21 December 2018

Published December 19, 2018 by rochellewisoff

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Please be considerate of 70 or more participants and keep your story to 100 words. Thank you. 

The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit. 

Copyright – Adam Ickes

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Another week of reruns. This is a story I posted 5 years ago 13 December 2013 Click the link to see who was with us then. A few of you may have written a story for this prompt. If so, feel free to post your own rerun. 

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Word Count: 100


            Charli’s hiking boots are caked with dried mud that defies my cleaning efforts.

            From her first cry, I dreamed of dressing my firstborn in pink pinafores with ruffled lace. But, before she turned two, Charli made it clear she detested pink.

            Since then, I’ve given birth to another tomboy and a son who happens to love pink. Go figure.

            After the accident on her thirteenth birthday, the boots were the only part of Charli I didn’t sell, toss or donate.

            I listen for the doorbell. In a moment I’ll meet the girl to whom I gave my daughter’s untamed heart.

122 comments on “21 December 2018

  • A moving piece of parental love and understanding. Everyone to their own, their aspirations and way of life. What irritates me is when people try to transfer their unhappiness onto to others, particularly when you understand. Working on the positives enhances life’s expectations. Just my opinion.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear James,

      I think we’re of similar opinions. There’s nothing that brings a body down than being around another whose outlook is always negative. Those types suck the life right out of you.
      Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. Always appreciated. 😀




    • Dear Suzanne,

      When I wrote this five years ago I was influenced by a true story. Recently I saw a similar story on the news. What a selfless thing to do. I cannot even imagine the emotions. Thank you so much for your sweet comments.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Beautiful Rochelle. You gave us a child and you gave us the parental grief at her loss but brought us up knowing that her death was not in vain and another gained life because of it. There is annecdotal evidence that someone receiving a donated heart will take on the donors characteristics. Perhaps Charli’s untamed heart will continue to run amok.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Irene,

      I’ve seen so many reports of unselfish parents who donated their children’s hearts and later having the privilege of listening to the hearing them beat in another chest. Thank you for your kind comments/compliments. 😀



      Liked by 1 person

  • I started a year after you first posted this one. Until then I had been part of a wonderful community called Fiction Friday 55 in which we were to tell a story with no prompts in 55 words. That hub fell apart, leaving me adrift. You and the other Fictioneers made me feel welcome. I really appreciate that.

    Liked by 1 person

  • There is so much to love in this story… the gender roles, the tragedy and the gift of having a part of her still living…

    Somehow I saw another alternative in the reading… and maybe a hopeful one where Charli is still alive and the girl coming to visit is her lover who took her away… somehow there could be an acceptance of lesbian love as well… but reading the comments I saw the other way of getting that untamed heart.

    Liked by 2 people

  • Heart rending and beautiful and loving and touching in so many ways–thank you for that! As someone who knows someone who is alive today because of the kindness of others in their time of greatest heartbreak, I know the enormity of this gift–to the giving, to the given.

    I’m copying here my contribution (already left on the linky-thinky). A different–or perhaps not fully–kind of memory.

    Tomorrow’s Memory


    Liked by 1 person

  • Rochelle, I am so sorry. I forgot this was 100 word story; this is almost 300 words even without the comment. Is there a way for me to delete off the blue frog? I guess I’m getting too many irons in the fire. Delete me if you can. If I delete from my end it will not delete the frog, will it?


    • Hi Oneta,

      Deleting you off the frog list is no problem. It won’t effect the list in the slightest. When you have a story that’s 100 words it’s a simple matter to relink. In fact, as I write I’ve already deleted your link. I’d challenge you to take that 300 word story and cut it down to 100. I know it can be done as I’ve done it many times with longer excerpts from my novels. The challenge is to keep the essence of the story and trimming off the fat if you will. 😉 Let me know if I can help in any other way.




    • Dear Abhijit,

      In more than one of these stories I’ve seen the donor parents with a stethoscope listening to their child’s heart beat in someone else’s chest. Very touching, indeed. Thank you for your kind comments re my story.



      Liked by 1 person

  • I had to read this several times before I understood the meaning and read the word heart literally. At first I thought it was a tale of acceptance of her own child’s sexual preference, or perhaps of the death of one daughter and the sexual preference of the other. But with the idea of donating a heart to another, the title and everything else made sense. A deceptively thought-provoking tale.


  • Such a poignant story that turns into one of hope and a bit of joy. To know her daughter’s heart saved another one’s life. A resurrection from sad to joy in so few words. You are a master wordsmith M’luv. The image of the boots on the porch evokes many stories and images.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    This brought tears to my eyes. Nothing more painful than losing a child but not more loving than giving the gift of life to someone else. Charli’s beautiful and untamed heart is beating. What a touching and inspirational story.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Adele,

      I can’t imagine the pain of losing a child. I admire these selfless parents who give their child’s organs to save another human. The ultimate gift. Your tears are my compliment. thank you.




  • Dear Queen Lurline,

    One of my best friends lost his son (age 40) this summer in an accident. The young man had signed his organ donor card and a good number of people of living better lives today because of it. It will be up to the recipients if they want to contact the family later on. I hope they do. I know it would mean a lot to the family.

    Ho, ho, hum,
    Edward Everett Red-Nose

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Edward Everett Red-Nose,

      I can’t imagine the pain your friend felt and is still feeling. What a selfless gift. It would be nice if the recipients contacted them. They might feel awkward about it. Who knows. Happy holidays to you and the rest of the Gayer clan.

      Merry Christmas to all,

      Queen Lurline W(T)F


    • Dear Ronda,

      You’re the first who seems to have noticed the audio. I guess that would be helpful to you. I will try to remember to do that from now on. Good practice for me anyway. 😉 I’m not in a position to do it this week, though. Glad you loved the story. It’s one of my favorites from back in the day. Happy Christmas, my friend. To you and the lovely Diva.




  • What a rich emotional landscape you’ve painted in 100 words, Rochelle. You’ve endeared me to the protagonist, who seems to have coped very well with the disappointments and surprises that life has thrown her way. I love the way your tale ended on a hopeful note.

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