2 November 2018

Published October 31, 2018 by rochellewisoff

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As always, please be considerate of your fellow Fictioneers and keep your stories to 100 words. (Title is not included in the word count.)  Many thanks. 

The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit. 

PHOTO PROMPT © Jeff Arnold

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Genre: Fiction

Word Count: 100

This is actually an excerpt from my first novel PLEASE SAY KADDISH FOR ME. I removed the names and didn’t have enough words to give you the setting anyway. The book itself is historical fiction but this scene could take place anywhere I think. (If you want to more, the book’s available on Amazon or from the author. 😉 )


Like a brother, he gave her forehead a discreet kiss.  “Farewell, my sweet friend. You’ve written a melody on my heart that will play on forever.” 

            Suddenly his forced smile dissolved. He engulfed her in a strong embrace and mashed his lips against hers. Then he dropped his arms and stepped back.

            Lips tingling and unsure of what to do or say next, she studied his face. She wanted to remember every detail, every line. Taking a step toward him she rose on tiptoe, brushed her lips over his cheek and whispered, “I will miss the music in your eyes.”




I hope you’ll check out all four books of the Trilogy.


111 comments on “2 November 2018

  • Dear Rochelle,

    I adore this. Such a beautiful piece. You are absolutely correct. This could definitely be anywhere with any two people… though I do have a fondness for both characters 😉

    Lotsa love,


    Liked by 5 people

    • Dear Björn,

      Time to read the second book, no? 😉 I thought it would be fun this week to rewrite the scene without names or background to let the reader draw his or her own conclusions. 😀 Thank you.




  • What a lovely little scene, that indeed can be anyplace, almost anywhere. So sweet and loving and so full of mystery, too. What’s next, I wonder. Where is he going? Will they meet again? Why are they separating?
    Well done!
    Here’s my piece (which I’d left with the link-a-think-thing, too, of course):

    She Checks, Mate.


    Liked by 1 person

  • I wept the first time I read this… I weep again today as I read this. Going to have to sit with this pic for a little while…It’s too scary, the images it brings to mind, that is. Not sure I can put words to it….


  • Nikolai’s story brought a tear to my eyes, I could almost hear his flute. I’m so sorry for the hurt this person caused you. I’m not trained so I don’t know the proper way of commenting, but everything I’ve read of yours is beautifully told and saturated with depth and feeling. I always find it easy to bond with your characters. Unfortunately, I think there are people out there who put others down to make themselves feel better, no matter what arena.

    I was motivated and encouraged by reading your comments and so glad to hear you’ll not quit! I hope you are able to shake off the negative, hurtful feelings this person passed on. They are not worth the energy of self-doubt (though I understand the strength of self-doubt in my own life). I also hope you have a joyful week ahead!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Brenda,

      I’m glad you enjoyed Nikolai’s story. Of all the characters in my trilogy, he’s by far the most complex.
      I don’t know that there’s a right or wrong way to comment. Aside from the negative reviewer, of course. 😉 Hers was simply hurtful and hateful, if not ridiculously long.
      Not quitting here. Too many words to write. So little time. Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

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