




  • Hysterical fiction indeed. I love this, from the title to the music to the ring tone. Better than purple, I’d say blue. 😀 But I love purple, too. Happy anniversary, way to go!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Gabi,

      That’s why there are so many different colors in the world. 😉 Two of my sons are quite fond of green. It’s all good…I’ve just had fun building a platform on purple. Glad you liked my offering this week. I had fun putting it together. Thank you.




    • Dear Briget,

      A random blogger sent that to me the link to the song a couple of years ago, saying it should be my theme song. I couldn’t argue that. When I found that it was available as a ringtone I couldn’t resist. Thank you.




  • Such a fun piece of a realistic conversation between two people that know each other well. Congrats on 45 years, that’s simply amazing. Liked the tidbit on your post that your parents didn’t think it would last more than 6 months.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Cindy,

      I was 18 and just out of high school. Jan was 23 and had ‘been around.’ For all his worldliness, he was just a kid. We weathered some tough times and grew up together. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. That’s what Friday Fictioneers is all about.



      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Ellen,

      This just might be the best comment I’ve gotten this week, short of Björn’s verse. 😉 Isn’t that song great? Another blogger sent me the link and told me it should be my theme song. I had to agree. 😉 Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle

    Love it:-) Purple is a wonderful colour. One of my favourites, although I have a great love of red, too, but not worn together! I often think that the more parents protest that their offspring’s relationships won’t work, the more determined those offspring become to make things work, especially the strong-minded ones who like to wear purple 😉

    All best wishes

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Sarah,

      Sometimes I wonder how and why we stayed together. 😉 I guess both of us feel that we made a commitment and we’re just stubborn enough to honor it.

      I really do love purple as you can tell by pictures of me. However, I might not be as obsessed as I let on. Four years ago I went to a workshop on blogging and creating your brand. That’s when “Addicted to Purple” was born. It’s also when I switched from blogspot to WordPress which I find to be more user friendly. Friday Fictioneers and Addicted to Purple were two of the best decisions I ever made.

      Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Querida Rochelle,
    This prompt came and went … sadly.
    One can only do what one can do. 😔
    Cute story and I know you adore purple so this must be sprinkled with a great deal of you. 😄
    CONGRATULATIONS on your 45th wedding anniversary. May your lives be filled with more love than your hearts can hold.
    Abrazos y Besitos,
    Isadora 😎

    Liked by 1 person

    • Querida Isadora,

      Life can get in the way of writing flash fiction, can’t it? It’s why I often resort to posting excerpts from my books from time to time.

      There is a lot of me and my husband in this story. Es la verdad, I do love purple.
      Gracias on the anniversary wishes. Muchos años.

      Abrazos y shalom, mi amiga,


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