12 May 2017

Published May 10, 2017 by rochellewisoff

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PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

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Genre: Fiction

Word Count: 100


            Jangled from my pleasant dream, I fumbled for the phone on the nightstand. It fell to the floor. I tumbled out of bed and picked it up. “This better be important.”

            Jared’s choked voice snapped me to attention. “Mom I—I had an accident—I…”

            Trembling, I dressed and headed for the hospital.

            Hit by a drunk driver going 90 mph, Jared’s car had been reduced to mound of mangled steel and shattered glass.

            Tears streamed down his bruised cheeks. “Your Mother’s Day present. It got broken in the crash.”

            “Nonsense.” I embraced him. “It’s right here in my arms.”

97 comments on “12 May 2017

    • Dear Karen,

      This particular story is loosely based on facts. Our sons have had a few fender benders and two out of three have survived some bad ones. I remember looking at one of the cars my youngest totaled. (It wasn’t his fault.) A hunk of metal can be replaced. Thank you.



      PS The other driver who hit my car didn’t speak English or have a driver’s license. Fortunately the woman who was crazy enough to loan him her car did. Perhaps a story for another time.

      Liked by 1 person

  • Oh, how terrifying such calls are. One of the reasons I don’t have a phone, too too many ‘death’ calls. Even the sound of a ringing phone terrifies me anymore.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Iain,

      There are a lot of crazies on the road…more than ever. And too many young people (and older, too) think they are capable of texting and driving. I don’t get that.
      When her daughter got her license, a friend of mine said that she was glad her daughter could drive. It left her more free time to call the emergency rooms.
      Thank you for your comments. My husband and I are also thankful.



      Liked by 1 person

  • A great lead in to Mother’s Day. I remember this situation. Even the policeman said their story didn’t go with the facts. The bottom line is, insurance can take care of the car but their is no insurance for fixing a person. Especially family. Good story.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Jan,

      This is more than one story rolled into one, although I clearly remember the one of which you speak. I’m grateful our sons are grown and healthy enough for us to be at odds with them. 😉 Thank you, m’luv.



  • So well done and your conclusion so true.
    One dark night friends helped a young man who hadn’t seen the STOP and went through a dead end into a small ravine. He was okay, but shaken up and rather gloomy. “What’ll my folks say?” My friend said, “Listen, your folks could be calling the funeral home right now!” That straightened out his thinking a bit.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Christine,

      I hope the boy’s parents were able to let him know they were thankful to have their son alive and well.
      Although my story is fiction, we’ve gone through a few accidents with our kids. Fortunately none of them incurred serious injuries. Thank you.




  • A heart-tugging story, Rochelle. My daughter got hit by a drunk driver. She and her friend were in the car. It was a good thing they both had seat belts on. That man didn’t have a license either and was driving a friend’s car. It bent her car’s frame but the kids were okay. Good writing as always. 🙂 — Suzanne

    Liked by 1 person

  • A heart-wrenching story, squeezed the tears right from me — good thing I haven’t put my mascara on yet! And what a true lesson, about what is really important, and how almost losing it makes that so crystal clear.

    Liked by 1 person

  • A story that makes me want to hug my own son close to me! So glad you’re all intact after such stressful experiences. Long may it continue. Those late night calls … Never good. All the best to you and yours and take care out there 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  • So pleased this story had a good outcome. Very sadly in my family circle I have seen the three close friends die following individual car accidents.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear April,

      Indeed, the ringing phone in the middle of the night is feared as a harbinger of bad news. I’ve been relieved at times when it’s simply a wrong number…irritated but definitely relieved. 😉 Thank you.




    • Dear Liz,

      Fortunately, the drive to the hospital in the story is the part that’s fiction. Our youngest did total one of our cars in an accident that wasn’t his fault. I remember looking at the twisted metal and feeling thankful that he wasn’t seriously injured or worse.
      Thank you.




  • Dear Rochelle,

    This story cuts straight to the heart. A son is irreplaceable, but a car is just a car. I remember when my son had a prang just after taking his driving test. Fortunately it dented the car but not him, but my mind was full of what-ifs and plenty of thankfulness that the guardian angels were on his side that day. I’m glad they’ve been on your sons’ sides, too.

    As you can see, I am around for this week’s FF, as my planned weekend break has been postponed.

    All best wishes,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Sarah,

      I’m always happy when you’re able to join. I know about busy-ness. I’m digging deeper into preparing for an art fair and putting the coffee table book together. It’s proving to be an involved, if not, highly satisfying endeavor.
      And yes, the cars can always be replaced. 😉 Prang? That’s a new word to add to my vocabulary. 😀
      Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

      • Dear Rochelle,
        I’m sort of drifting between projects and yet feeling busy. Breathing spaces and thinking time are both things that other people don’t envisage as work, so they love to fill those gaps with jobs for me to do!
        I’m not complaining about the gardening though, as I can still think while working 🙂
        I’m so pleased that your present endeavor is highly satisfying. It’s a good place to be in 🙂
        Hopefully, we’ll speak later this week.
        All best wishes,

        Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Dr. Fictoria Roseannadanna (if that is your real name–sounds rather fictitious to me),

    A mother’s worry is never done. Offspring can be such a joy, but they’re such a pain in the neck (and lower parts as well). Turning them loose with a vehicle is a scary endeavor. I recommend enrolling Jared in an Offensive Driving course. Throw a wig and a little make-up on him and send him to the Maybelline school. He’ll come back a new man.

    Happy Mother’s Day,
    Rachel Crofton

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Rachel, you ignorant slut,

      As my daddy always said a mother always worries. Why? I’ll tell you why. Because they never write and they never call. That’s why! Thank you for the beauty tips. I’ll pass them along.


      Dr. Fictoria Roesannadanna WF

      Liked by 1 person

  • Oh my!! What a story, Rochelle! Ever since my children were old enough to drive, I would keep my cell phone next to my pillow… The accidents they have had only damaged a hunk of metal and not their bodies. The drunk driver story hits home for too many, unfortunately.

    Liked by 1 person

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